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Everything posted by JULS92

  1. awwww ii waant too!! i wanna go hoome
  2. suure!! what are u giirls workiing?
  3. ......who's sitting in school and is bored to death?? well i'm so bored right noow so i thought why not start a thread? who's also bored? i wanna taalk to somebody.. grrr..
  4. if you say "dream about angels" i guess i'll dream about you =) you're the best person i know.. ;) wouldn't exchange you for any money in this woorld :D .. love you exactly the way you are ;)


    so then have a nice evening !!


    Relax. .. take it easy xD

  5. i'm fiine but tired.. and i should sleep now =( can't believe iit -.- you're here and i should goo.. that really sucks.. but honey.. if u stay up late ^^i'm here again at 6.30 am :D and later when i'm in school at 8.30.. gotta go now honey.. don't be mad =(.. i love you!!


    look what i did today in school.. ^^



  6. A W E S O M E. but baad timing .. gotta go to sleep in a few minutes.. but tell me how are u honey? =)

  7. huunneyyy xD meee is here -.- are u there? xD

  8. goood niight :D wiish u crazy sweet dreams ;)

  9. hahah thank you :D you ->:dance_man: too! :D haha i liike crazy people :P they're more fun :D haha..

  10. :mf_lustslow: haha :D well most of my teachers are pretty young.. betweeen 25-30 :roftl: but i also have some older ones :D hahaha
  11. oohh das ist früüh ich hab erst um 9 Uhr schule und dass jeden tag hahaha
  12. hahaha thank youu :D yeeaahh i hope so too ^^but it's fuun with 2 gay boys in the class :D :D.. hahaha.. but we have some niiiice good looking teachers muahahahaha xD

  13. boys^^aww god.. in my class are exactly 3 boys :D 2 of them are gay hahahahaa..

    well school's not that interesting at the moment.. :P but here's something i painted today ^^i did it in 1 hour.. so don't expect too much :D:D



    it's a drawing from a sketch i made when we were in a "camp" with school :P


  14. naajjaa.. ^^hatte schuule war ganz schöön anstregend
  15. hello hello :D i'm tiired ^^.. and you? aaawwww sure it was the best day of my life -.- like every monday hahaha..

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