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Mika Freaka =)

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Everything posted by Mika Freaka =)

  1. That is weird! I use to get glares from younger girls (but they are the ones who are waaaaaay to 'active' for their age, if you know what i mean)


    History haha i rather liiked it!


    But i think anime style drawing is the coolest, because its cute and funky hehe

  2. hahaha they are very adorable as Chibi's,its so funny! I loved like every episode!


    Ahh makes sense now thank you!


    hahahahaha thats so so so funny!!! That was a perfect line!


    Lol whats your worst subject?

    Thats cool, i wish i could draw, unfortunately i cant... my drawings are like a 5 year olds :blink:

  3. Lol wow you watch fast! but its beautiful hey, i so wish for a 3rd season!

    Ps. Who do you like the most? Im a Usagi-san lover:mf_lustslow:


    What does snarky mean? I have never before heard the word:blush-anim-cl:

    Lol i did that too, but because i was a senior no one could bully me back hehe, i sure hope no one messes with you!


    And yeah, at my school i was known to be surprising, because im generally quiet, till you get to know me, i usually do well so they wanted to classify me as nerd, but i also showed up in a Power Ranger suit for a dress up hahahahaha:roftl: they loved it.


    Ah hats cool, it has a very good reputation! Where do you want to study and what?

  4. I barely read manga, though i do want to start! thats realllly funny hahahaha Lol yes its really funny how he collects all these bears hahaha calm series... uhmm not really, i watch a lot of drama and scandal, or fighting...
  5. hahahahaha i know they are lovely!!


    That is very scary, like wolves! and im sure you can get really sick and infected if bitten right?


    Lol yeah i think it seems as if it went fast now that i think back! but all in all i liiked my high school years you?


    Its ok :) Im hoping to go to University of Cape Town :mf_rosetinted:

  6. lol hahaha as i see you like anime, you know im pretty sure that anime has something to do with our ninja craze!


    What types of animals are in the forest? Like squirrels? Or like weirder stuff? I know at Tokai forest here, theres not many animals


    Good luck! And im sure you will enjoy it!

  7. Junjou Romatica is the most romantic anime ever!!!!!! It has uhm... weird scenes, but the rest totally makes up for it!! Oh i see i see, i should definitley check it out, i love how anime shows so many different viewpoints. Yes JJR is really good, i am inlove with Usami and hot anime men:mf_rosetinted: hahahaha told you! keep watching!!
  8. Naturally twilight, vampire diaries (and the guys in those 2 things) Nevertheless, my music obsession, is a local guy from South Africa, his name is Louwtjie Rothman i think you guys should hear him play:wub2:
  9. I just realised this year was pretty bad!!!! I only thought about it now!
  10. I seem to have a lot in common with you!! what do you watch? I really have to start watching it, i recently finished busuo renkin and am busy with tengen toppa gurren lagaan, its both pretty cool, but nothing fabuous you know. I havent seen Kino's journey, is it yaoi? And junjou romantica is the most beautiful anime i have watched, i have even rewatched it lol:wub2:
  11. Lol hahaha im ninja crazy, my friends think im mad


    A forest! that is scary!!


    BECAUSE :mf_rosetinted: i have finished school, grade 12, next year im at university and well, i cant walk that far hahaha

  12. hahaha:naughty: i cant not laugh at that last part hahah ahhh man My year has beeennnnn up, then doooooowwn, then up, then down, now its kinda steady
  13. If you check out my first post, you will see what i have watched, really good stuff! lol Rainbow girl dont tell Shiku but Naruto is waaaaaaayyyyy better:mf_rosetinted: hahaha Lots of people have turned to manga, i still havent read any (except one kakashi chapter) Also lol Peach Girl was DEFINITLEY worth finishing!! You should finish Vampire Knight, its totally weird but good Welcome welcome! I bolded what i have seen in your list, but i really want to see Death Note and One Piece, just havent gotten to it lol yaoi did you watch Junjou Romantica i love it so much:blush-anim-cl:
  14. Thats the funniest things i have heard in such a long time hahahahaha hahaha Kermit, i love Mika, he says the best things:roftl:
  15. hahahaha i know, my friends are totally leaving Mika to me (and they say mean things, but its all cool, i just defend him)
  16. Lol i love ninjas, they are so awesome dont you think? I always wished i was one, no luck :tears: haha


    For school? I walk home alone, but im really use to that by now. I will never have to do it again!! :mf_rosetinted:

  17. hahaha dont want you getting into trouble lol


    hahaha ooooh i see i see, lol i have never thought of doing that! Though be careful, sometimes a mall can be dangerous, i dont even walk around alone (blushes)

  18. hahahaha ahhhh man, its completely understandable, but maybe if you moms like in a shopping mall with you then pop by and just say hi, i have never met an mfcer before

  19. Ahhh its very understandable, i dont know what my parents woudl say about it either!

  20. Nope you havent mentioned i would have remembered that, i would love to meet you :)


    But if you are scared of online people i totally understand lol

  21. That would be really cool, are you gonna be in CPT?


    Mentioned what?

  22. hahahahahaha isnt the guys names Fred >_< Me2! Everyone is so so funny lol i know i speak about it too everyone its soooo funny and i like react every moment hahahaha @Miabest: Yeah we do!! Its really strange!! What else are your favs... do you like scrubs or gossip girl? Coz i do!!
  23. Ok, if there is a thread like this, feel free to close, it is just impossible to search for "how i met your mother" lol Now for the fun stuff, oh please tell many of you watch and love this? I absolutley adore Ted, and i love everyone else! Barney is the funniest character i have ever seen. Please no season 5 spoilers:blush-anim-cl: For those of you who dont know, the series is about a man, Ted who sits his children down and tell them about how he met their mother, the humour comes in the fact that its already on season 5 and he has barely mentioned the mother!! haha he is talking about so many other things. Not a good description but i HIGHLY recommend it if you need a laugh!
  24. Mine is Shamz I will search for you, are you active on the site?
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