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Status Updates posted by mari62

  1. Aw that's good news, although not for the kids.... can understand them :D

  2. Hi! :)

    Wow so much snow!! here in Genoa where I live we had just a little snow yesterday but today its already over.

    On the contrary outside the city like by you, 30 or more cm


    Have you arrived home safe?



  3. Ciao Karla

    io sto bene grazie e tu?

    Come ti trovi qui?

  4. Prego figurati Lucrezia,mi fa piacere so cosa vuol dire stare male.... e solo sapere di avere la possibilità di parlare con qualcuno fa già stare meglio

  5. Ciao Lucrezia, spero che tu stia meglio presto, se hai bisogno di parlare con qualcuno scrivimi pure

    Un abbraccio :huglove:

  6. Hi dear! Got it in the mail and would like to share with you: :wub2:


    New Year's Thoughts and Wishes


    "January is traditionally the month of new beginnings. However, it is also a time to take stock; to enhance and rediscover those innate blessings with which we begin the New Year.


    Health: We often take our health and physical well being for granted until we don't have it, and then we recognize how important it is. These are the times when we should be taking extra care of ourselves to make sure that we have health reserves to draw upon during challenging times. Nothing robs us of our health more than stress and any measures you can take to reduce the amount of stress in your life will be effort well taken. Slow down and take the time required to quiet your mind. These are simple measures that don't cost you anything and which can yield substantial results, whether it is weight loss, improved vitality or inner strength.


    Self expression: Each one of us has come into the world with our own particular uniqueness from how we look, to how we think, to how we are designed on a cellular level. Use this year as an opportunity to know and express your own uniqueness. Develop a new hobby or cultivate new interests. Expression is the one ineffable force of the Universe; the energy that gives tiny shoots the confidence to sprout out of cracks in the sidewalk.


    Love and Service: We all need love in its various forms, whether it is love of another, love of life, love of self. Cultivating love and a generous spirit will not only make you feel better, it will make the lives of others more enriching and fulfilling. When we are loved, we also have the capacity to share this with other, whether it is through the simple act of holding a door, lending a hand to another in need, or sharing our resources in whatever form this takes.



    January is a time many people recommit to a more wholesome lifestyle and better health practices. Remember, a goal is a dream with a deadline. Successful planning involves writing your goals down along with all the steps involved with reaching them. Many people also find that establishing a “goal buddy” is a good way to stay on track. And then be vigilant with assessing your progress! Acknowledge the progress you make or where you get stuck. And don’t be afraid to re-evaluate and reassess your goals so that they stay relevant to what is happening in your life.


    Success is usually not dependent on luck. It is a reflection of hard work and dedication. This holds true for weight loss, healthy living, career success and personal success. With January being traditionally the month of new beginnings, use this month as a time to set some goals for yourself and put in place a plan that helps you achieve them! "



    source http://www.4yourtype.com/2009_newsletter_v6n1.asp

  7. Buongiorno a te Miky!!

    Mannaggia sei stata male nelle feste e adesso che è ora di tornare al lavoro stai meglio! :sneaky2:

    Lo so di solito i primi giorni di lavoro dopo le ferie sono sempre duri ma ci si riabitua presto :)

    Un bacione e goditi gli ultimi due giorni di libertà!



  8. Ciao Michela!

    Va abbastanza bene grazie :)

    E tu come stai? Hai passato bene le feste?

    E' vero su MFC non ti accorgi del tempo che passa :naughty:

    Grazie per l'invito, ci penso e poi ti faccio sapere.

    Un bacione anche a te! :huglove:

  9. Ciao io sto abbastanza bene e tu?

    Come ti stai trovando qui?

    Vieni nel thread italiano a dirci qualcosa di più di te! Ci fa piacere :)



  10. Ciao Karla e benvenuta!

    Se hai bisogno di qualsiasi cosa chiedimi pure :)

    Ciao ciao


  11. Hi Holly! :)

    Did you have a nice New Year's Eve?

    Yesterday I went to the movies and saw "Happy Go Luck" a nice and joyful film, which made me feel good :) although my hubby didn't like it so much as I did.. :D

    Unfortunately here in Genoa there isn't "Twilight" yet :(

  12. Hi Silver! :)

    Do you speak a little Italian? Conosci un pò d'italiano?

    Did you have a nice New Year's Eve? :bye:

  13. Oh bene! Allora sì a presto!

    Ciao ciao!

  14. canegattob028e99ccmm0.jpg


    Ciao Nerys :)

    Tanti cari auguri di Felice Anno Nuovo a te e famiglia!!


  15. canegattob028e99ccmm0.jpg

    Guarda che carini! Non ho resistito ;):wub2:

    Un bacione!

  16. Ciao Chantelle!!

    Che piacere sentirti in italiano!!

    E' proprio una bella sorpresa! :) L'hai studiato a scuola?

    Il tuo italiano è buono, è comprensibile :)

    E riesci a capirlo bene?

    Ancora tanti cari auguri anche a te di un Buon 2009 che sia migliore di quello passato e ricco d'amore, gioia, salute, serenità e tanti bei momenti da ricordare !!


    Un bacione! :huglove:



  17. Grazie Avoca! :) Tanti cari auguri anche a te e famiglia!



  18. Grazie cara !!

    Tanti tanti auguri anche a te e famiglia di ogni bene !!

    Un bacione! :huglove:



  19. Thanks Anouk!

    Yeah I can understand, I don't think I could resist his eyes either :wub2:


    Oh that's good news! A Coldplay gig! When will it be? LOVE them as well!

    Sorry yesterday I didn't wished you a good night, I was so tired that I forgot good manners!

    Now have read on the Mikagasmic you didn't sleep tonight, hope you'll do it in the morning or afternoon!

    Wish you a nice week :)

    Hear you soon! :huglove:

  20. Oh yeah! I'll def tell you! :D

  21. Thank you so much for yr PM!

    Oh the puppy is so cute!! :wub2:

    I'm doing a little better, will tell you more asap

    Thinking of you as well! :huglove:

  22. Oh, I'll surely watch it then! As soon as I got the opportunity I'll do! Thanks for the advice!

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