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Posts posted by bonzaboy

  1. Ah, I liked it!


    Audacity crashed as I went to save the recording of the interview. I nearly died. Then I remembered it autosaves the file, but in four million different pieces. Thank god, I managed to put them back together. Just editing it now, and then I'll upload for you all. =]


    And he said he's coming to Australia!! :woot_jump:

  2. Radio 2 is boring....really, I suggest they make this Mika day and play Mika songs until he comes on:roftl:


    Ha, it's okay if it's boring... I've got a Biology assignment I should be doing. If I like the music, I'll feel inclined to sing along, and have trouble typing whilst singing...lol

  3. I'm in Cairns hehehe :naughty:


    How was everyone's weekend? Mine was busy busy busy but glad to be home


    Not too bad, I went to a gymkhana with Bonza (my horse), and we did okay. He jumped a nice big jump course for me. =]

    We came third overall out of three... Bonza's not really a sport pony...lol :naughty:


    And then after that, I came home and wrote my Biology assignment! (which, for the record, is still not finished... I have until tomorrow morning. I played the OCD card, and told him that I couldn't stand the way Ubuntu (our school operating system) prints. It makes the font huge and messes up margins, graphs, tables, etc. He was like, whatever...:roll_eyes: )

  4. :roftl: You really fit in well here. Good luck getting it done/finding a good excuse.

    Yeah, I still haven't decided whether I need an excuse... depends how much I can get done in the next few hours. lol

    Still, got any ideas for me? :naughty:

    775 words, and I've finished the introduction... I suppose that's a start!

    (I'm not the only one, though... virtually the entire class is complaining about it on facebook...lol)


    :lmfao: Nice!

  5. Hi all, I'm currently up to the usual- procrastinating. Found out yesterday that the second part of my Biology EEI is not due in week three, but Monday week 2. I.e- in two days. Being the sort of person I am, I haven't started it, and have dedicated my day tomorrow to a gymkhana with Bonza. To my credit, I did just do some research, but am currently counteracting that good behaviour by allowing my concentration to lapse and post here. :naughty:


    No-one seems to be in here tonight...

  6. I loved Richard Harris as Dumbledore as well. I wouldn't be too annoyed with Michael Gambon if they had at least tried to keep some continuity between the two portrayals. The two things that annoyed me the most were the pointless changes to the Irish accent and the grey hair and beard. Dumbledore's beard is supposed to be silver! And I know everybody mentions this but the worst moment of all the films so far (even worse than Dan's crying in Prisoner of Azkaban, bless him), is when Gambon's Dumbledore strangled Harry while shouting "DID YOU PUT YOUR NAME IN THE GOBLET OF FIRE?!?!?"


    Richard Harris was perfect, but it seems, with the sixth film, that Michael Gambon is finally becoming more like the Dumbledore I have in my head.

    Yeah, the beard was annoying too! And the shouting in GOF! I think it was at that point I announced to the cinema that "That is so not right!"

    Like I said before, I haven't seen the film yet, but I'm willing to take your word that his character is improving! =]


    Harry Potter was great! Perhaps lacking a little bit of action at some stages, but overall it was a really well done film. For the first time since he came into them in The Prisoner Of Azkaban, I actually thoroughly enjoyed Michael Gambon's portrayal of Dumbledore. I've always been extremely critical of him because Dumbledore is probably my favourite character within the books and he just really frustrated me with all the over-the-top anger, etc. But I think Gambon pulled him off really excellently in this one. Everything else was great.. Tom Felton really showed the deeper aspects of Malfoy's character, the romance was funny and well done (except for that stupid scene with Harry and Ginny in the room of requirement), Daniel Radcliffe was both serious and hilarious at the right moments and the cave scene, although a little bit shorter than I would have hoped, was brilliantly frightening. And as always, Alan Rickman was amazing as Snape (my other favourite book character). :thumb_yello:


    I haven't seen it yet, but I totally agree with the OTT stuff. It absolutely killed me. IMO, Richard Harris was perfect for the part. But good things don't last forever...=|

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