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Everything posted by S-a-S-s-A

  1. I've got the bag it came in.. There is a code in the corner but it doesn't work
  2. (Sorry if anyone already have asked these questions:) 1. Where is the code you have to enter from the digital downloade of songs for sorrow ? 2. Where is the code you have to enter for a t-shirt ? Im so confused
  3. Here is a link for a meeting in Denmark, but I don't know.. If you're the only one from Sweden it might get a bit booring: http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=18998
  4. De skal bare lige lære os at kende.. - Eller det er måske det de ikke skal
  5. Overfor mit hus er det noget due halløj hvor vi også holdte min konfirmation, det kunne man måske leje..
  6. Jeg snakker også meget med en anden dansk mika fan, problemet er bare at hun bor i Jylland i Brabrand
  7. They should write it in the history books
  8. They think that when he wrote: 'getting comfortable with myself naked' he ment that he's naked in the photoshot. I think he means that he's naked right now
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