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Everything posted by guylainem123

  1. So are men!!! Look at what Mika has done to all of us!!! hey look!!! we have a boum boum boum smilie!
  2. oh we know he's acting... we just aren't sure how he would have acted had it been a man well, we've spent years and years studying his every moves for instance, i do believe there was a study done on how he held his hand around a fan's shoulder... hand on shoulder or closed fist. we studied to see if that was a way to show how comfortable he was with said fans. lately, he uses a different facial expression that he never used before when he's taking pics with fans and some show hosts... i'm trying to read those... so far, i've come up with "i'm making that face because i'm sick of taking pics all the time" ... but i have no proof
  3. well, that shouldn't be considered acting... that's suppose to be how he really feels when he sees/hears music. though he does play for the camera his acting is much better than Underwater. But in Underwater, he was acting alone mostly & couldn't feed off other people's energy.
  4. Mika looks to me like he is with the ladies behind another man's back. Those ladies all have other men. Mika keeps a tab on the ladies via his cell or via that telescope and other ways i haven't seen yet (since it all happens so fast. ) Mika is infatuated with them to the point of killing the other man, going to jail, having a gun or knife fight and risking being killed for what he's done. and that's what happens
  5. he could have driven his own little sports car for the 60s, with Mel next to him or is it his acting??? we can't tell as we didn't see him do the same scene with a man
  6. i noticed the man saying "boum boum boum" but in my mind, he is clearly referring to what Mika is looking at & not proposing Mika
  7. so my guess is 1 day shooting of unshaved Mika and 1 day of shaved Mika
  8. at 2min14sec into the video, he makes a smile with only one side of his mouth. i think that's cute
  9. But i do like GK video... he looks more at ease in it. Kinda normal as he's just singing and performing instead of acting
  10. i don't have to fight for my point of view, as i'm not trying to convince anyone or tell anyone what to think. my mind is made up & i stand by my previous post EDIT: oh... sand in the Sahara... i like that expresssion too. we also say sell a fridge to an eskimo lol
  11. He would be a great model for magazines though.... He could probably sell igloos to Eskimos with that face XD
  12. Oh no ... He can't act. Lol He is getting away with it because of the editing & because it is filmed in bits and pieces. I do not him to launch a actor career. XD
  13. They are not safer, they can also be obsessed & jealous lol
  14. I see it as he's the one obsessed with them.... Not the other way around... Maybe I'll change my mind when I look at in on a computer... I'm watching it on my phone lol
  15. Well... So in every short story, he falls for someone else's woman, becomes obsessed, ends up having a duel of some kind, wins, but then gets killed or jailed for the crime. Right? This is the most heterosexual I've ever seen him XD In my head, from the few images we had seen, I thought that throughout the times he was falling for women, gets killed and reincaranated to another era & it all starts again... but as he got closer to 2014, his love interest would have changed for a man
  16. Oh! they did update his hairdo... he still looks plastic though and they did up his bow if i was a little girl, i'd think he'd make a nice Ken to my Malibu barbie
  17. i know! i wonder if they fixed it since this picture was put on their website
  18. What's wrong with the mop they stuck on his head in Montreal? Don't you think it's fashionable? I think his hairstylist will need to come to Montreal for a week or two.. this is horrible!
  19. that wax thing is still standing? i was hoping it had melted by now I HATE WAX MUSEUMS!!! you won't find me visiting the Montreal Wika either.... no matter if they had 10 Mikas in the room. Those things are very scary looking
  20. Bienvenue sur le Mika Fan Club!
  21. that's pretty cool! you can tell the people who will tell you "again MIKA?" that he's wearing your bracelet
  22. Haha somehow I doubt that XD People behind him wouldn't see well because of his height
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