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Everything posted by S-a-S-s-A

  1. Mine too.. You have to make them very very small, wierd
  2. That's not good, when I'm ill I usually eat a lot.. It seems to help Wondering if I should eat some breakfast..
  3. OMFG! Thanks for posting Don't know what to think, it's good in it's own way, not what i expected though.. First time I heard the beginning I didn't really like it, but now it's okay. Can't wait to hear the rest
  4. Anyone who knows where to find the code from the digital download of songs for sorrow ?
  5. Im going to bed, hope everything is fine when i wake up tomorrow Sweet dreams
  6. I got it for christmas so I think they might have thrown out the card Everything is just so confusing right now..
  7. My mom bought it, and she has deleted the mail.
  8. Thanks, but that was really not what i ment I don't know where to look for my code from the digital downloade, and i cant see a code on my t-shirt..
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