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Everything posted by ~Wicky~

  1. You're welcome; although it wasn't a really spectacular picture, I wanted to share it with you. Nice to see you again at Paul de Leeuw!
  2. Thanks for your alert by e-mail! Nice to see you all again at Paul de Leeuw!
  3. Stressed the whole weekend (the VARA office was closed), but I made a reservation this morning! The lady on the phone told me that there are 200 tickets left at this particular moment. That's gonna be a three hour travel to Almere, at least... well I'll do almost everything to see Mika at Paul de Leeuw!
  4. Would love to go, thanks for posting on here! Just tried to make a reservation, but the 'Vara' is closed in the weekend... have to wait till monday, aaah
  5. Would love to go, thanks for posting on here! Just tried to make a reservation, but the 'Vara' is closed in the weekend... have to wait till monday, aaah
  6. MIKA official ‏@mikasounds - 18 Nov 10 points if you can spot my dog Moo in the bracken MIKA official ‏@mikasounds - 18 Nov Right... seems like its 10 points all round, bugger MIKA official ‏@mikasounds - 20 Nov In Barcelona. **** I love this city. Show tonight at The Razmataz X!
  7. Cathblais what a wonderful story; what a lovely way to celebrate your wedding aniversary! Had to think about that comment, but after 20 seconds I got it
  8. Thanks for posting Louiza! It's indeed interesting; just nice to see an interview made from a different angle. "Describe your art in three words: Sex in a graveyard"
  9. Don't feel sorry! Going to a concert where people speak French, Dutch and English (and maybe some other languages) is always difficult. I never know in what language I have to start And about the setlist; no problem at all, you didn't sound rude to me! I was screaming a couple of times to the man on stage, but my voice let me down. So I asked a friend to scream in stereo, with succes! Did you manage to get another setlist? Can't wait to read a detailed report on your experiences! Everything goes by in a rush, so it's good to take some time to write everything down (especially for your own remembrance). It must have been a very special day, that you'll never forget! I always need some time to cool down after a Mika concert, so I guess that applies a fortiori for you! Yes, I was there when you started talking about your experiences in megaspeed Was standing next to your mother for a whole time (before you came out she told me that 'singing with Mika' was something on your bucket list). I loved seeing you so happy, joyous and satisfied! Just sent you a request via Facebook (although I'm not really active on there). So you get an idea to whom you're talking, haha (I made a group pic at the end of the eve of you, you're mother, Miek, Sylvana, Navah, Rian and someone else who's name I forgot, sorry). But I can imagine very well that you don't remember everyone!
  10. Finally I can be online at MFC; a weekend Mika in Brussels is disastrous for my study. Had to catch up a lot of schoolwork, but I absolutely didn't mind. For visiting a Mika show, almost everything has to move; although I don't know if my professors will agree with it, haha. Loved reading all the reports and watching the videos on here (Stefanie I didn't now you were filming behind me). I'm so thankful that I could visit a wonderful Mika show again. Not only because of Mika, who did a tremendously entertaining show with his band (btw he looked very handsome in his suit with bow tie) and took some time to come 'outside' afterwards (finally got a signature). For me, meeting up with fans was also an important part; you all 'ensure' that I have a wonderful experience over and over again. I loved meeting new fans in the queue and inside the venue and catching up with old ones (don't react as Mika did at Paul de Leeuw: I'm not calling you guys old). Thank you guys! 'Maaikie, Smokesignal and Miek', you totally rocked the stage! You were having so much fun on stage and that had it's effect on me personally. Btw it was so nice to see how happy 'Maaikie' returned from her stage experience. I felt all warm and fuzzy inside when she reported on her experiences. No jealousy at all, just pure hapiness! Now the only thing I can do is floating further on my pink clowd; I'm curious how long it takes before someone kicks me off Managed to get a setlist with Mika's footstep (no idea whether it is actually Mika's footstep, but it makes it more interesting, so I'm pretending it is). Don't know if someone posted the setlist before, so here it is.
  11. Thank you for your compliment!

    Do you draw too?

  12. So the plans for Stardust and Underwater are still on? It would be nice if we execute those plans too, but have no idea how many people are in. Mika team can arrange the hearts and pompoms idea, but I love the bubbles and lights too! So for me those plans are still on... At least two of us are in, that will be a massive effect, haha!
  13. In the message of BubblesPurry it say's 1500 bags... So if you need any assistance tomorrow in Brussels, I'm always in for a little help!
  14. Willywonka you really brightened up my drizzly and rainy study-day! Thank you for your brilliant captions! You should start a 'brighten up your day' caption shop! Booming business as you ask me
  15. I'm so sorry for you that you can't make it. Hope you will sell your ticket in time! According to my ticket, the doors will be open one hour in advance (so 19.00 O'clock). But I'm not sure whether the information on my ticket is right.
  16. Whoohoo, congratulations! Hope to catch you before or after the concert!
  17. Indeed loved that too! And I really had to laugh when Paul was talking about being each others apetizer... Mika to Paul: "Honey you're more like a main course". Kaching, good one Mika! As you all can see, I just loved the show (well Mika being part of the show!).
  18. This was the part that wasn't broadcasted on tv, or am I wrong? They broadcasted 'Love you when I'm drunk', 'Ik heb je lief', a short interview with Mika on the couch, a quiz with all the guests and the shooting Mika part (I really had to laugh, when Mika took the clothes hanger and said that it was really ironic that he and Paul should die into the closet). The Origin of Love was only broadcasted on the internet (correct me if I'm wrong).
  19. Just saw that the show itself is posted on http://www.uitzendinggemist.nl (just select ' Langs de Leeuw'). Don't now if it will work outside The Netherlands. The part you have seen dcdeb, wasn't broadcasted on tv; it was an internetstream after the show (haven't found it yet, can search for it tomorrow; I'm using my phone now so I can't search properly). Mika was singing the Dutch song 'Heb je lief' ('I love you', it is a song from Paul de Leeuw). He was singing it partly by ear and partly by autocue. It was really cute!
  20. Guess they will post the video at http://www.uitzendinggemist.nl tomorrow. You really have to see this show, although the presenter is rude sometimes. Mika was incredible funny and smart (he can handle Paul de Leeuw really well) and he sang a Dutch song from autocue. His voice wasn't optimal during his own songs, so I just hope he was saving his voice for the performance in Paradiso.
  21. Okay okay, I'll admit that I can sing... My conclusion is that I can sing, but only when I'm in a wooden cabin, in a God-forsaken forest! Don't think that I would create any sound, when you put me on stage or in front of a videocamera.
  22. Overnachting, reis en ticket voor zowel Amsterdam als Brussel, maakten een grote inbreuk op mijn budget, haha. Studeren is nogal duur, vooral als je al acht jaar bezig bent, dus moet een beetje op het budget letten. Maar in Brussel ben ik er weer bij! Jullie in ieder geval veel plezier, ben benieuwd naar jullie verslaglegging!
  23. Wow, congratulations Ingie! Want to wish you all a lot of fun this Saturday! Hope the weather will be fine, no rain while queueing... I'll be in front of the tv to watch the 'Paul de Leeuw' show (don't think that I have to record it, guess it will be on http://www.uitzendinggemist.nl). Hope to see some of you in Brussels!
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