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Everything posted by guylainem123

  1. Well, it is a French word, but when I say it to hubby (who is English Canadian), I pronounce it like that. If I'm speaking French, it's a bit different. Also, the pronounciation of Putin's name varies from French to English. If you're speaking English, then no, it is not pronounced the same. One is more like poo and the other pew If speaking French, then his name and poutine is pretty much the same Edit : I'll try to find examples in the morning
  2. This is a poutine. Like Cathouzouf said, it is made with french fries, gravy and curd cheese. We call that cheese "squeeky cheese" because it is done and delivered daily and is very moist. It squeeks when you eat it The cheese melts a bit with the heat of the fries and gravy, but mostly remains in little chunks, like the picture. The one they served Mika was all melted and stretchy like when you eat a pizza. Which makes me believe they made it with shredded mozzarella, which would totally change the taste of it. So yes, he ate a "poutine" but it wasn't done with the authentic ingredients and wouldn't have the same taste. He's missing the squeeky stuff
  3. shhhh do not disturb Mika.... he is totally inspired by the poutine he ate on Tuesday & he's busy writing a song about it
  4. Welcome! I didn't realize we clap different than in France! XD
  5. The shows will air in France in August & September in Canada. So French MFCers will see it before us... But I'm sure they'll let us know what they think about it. Even if Mika was at the last show they were recording, it will actually air the 2nd week, followed by Stromae. Once in a while, they'd redo a few lines because in France they'd have no idea what they were talking about. I wonder if they'll have a France version & one for Quebec
  6. my mom was Québec French & she also used to tell us to wear clean undies "just in case"
  7. i have a feeling if i wouldn't have offered the information, he was going to ask me... he somehow kinda knew she was suppose to be with me Now that's true love!
  8. want me to quote it just so we are sure that's the one you are referring to?
  9. that's where we were to get our pics taken
  10. Some older lady in the VIP area asked me (after you left) if you were my daughter and that you looked so sweet
  11. Raya, if it makes you feel any better about missing the M & G, your name was not called... i don't think you won in the same competition as Cathouzouf & I did. There was 2 on FB
  12. the "reward" (meet & greet) was not for clapping all day... as a matter of fact the ones who sat there clapping did NOT win an M & G. It was poor old Cathouzouf and I, stuck in the wonderful VIP area that had won the competition on FB. But since Lilstar was the +1 with Cathouzouf, she got the M & G as well. So only 3 MFCers did
  13. yeah, he kept giggling when talking about his nephew crying & his sister being tired. You know, it was great because we didn't expect it at all! We didn't know we were going to meet him and had no clue why they were calling our names. I think they called out 5 names only (2 MFCers) Roxy came also as she was the +1 for Cathouzouf... not sure if they had individual pics or together with him as it was 1 fan in the tent at a time. (so it was him, the crew, the photographer & 1 fan, so it felt personal, even if there was about 12 people in the tent)
  14. I also want to say that i tip my hat off to Rayabadran, Roxy & CathBlais Being on stage was NOT an easy job. Not only did they have to endure these uncomfortable sitting position, they were reminded to stay straight at all times, so that they didn't slouch on TV, I'm pretty sure their hands are sore from clapping. The taping lasted approximately 9 hours!!!! (and Mika was there the entire time by the way, all 6 guests were.) Not only did they had to clap & react when told for about (though sometimes it was spontaneous), but in between takes, they would get them to do extra clapping recordings Apparently WE are different than France and because this show is to show Quebec/France differences, we had to clap differently than our usual way Let me explain.... Apparently here, when we clap, we also make woohoos or yeahhhh with our mouth. Well, apparently in France, they don't do that So these poor people on stage had to do extra clapping sessions with the woohoos, without any sounds, while standing up, while sitting down, while looking at each other, loud applause, moderate applaude, calm applause, busting with energy applause... you name it, they did it... while Cathouzouf and I sipped our wine on a couch Because this was the last recording of the series (though i think they said it was going to be aired 2nd), they had all kinds of leftover gifts they were sharing with the crowd. I didn't win extra gifts (i don't think any MFCers did), but I came out of there with a CD from a Quebec singer who was on Star Academie this year, a DVD of Martin Matte and also tickets and concert ticket (not sure if 1 or 2) for Patrick Bruel Nov. 6
  15. The stage was RIGHT next to the water. So as they are interviewing Mika, this huge boat goes by. Mika said "oh! Here's my taxi" Everyone waved at the ship, mika made the gesture for the captain I blow he horn & they did. He thought it was funny. They congratulated him on being an uncle & asked him if he was ready for fatherhood. He is not ready for a while, they asked him why & he said with a giggle that After being around his baby nephew, he realizes that babies cry a lot & his sister is tired. He said he never knew all the miniature stuff you can buy kids, so he buts stuff for him. He also said that because his album was written towards summer, it has a carefree, relax, summery sound to it
  16. So.... here we go!!! Production J had asked us to be present for 11h to give us instructions, but they never gave us any info & we just boarded the buses at 12h00 As we got on the bus, it started to rain As we arrive, we can hear Mika is doing the soundcheck We were shown our seats. At first it was ok, but then they started to really cram people together, i was on the 3rd out of 4 row up. It was extremely uncomfortable, feet on your back & no where to move your own feet. On top of that, they tried to match people, so not all blue clothing were together etc... so we weren't all together. They sat Cathouzouf next to me, Raya next to Roxy & CathBlais was alone. They decided to send up to the top row Cathouzouf & I, so we went up. Then it started to rain really really hard. The way the stage was built, rain was building up behind us and slowly crawling to our seat area. When they came with towels, they realize we wouldn't be able to sit there, so they said to Cathouzouf & I "we are so sorry, but you'll have to move to the VIP/tent area. At first Cath & I weren't really happy about it, but what can we do. They said they'd come and rotate us back to the stage in a little bit. They ended up coming back & saying they were sorry but couldn't as they were pressed for time due to the weather. The VIP area was directly in front of the stage, but further from the guests. We also had televisions, nice comfy couches. We get there, they are passing food, wine, drinks, nice sandwiches, amuse-bouches... you name it, we had it. How the show works, there are 6 guests & 2 hosts... Julie Snyder (from Quebec, also the host of Star Academie) & Michel Drucker (from France) There are 6 parts on the show, 1 for each guest. They show their career accomplishments & then they all discuss, compare etc... Mika was the 4th one. They showed a film of his life, same usual kiddy pics we see & as a matter of fact, i'm pretty sure it was the same film they showed about his life on Star Academie, but added his SA performance to it. Mika was sitting next to a Quebec singer named "Coeur de Pirate" aka Beatrice Martin. She speaks english & was sometimes translating for Mika, or at least explaining to him what was being said, as he does not understand our accent all the time. So Mika started to say that we have the best restaurants. He was asked if he ever had a poutine & he said a WHAT? So they explained to him what it was & he didn't look very impressed. They told him that before the end of the show, he would taste one. A little bit later, they served poutine to all 6 guests. Mika's face was so funny... he ate it a bit, but when the cameras stopped rolling, he stopped. He didn't look very impressed. He maintains his album will be ready in November. He says he will concentrate on it for the next 2 months. They talked a bit about The Voice and XF. They were surprised he spoke italian. He told his story about his sicilian teacher & said he learnt it in 1 month. They asked him to speak Italian & he did. They talked to him about the suits he's been wearing on The Voice & apparently his mom worked with the designer to have them made. He really looked quite sharp today, i think his suit was gray with a pattern of a flower, matching tie, but it wasn't overpowering. Louboutin shoes, of course, but not the spiky ones. His hair was like on the James Bond part of the video. They said he was going to sing GK in french (i was not happy) and Boum Boum Boum. So he starts to sing, has to stop as he sat on the piano & unhooked his sound thingy behind him. He started over, He did the first verse in French and then switched to english, the song rolled right into Boum Boum Boum, which he sang with Coeur de pirate as a duet. I was pleasantly surprised... it was quite good together. They started to record the show again, but Mika said "Can we do the songs again?" And they said of course... so they started again. I was afraid he'd try to sing GK all in french, but no... he went back to english. The instruments were all acoustic, a band with piano, drums, bass and i think a yukulele, but i'm not sure... i couldn't see that musician well. It sounded a bit jazzy His voice was very good. Coeur de Pirate doesn't have a huge voice, so he changed the melody a bit to accommodate her. After the show, they said for everyone to get on stage to have a group picture taken (over 100 people i would say) I hear my name being called (they also said Cathouzouf's name) on the speakers. They asked us if we were "Journal de Montreal" winners, i said no... so they looked again & they said ha yes, you're in pink, those are the Mika Fan winners. Go back under the tent. We get there & this lady tells us to follow her (we were about 10 i guess... the winner & their +1 ) She tells us that it also included a picture with Mika & we are allowed to have something signed. They take us to Mika's VIP tent, he's giving an interview for this french magazine, we can see him, he's in the tent, but about 3 ft from the little window. They double check our names and send us in one by one when he's finished... i think i was 3rd or 4th. When he sees me walking in, he walked towards me with a big smile. He said "well hello again, how are you?" i told him my name (just in case) and he says something like "oh i know, you've been a constant presence through the years and i mean that in a good way" I told him Deb said hello and that she was suppose to be with me, but her plane got cancelled. He said "oh no, i'm so sorry for her, i looked for her in the audience, i was wondering because i couldn't find her... tell her i say hello" He asked if i was going to see him in February and i said yes Cathouzouf had bought a watch 6 months ago for me, but i haven't seen her since, so she had it with her. I gave it to him to sign (otherwise it was a poster from the show) & he said "oh... you got one!" he got a pen, and signed it "to the famous Guylaine! Mika xx" I said "oh you remember that" and he said "of course i do!" Then i said see you in Feb and he said bye bye The End
  17. not sure why, but the updated email, they said it was ok
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