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Everything posted by rockinbabzz

  1. ok we'll go with that then i found a nice piece of purple fabric to use, and am gonna make a little design now
  2. what shall i put on it?? 'love from mikafanclub' or something? or just mikafanclub.com?
  3. yesterday at 3.00 in the morning i was in mcdonalds and they played the video of big girl i was ready to fall asleep but that just woke me up!
  4. i'm glad i can do something for the d'dorf gang too
  5. yay!! i actually might start on it today if i can find some suitable frabic!
  6. about that MFC banner, is someone going to make that? bc if noone agreed to do that yet, i would love to! i can make something very creative with loads of colours and mika-ish thingies, or does it have to be just the plain MFC sign?
  7. it would be totally fantastic if that little boy hazes is nr 1 for like 2 weeks and then mika strikes back with BG
  8. oooh big girl for nr 1! is the single already for sale actually? i didnt see it in the fame store in amsterdam yet...
  9. ooh glad to see there's more people who like the new version of holy johnny i think it's great, though i also loved to old version
  10. me and starrats (and blue?) are arriving at the trainstation at 10.19
  11. earrrrly... end of the morning/beginning of the afternoon probably.
  12. thanks for the awesome review!! damn, now i just can't wait until my next gig and about the pushing, at lowlands it was just HORRIBLE and i wasnt even front row, i got pushed to about the 10th row, while i had been waiting for hours to get a good spot...
  13. it's coming so close now!! i wanna thank everyone again for ordering all the cool stuff, and esp petra for the hostel thingie... this is gonna be the best concert trip ever
  14. we're probably gonna arrive late so the hotel people won't notice it... in an hotel in england we once brought 5 people back to our hotelroom for a party while there was only one double bed
  15. for me personally i don't mind sharing a bed with someone if it's necesarry! better then letting someone sleep on the street:wink2:
  16. aaah no bloody ****head! sorry. poor mika....
  17. this is probably a very stupid question but where is the competition for the tshirts?? i cannea find a thread for it
  18. ingie you can make a nice banner with that on to put in our sigs maybe
  19. yeah you've got a point there, but he could've kept it curly and worn a more... funky suit
  20. yeah... actually, he probably can't keep it straight during a gig anyway, i mean my hair always curls up a lot when i'm hot and sweaty... hmm mika being hot and sweaty, this is a good moment to go to bed, goodnight girls
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