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Everything posted by ~Wicky~

  1. Wow, I was bouncing up and down before the tv when I saw some of you on tv! I'm so glad you all get the change to get in and meet Mika afterwards! Although I couldn't be there, I just feel warm and fuzzy inside for you guys
  2. That makes it a lot more difficult indeed! Maybe you can type in the text message and the texting number in advance... so you only have to push the send button if you hear a Mika song! It's always the same word you have to text, right? Ah well, I'll just keep my fingers crossed for you all!
  3. Congratulations Jamieroo! I remember the Q-music showcase in the Netherlands, almost everyone who texted a lot won in the end. So please relax, keep on breathing (haha) and keep your fingers crossed! Wish everyone a lot of luck!
  4. Aw Rudolph left the program, they have a new chef now... Saw the end of the program last week, because my parents would take a glimp of Beppie Kraft (a local singer).
  5. I referred to Mika being funny not Carlo and Irene... The hosts weren't really interested in what Mika said the last time, that's why I was so surprised, about the rumour that Mika would perform again in that show. I' m afraid the hosts won't behave different this time.
  6. Nooo, not Carlo and Irene again... last time they almost killed him with a terrible drink (just kidding). Edit: Although it was a really funny and memorable interview!
  7. They repared the link! The only thing we can do now is
  8. Lovely idea! Listening to the radio doesn't make any sense for me. I can listen to the radio station at home (The Netherlands), but I can't text because my mobile network is Dutch... Only when I travel to the border, I have a Belgium connection; but in that case I can't listen to the radio. So I put all my hope on the internet contest!
  9. No news, but I got a retweet; they are trying to fix it.
  10. I guess so... Mika and 'hogere wiskunde', I miss the link
  11. Thanks for the information! Well the Mika related question won't be a problem, I guess. The schifting question on the other hand...
  12. Op de website zelf is nu een vraag en een schiftingsvraag geplaatst... Volgens mij klopt de link naar de vraag echter niet: Edit: Sorry in English, they posted two questions on the internet site... but I guess the link to the question, isn't the right one.
  13. Q-Music website: Vanaf zaterdag 22 september maak je in elk programma kans op tickets voor de Showcase. Heb je geen geluk op de radio? We geven ook elke dag 5 duotickets weg op deze website. From Saturday the 22th of September you can win tickets for the Showcase in every program on the radio. If you don't have any luck with the programs on the radio, then you can test your luck on the website. Everyday they will gave away five pairs of duo-tickets. So good luck everyone!
  14. Mika is well represented in the programme 'Strictly Come Dancing'... Apparantly, the dance couple 'Sylvana and Redmond' will be dancing on a Mika song in the Dutch version of the programme this evening.
  15. Thanks for posting! What about the general release on Monday? I thought every country had a different release date... You're right about the 14th of September though: when I ordered my cd at the Dutch site 'Bol.com' it said that the album would be released on the 14th... in the meantime they miraculously changed the date to the 21th of September (never got an e-mail about the change of date).
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=xQzHH2LMt6M&vq=medium Well if it's open for non Belgian people and if I can figure out how to send text messages to Belgium, then I'll give it a try!
  17. Well we had the same thoughts! Just wanted to post it on here (saw it by chance on the internet)... but you were a lot faster.
  18. Whaha, thank you for posting! Are they really putting peanuts with the shell, into their mouths, iew!
  19. This is really nice... I like the way you choose the color
  20. Hey, ben zelf ook niet gebleven na afloop; had dinsdagochtend een hoorgesprek bij de examencommissie, dus moest weer vroeg in Maastricht zijn. In Brussel ga ik wel weer een poging wagen. Zou leuk zijn als ik je daar weer tegenkom!

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