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Everything posted by guylainem123

  1. I don't know if this was posted yet, but here's a really nice review of this concert http://www.sorstu.ca/critique-mika-en-formule-intime-a-montreal/
  2. i also noticed when they go to Europe on that show, that often, the kitchens don't have stoves & just burners... and the fridges are tiny compared to ours. I always thought it was just a coincidence on the show, being most of these people were renting & not buying homes, but when Nanou came here, she said everything we own is big (ie stoves, cars, fridges etc...)
  3. oh wow! i always thought it was further apart then it really is! No, we don't do that. We leave all the cupboards in place... they are actually part of the house when you sell them. also, if we replaced a cupboard with a dishwasher, it is also part of the house. Fridge and stove, you take with you. Though i see they are also starting to include them in the selling of homes. Which sounds weird to me. I wouldn't want to use a fridge and stove that belonged to a stranger
  4. So... i was watching this television show last night called "house hunter international" i'm not sure if anyone is familiar with this show, but it's a show about a family who is moving to another country and this agent shows them homes & by the end of the show, they choose the house they are going to rent. Yesterday, this American family was moving to Sicily. They were shown homes close to Mount Etna. A few questions to my Italian friends... Can you really see the mainland of Italy from the tip of Sicily? In the homes they were shown, they were told that in Italy, it's normal for the previous people to leave with the kitchen. These homes truly had no kitchens left at all, no cupboards, no counters, nothing... just a blank room Is that true?
  5. oh wow! long time no see Mirtilla! what is this book for?
  6. Welcome to the Mika Fan Club! i'm glad you found us! It's never too late to listen to good music
  7. welcome to the Mika Fan Club!
  8. think of it as a ghost town with tumbleweed rolling around and 1 or 2 cowboys showing up from time to time
  9. the last time i visited, it was through a very weird website name, had about 2 members who were posting once in a while (members of MFC at the time) and 99% of the posts were spammers it was unkept, no moderation whatsoever and doomed to die
  10. i don't think so, it doesn't seem to be quite wonka's style of photoshopping EDIT: i wonder if it's like a "face in the hole" thing... there's a bunch of people using the same outfit when you google the image lol ex: http://www.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=http://www.blakebuck.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/arabianstud.png&imgrefurl=http://www.blakebuck.com/?m=201201&h=474&w=403&tbnid=3O9poaiFOgImyM&zoom=1&tbnh=244&tbnw=207&usg=__knDwxrmNAHTiiFsSl0KY-jCbJ5I=
  11. This pic was posted way back in 2011 on MFC, though i still don't know who the creator was http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3425320&postcount=64
  12. yeah... kinda like GK too is biography might be interesting... i wonder if it will start with "Hi, my name is Mika and i was born in Beirut"
  13. Especially after he makes such a deal about the passing of famous song writers or artists who left their marks through the passage of time. And his words sound so sincere. Really? that's the one i like the least, after Underwater. The fake floating through the air just doesn't do it for me. As for Underwater, well... i do like the underwater scenes, but that's about it. Grace Kelly's video has a home feel to it, but there's nothing wrong with that. BG is just ok. LT is just ok Rain is good. Popular is a great video
  14. CKOI posted a link from some random person in Portugal & that's why UMG blocked it. I sent them the proper link... hopefully they'll fix it
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