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Status Updates posted by mari62

  1. hello Lucy!!

    Thank you very much for telling about the new blog in the Italian 3d!! :wub2:

    Y'know, at first i didn't realize you wrote "new blog" .... I thought you just came in order to say hello! :roftl:



  2. Ciao Mauri! missione compiuta :wink2:

    te l'ho mandata via mail x' ho la casella dei PM quasi piena :bye:

  3. Ciao Robi :)

    abbiamo reso felice una ragazzina :wub2: Keti non vede l'ora di iniziare ed io di vedere il loro disegno! Tra l'altro sono tutti molto carini!

    Buon fine settimana! :punk:

    Un bacio!

  4. Hello Vanessa:)

    Thanks for the friend request!

    How are you doing?

    I like yr name, its also an Italian one


    Did you know its a genus of butterfly?




    Origin: Greek: Meaning: Butterfly. Also, from Phanessa, the mystic goddess of an ancient Greek brotherhood.


    Origin: Latin Meaning: Of Venus. Famous Bearers: British actress Vanessa Redgrave. Romance author Vanessa Grant.


    Have a nice day!



  5. Hi Sara:)

    if you feel like reading them, here's a couple of other LICM reviews I've found, I think I better not post them...what do you think?

    look what and the way they write.. :shocked::D



    have a nice day!

    Marina :bye:

  6. You're welcome Rebecca :) I guessed you didn't notice it ;)

    Yes its an old thing but still around...aw really?? you hadn't had anymore?? that's good news! :D

    I just read about yr ear, glad to hear its going a bit better, many years ago I had problems with my ears so I know the feeling...

    Are the doctors helping you?

    Hope you'll be better soon! :huglove:

  7. hello Rebecca :) how are you doing?

    Had you seen I found something about your problem with the emails?


    Have a nice day! :bye:

  8. You're welcome Keti! :wub2:

    Robertina was REALLY nice!! She did a lot of work for you!

    Pls say thank you to Lucrezia,as well, who was already paired, but offered to play with you and to Daniella, who said it was ok for her.

    Glad we made you happy! Enjoy it as much as you can!!

    Can't wait to see yr drawing :D

    Have a nice day! :huglove:

  9. ciao io sto abbastanza bene grazie e tu?

    ti trovi bene qui?



  10. Hello Keti :)

    Have you seen? They're waiting for you in the Blackall project 3d ;)

    Robertina said its not too late and asked in the it 3d if anyone would like to play with you.

    So pls write in the BP 3d that you'd like to join and would love to have an Italian partner, and if we find someone, we'll let you know

    Much love! :huglove:

  11. Ciao Danika! come va?

    volevo chiederti una cosa: mi sono imbattuta in questa recensione che avevi postato tu, come mai nel titolo hai scritto Brighton dato che parla di Birmingham?




    Ciao e grazie! :bye:

  12. I'm watching the Sanremo Festival :)

    Night night Keti!

    Sweet dreams!

    Much love! :huglove:

  13. hello!!

    Aw well it wasn't so bad then ;)

    I'm pretty well thanks :) Just tired

    As for the pics... I see.. :roftl:

    Have a nice evening :)


  14. eheheh mi sei venuta subito in mente ;)

    io quando l'ho postato nell'it 3d ho commentato solo con smilies :naughty:

    me lo sono messo nell'ipod e visto e rivisto.... sì peggioriamo... peggioriamo.... ma che ci possiamo fare?? e questo è solo l'inizio del 2009.... povere noi.... :boing:

  15. Hello Keti! How are you? How did you spend Valentine's Day?

    I'd like to ask you something: when you post yr nice pics on MG :mf_lustslow:why don't you write down where they are from, so that we know exactly where to save them? :naughty:

    Much love! :wub2:

  16. Grazie che bella!!!!



  17. Prego cara :) Ok!!

  18. Hi:)

    Don't you think it would a good idea to add the link to download that vlog w/o audio in the first post of Mikasounds 3d? So that everyone can see it ;)


    have a lovely weekend! :bye:

  19. sì..... come no? :roftl:


    Passa una giornata speciale!! :huglove:





    clicca e riclicca sulle foto :wub2:

    (ti ho messo anche la seconda perchè è più grande)

  21. Ciaooooooo!!!

    sì è vero :naughty:


    ci speri eh?? :das:



  22. davvero ha avuto un bel successo! E ne è venuto fuori un 3d crazy come il titolo :naughty:


    Ok allora a presto! :huglove:

  23. ok glad you are fine :)

    Just lazy uh? :roftl:


    yeah, meeting him at an acoustic gig would be fantastic indeed!

  24. Prego! :) didn't know they were looking for it on MFC - I'll post the link on the mikasounds 3d then, thanks for telling me!

    buon appetito :bye:

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