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Posts posted by bonzaboy

  1. Is there anyway to validate the EP book if we did not get a code? And what if we bought tickets from the venue? Is there still a way to redeem them? :dunno:


    With the EP book, you have to put the disc in the drive, and validate it like LiCM and the DVDs. As for the tickets, I'm not sure... TBH, I've never actually seen a gig ticket in my life! lol

  2. Hi Everyone ... I'm back online :woot_jump: .. my nephew had a 41 degree temp and it was because of pneumonia at first and then was told he has glandular fever and needs to get his tonsils out... he was discharged today and is doing better but still sick ... just have to wait to see what happens next ... hope i havent missed much ... xoxox

    Good to hear! =D


    Today, I went to our LCU (local uni) for a subject expo for yr12. I did IT in the morning, and Medicine and Dentistry in the afternoon. There was 7 of us doing IT. I was clearly the nerdiest, and the current students appeared to be intrigued with me. Apparently they don't see the female specimen much in their field...lol


    The afternoon session (med and dentistry) was pretty cool. Partially because one of my friends was running it, and partially because we got to visit the anatomy lab! That was, without a doubt, the highlight of the day. We got to take a look at deceased body parts! Apparently, people can opt to donate their bodies after death to research. So we all put on some highly attractive plastic aprons and gloves, and had a look at it all! I found the spinal cord quite interesting. It's actually comprised of many, smaller cords inside a thick membrane! Ah, it was awesome!

  3. I'm logging in with my email though =/ Gah. I'll try later. Thank you, though =)


    Ahh, I forgot about that part! Oops!

    Does it auto-complete your email address? Mine does, but there's a typo in the auto-complete version, so I have to edit that out...

  4. Is anyone having a problem with logging in at Mikasounds? I've even changed my password, and it's not letting me log in! Is it just me?


    I can log in fine... What browser are you using? Also, the usernames at MS are case sensitive. Meaning that Becky, BECKY BeCkY, becky, etc. are all classed as different users. It's the opposite here. You could log in as any one of those caps/lowercase combinations of your username with your pasword, and be directed to the same account. =]

  5. Now, onto what brought me into this thread.


    I was listening to British radio, and they referred to the country as "Au -strahl- yuh." And I find most Canadians pronounce it "Au-stray-ill-yuh."


    So I'm curious - how do real live Aussies pronounce it? :teehee:


    Real live Aussies...lol


    In general (lazy :naughty:) conversation, we drop the 'Au' alltogether. So it sometimes becomes "Strahl-yah" or "Strayl-ya"


    I pronounce it "Au-stray-lee-uh" the vast majority of the time. =]

  6. :aah: You certainly can !! :aah:


    I just can't seem to catch up !! :no:


    Hello Silv & CD :bye:

    And anyone else who is mad enough to be here at 7:45 on a Friday night ... :rolls_eyes: :teehee:


    Ha, I'm being a bad party host. I've ditched my own party to come play online... All my guests are being really noisy... It's hurting my ears!

    I'll go back and hang with them when they quieten down...lol

  7. You know you're a mika fan when ... you have just said 'Je suis un ane' to a friend and they have no idea what it means while you laugh to yourself

    I do that all the time. :naughty:



    When you get a tattoo (permenently attached to your body :sneaky2: ) based on Mika/Mika related things. :mf_rosetinted:



    Aw, that's awesome!



    I understand you perfectly! :wink2:

    So do I... If you hadn't mentioned it, I wouldn't have known English wasn't your first language!

  8. I have just planned my future. :biggrin2:


    I want to get a reasonably good UAI at the end of year 12. I will then apply for a Bachelor of Education (I'm not sure whether I want to do primary or high school yet) at the local Charles Sturt University. If I get accepted I'm going to defer for a year and apply for this teachers aide thing my school does. At the end of each year they give finishing year 12 students the opportunity to apply to be a sort of assistant at school, which I think I would really enjoy. And apparently the pay is really great! When that finishes I'll apply for a job at a number of bookstores and DVD rental places (my top two choices) and do that for money while I'm at uni for four years. And I'm going to stay at my parents house throughout all of this, because I am currently too dependent upon them to give that up. :naughty:


    Awesome! I've been reading all the uni stuff of late, (since I'm gonna have to make some sort of decision soon...). I'm thinking of doing a bachelor in IT, and have found this great scholarship!

    With the primary/secondary thing, I believe you need to have done Maths B in order to do secondary (at least in Qld, we do). But even if you do A (like myself), you can always pick B up as an elective at Uni before you begin.

    Our school also does the teacher-aide thing. I'd do it, but we're moving at the end of the year. Several of my teachers have already suggested I join the school IT team...lol

    You're lucky you have to opportunity to stay at home. Where we're looking at moving to is about an hour and a half at the least from Brisbane. So unless I go do Vet science or something at QU Gatton, I'm living on campus! I don't like the idea, but I've gotta become independent at some stage!

  9. The other day I started going on about Mika randomly with my friend:

    Me: -Oh and you know, he's in Australia now.

    Him:-Him? Who?

    Me: -Errr...Mika.

    Him: -Ah.Yeah.Of course.Mika. Wtf's he doing in Australia?

    Me: -I dunno... Press?

    Him: -Ah yeah.

    Me: - You don't really care where he is and why dont you?

    Him: -To be honest...Absolutely not. But I'm used to having you talking about him:aah:

    My sister's like that...

    She posted this on my facebook the other day after our discussion in regards to whether Edward Cullen (yeah, she's a Twilight obsessive) showers or not. I also often feel the need to remind her that Edward is fictional.


    "HAH! i believe mika is fictional regardless of whether Edward Cullen showers or not."


    And then a bit later...





  10. awww my cat is so petité she wont go near water ... but my pug loves my mum's pool and so i made him get in and have a bath in the pool even though its freezing ... :teehee:


    Bit cold in Cairns tonight .. time for the doona

    Yeah, we've had a bit of a cold snap up north, ay!

    I think it's the southerly wind we've been getting, since it's been pretty cool down south as well...


    My cats don't really like the water, they just happen to understand that I'm alpha E.J, and they do as their told...lol

    Time to bring up this pic again in order to support that last statement, I believe... Oliver does love to play dressups...:naughty:



    I got ripped off at Subway today - I ordered a 6 inch and as I was getting stuff on it I was like "that's a mighty short 6 inch", and then I saw the person after me's AND IT WAS CUT ON BOTH ENDS! THAT ****ING SLAG WAS CUTTING THEM INTO THREE PIECES!!! THEY ARE CALLED ****ING 6 INCH SUBS, NOT 4 INCH, SLAG! :mad3:


    Any news on Teegs today? :blink:

    That sucks! Did you say anything?


    If I recall correctly, Zoe popped in to tell us that she might be moved back to the hospital in Orange Wednesday-ish...

  11. oh yes! Last night I dreamt that HE sent me a message on twitter. :wub2:


    This morning I checked it out but nothing...It was just a dream! :boxed:

    I dreamed something quite similar the other night!

    I was on Twitter, and he direct messaged me, but it popped up in the middle of the screen like a new PM does here.

    He wanted to know if I could send him the video of my baby chickens, so he could play it on some talk show.


    Random much?

    This is the vid he was after in the dream-

    It's my most viewed vid on youtube...lol

  12. GOOD MORNING my fellow mikamites ... :wink2: Hope saturday is going good ...

    Saturday has been great! I bathed both my cats today. They absolutely LOVED it...lol

    But they had this icky fungal infection, so I had to do it. I bathed Forest, the little one first, since he's scared of the blow-dryer, and would need the sunlight, and then Oliver, the fat one who doesn't seem to be phased by anything... I vacuumed him once and he didn't care...lol

    So he purred through the blow-dry process... strange cat...


    Going good so far. I've hung out washing, put on another load, washed dishes, made a cake, and folded washing. And yet I'm completely up to date with here as well. I'm feeling very positive:biggrin2:

    That's excellent! I do love a good positive mood! :biggrin2:


    Nope, I'm on holidays for almost two and a half weeks. So I go back on the 27th of July. :biggrin2:



    On our first day back, all the seniors get to do this uni visit thing. We do two sessions in regards to the courses. I'm going to do the IT expo in the morning, since that's what I'm trying to get into, and then in the arvo I'm going to the medicine session with my friend, who pretty much only wanted to go to the anatomy lab because the note said we'd encounter dead body parts...

  13. I wish.. I still have two major assessments to do this term (english and physics). Next week I have school on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Then holidays!!


    Haha, today in English it was so funny and cute. We were all sitting there listening to the teacher (an old wise man with an awesome beard), and we were just about to get into groups to discuss something. Then just as he finished explaining he said "Be careful not to talk too loud, you might wake Lucy." And then everyone turned around and she was fast asleep. Aww. It was hilarious though, and the teacher has a great sense of humour, so he just thought it was funny as well. :roftl:


    I've been on holidays all week! :boxed:

    Do you go back on the 13th (which just so happens to be my bday, lucky me...), or have another week after that?


    Aw, that's sweet. My English teacher hastles my friend because she always sorta falls asleep in class. Once she asked her if she was getting enough sleep. My friend was like, no offence Miss, but you have to keep me entertained... I then offered to conscientiously poke her every few minutes, or better yet, purchase one of those zappy dog collars, but no-one's taken up my offer...lol

  14. Just found this site: Songfacts.com


    Newbies might want to check this out..


    Here is one version of the story about

    Any Other World



    "There is a little spoken introduction that many people may miss. It's about a family friend of mine who lost her eye during the war in Lebanon and I realized in everyone's life their comes one point, or several points where something happens and you have to completely change the way you have lived your life because of one event. And it really makes you readjust and rethink and rejudge parts of your life all over again. That happens to some people in a dramatic way like Rafa who lost both her eye and her husband within 6 months. Or it can be in a much quieter way like when you are 22-years-old and you finally leave university after being in education all your life or when you lose your job. I wanted to put that in the song, because when you're 68 or 14, it's still the same feeling and it's still just as hard. I wanted to try to capture that quite difficult period that people have to go through at least once in their life."


    Hehe, I submitted that to SongFacts! =P

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