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Everything posted by rockinbabzz

  1. doesnt sound stupid cath, he CAN'T play a gig without curls
  2. i just bloody hope mika will NOT have this stupid straight hair in dusseldorf i need him with curls and colourful skinnyjeans, not in that stupid preppy outfit and straight hair that seems to be his new look
  3. i hate it, i want mika with curls, pink skinnyjeans, converses and a tamagotchi
  4. i hate it! that's a crime to curls!! i just bloody hope this is a one-off thing
  5. that's a little too much honour, but thank you
  6. thanks. i've made loads of these fishbags ( http://www.babzz.nl ) and i suddenly got inspired by the artwork of LiCM, and then decided that mika himself should have the first original Fish in Cartoon Motion
  7. yeah do that! he'll love them! haha and about the mikafishie: though he has grown another bit of purple lace now
  8. i'm gonna bring my mikafishiebag: and try and give it to him
  9. when is big girl being released in holland?? i kinda missed that
  10. i'm really looking forward to you in your cowgirl outfit sariflor
  11. same here, i have all these cool petticoatdresses and stuff but that's gonna be too cold...
  12. i still have to decide on my outfit, it has to match my purple wig but it also has to be sort of comfortable and warm so i won't freeze while queing... might just go for my purple skinnyjeans with a customized top
  13. but the one for 123 euros, that was from an official site right?
  14. poor starrats always seems to be out of luck... did you already pay??
  15. ooh yeah cybergoth stuff is cool, bring on latex and pink fluffy legwarmers!
  16. of course i'm wearing it to amsterdam aswell, it's my special mikagigwig! and yeah it's actually quite handy that noone will miss me lol. do dress up! it'll be funny
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