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Mika Freaka =)

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Everything posted by Mika Freaka =)

  1. Hi everyone! Just popping in to say hi, i havent time to stay on and chat anymore and i miss everyone!!! Much love Shameez:naughty:
  2. Ahhh i missed it! I had tests and projects therefore i couldnt come online!! Atleast i have the DVD haha i think i should watch it again, I cannot count how many times i have watched it :D

  3. You have a friend that looks like Mika :shocked: That must be awesome!!

    My friends think i am crazy for loving Mika lol hahaha


    Hahaha we are, how old are you?


    I sure hope too, are you a fan of soccer? If yes, which team do you support?


    Hope you are having a nice day :)

  4. Ah that is very cool, i always wanted to go to Brazil!


    I heard Mika on a music channel we have, it was Grace Kelly and it was a few years ago! I instantly loved him! How about you?


    You are good at starting a conversation :)

  5. Ah that is awesome, i love photography!! I am studying civil engineering at UCT, it is actually killing me haha.


    Hahaha yeah i heard Grace Kelly a few years ago and after that i was determined to find out everything about the artist! Soon after i got his CD. I tried converting my friends but they refused lol said he is crazy! But atleast now if they hear the word Mika they instantly think of me, so thats pretty cool.

    My one friend got me a Mika cake for my birthday :mf_lustslow:

  6. Cape Town and yourself?

  7. Hello hello, i am good, and yourself? For what reason do i deserve this greeting :biggrin2:

  8. Really? Me too! I matriculated last year and this is my first year studying!

    I know i always laugh at that thread and have posted in there quite a few times! Also feel free to create any new threads :)


    I know it would be so awesome, there arent many people aroun me that realise how talented Mika is, they just think i am crazy! haha theres another Mika fan in the Free State that would join our party lol its rather sad that theres only 3 of us. Use to be more but they arent active really! :tears:


    What was funny, a while ago we created a thread for the dutch and afrikaans to speak (i think i was the only afrikaans speaker) but it was funny anyway

  9. Ah my word guys, these pictures are amazing! I cannot tell you how much i envy you all! But the envy is combined with happiness for you lol:teehee:
  10. Lol that is a little success atleast!!


    Ah that is quite far, are you at school still or working?

    And the mfc is amazing, i have been a member for a very long time and am definately not as active as i use to be, simply because i dont have time. Nowadays, i log on and read through the latest news, comment here and there and check to see for any new South Africans.

    Soon you will get use to people, for a laugh, check out "you know you are a Mika fan when..." and "Mika quotes" its in the chat about mika section, its really funny :)

  11. Im in the northern suburbs and yourself?

    And no problem i have been busy as well! I am truly relieved to have another SAfrican on here! I too have contacted various magazines and radio stations, maybe you will have more luck than i did!

  12. Lol oh ok nevermind then haha

  13. lol but yeah, anyways, have you heard of the parlotones?

  14. It is kinda, but i think it will get better, as long as i pass hahaha

  15. Me too me too! I love him very much lol but ofcourse you know that as this is his fanclub haha. Oh okay,almost your birthday! You gonna have something big?

  16. So hard... picture maths physics maths physics

  17. Im studying Civil Engineering :tears::aah:

  18. Ah if he should come to South Africa my life will be complete!!!!! As long as its not on a very unlucky day lol like a funeral or an exam hahaha


    Im 18 and you?

  19. Lol ah well, a holiday is awesome either way!


    And ah i see thats a lot of studying too

  20. Not a problem! Im good thank you, just very tired

  21. Ah i see, i have always wanted to go to England, so we are even :)


    I envy you for seeing him live, he hasnt been to South Africa and i too dont have money to go see him else where. And besides im still kinda young too

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