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Everything posted by JULS92

  1. aww.. i met a guy last summer on an event ^^ i was drunk and there with some friends and there was a guy a few meters away from us and he totaally looked like mika xD and then i shouuted "heeyy Mikaaa" and he looked at us and came over oh god i almost died.. i asked if i can make a picture with hiim and he said "yes if i get a kiss :D" hahahaha.. (he was druuunk..too.) so i gave him a kiss and got a picture.. haha. but i've never seen him agaiin......
  2. i have no idea if someone posted this befoore.. buut i juuust wanted to come to the mfc and then i clicked by accident the "enter" button before i wrote the whole adress i just wrote "www.mika" and then i came too thiis site ^^ www.mika.com
  3. ja genau häschs genau troffe mit dere beschriibig.. genau deht wäri au schier umkippt haha.. aber ich findes irgendwie doof das er jetzt tusigi fans meh hät^^aso für ihn findis scho kuuhl und soo aber ich bi letschti am paleo gsii am konzärt vo ihm und es isch eifach gaanz anderscht gsi mit soooo viel lüüt ^^mir gfallts besser mit weniger so wie in winterthuur
  4. ich bi au 16 ni HAHA Jaa hans gseh isch halt scho es hammer konzärt gsiii wär fascht gstooorbe biin so nöööch a ihm dra gsi
  5. jaa war ich :D das war der beste tag im ganzen jahr
  6. aww that's reeallly sweet xD i bet he has to think about her when he looks at his ugly dooll
  7. oh my good.. today i read a free newspaper from Zurich and there was something about those dolls ^^ they totally reminded me of mika and happyendiing :D aren't they aweesooome? here's a link with more ugly dolls ^^ and where u can buy them xD http://www.uglydolls.com/ i love them i hope nobody posted this befoore.. hope u like it
  8. Bis jetzt gut in Zürich als Gestalterin an einer Kunst Schuule
  9. awww i want one xD what do you want for the frog earings?:roftl::roftl:
  10. Hellou =) i like this thread i think it's interessting where other people have been yet where the hell is "cayman Islands" ??never heared beforee.. haha well.. i have to think about where i've been yet - Switzerland (i live there) - Germany - France - Italy - Turkey - Spain - England - Scotland - Greece - Croatia - Cyprus - Netherlands - America ^^ twice xD i think that's all.. but there are so many countries i woouuld looooove to see liike Guatemala South Africa Colombia etc.. But my parents don't wanna go there Did someone of you stay somewhere for a long time like a year? ^^I'm gonna do thaat iin 2 years
  11. xD that's aweesome xD xD Mika looks so good as the principal hahahahahaha xD i would give everything to go to a school like this
  12. aach wiie schöön ich hab heute meine ausbildung angefangen xD
  13. yes xD but i don't use them -.- who's your favourite swiss girl? XD XD XD
  14. oh my god xD you're awesome!.. and fast thank you so much i'll put it right in my signature =)))
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