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Everything posted by rockinbabzz

  1. is there a piccie of them together?? never seen it
  2. thank you petra!! i'm sitting here in my mikagig-outfit, including purple wig and all i just thought i'd try it on now i'm 'ill' anyway...
  3. well IF there happens to be a non-clothed version then i'm sure you don't object do you?
  4. then we're in the same train what wagon are you in?? i think starrats and me were in 33...
  5. kissing someone: i spy mika wearing the tightest trousers ever seen
  6. we don't know what he means with 'angry', grace kelly is an 'angry' song too. and i think something rocking would suit him, listen to sweet dreams!
  7. not sure if this has been asked yet, how was the merchandise stand?? did they sell any cool new stuff?
  8. well he never said he's NOT gay, he just doesn't say anything about it, which is even better i think
  9. blue i'd really book the train now if i were you! it was already half-full booked when i got my ticket, which is about a month ago!
  10. i once had a dream about meeting mika and in my dream he was smoking these fancy pink cigarettes but no, i real life he probably doesnt smoke. actually that makes me feel guilty about being a smoker for some reason
  11. if he doesnt even like his music then why does he want to interview him so badly? oh right, because he might be gay... i wonder exactly how long this is gonna stay 'news'
  12. finally someone who agrees, i mean there's even people thinking he sings 'she's a player and a downright whore' in lollipop while OBVIOUSLY it's 'downright bore' like the booklet says
  13. yeah exactly, this was a test to see what kind of interpretation people would have of this performance, and we failed cos we're all a bunch of perverts thinking they're shagging! i mean COME ONE the word sex would even cross his mind!
  14. ok i've seen the clip now, i would'nt have even NOTICED that animal was humping the other one if i hadn't read this whole thread first i seriously wonder who the perverted one in here actually is!
  15. hahahhahahahahahhaha sorry i can't stop laughing after reading this, i dont know if its true and i dont care because this is the funniest thing i've heard in ages. and btw, little kids won't die from seeing someon 'sexually' if this can even be called that.
  16. well yeah now i think of it, i've discovered three bands i adore trough them being support acts for the darkness... who knows
  17. aah no not two support acts, that means waiting longer for mika anyways, alphabeat are kinda cool so we'll survive it
  18. ooh that sounds a lot better! they're a proper support act for mika
  19. you can stay with us in the hostel, we can squeeze in and fit you in a bed somewhere, or you can bring a blowup matrass or something, we'll figure something out!
  20. well i've written 'love from mikafanclub.com' on it with every letter in another colour, and i'm sewing ribbons and buttons and stuff on it now
  21. ooh lovely that you are coming too em! i'm so looking forward to it all! am working on the banner btw
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