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Everything posted by MegPL

  1. dziekwye = DZIEKUJE lol hahaha I feel like a teacher and I'm supprised that your friends teached you some nice words...not swears 'coz all my English friends R like...:teach us some bad word lol so I take the hardest one with all that Polish letters like Ś and Ć and watch them to do this Tongue-twister...they didn't ask me twice for bad word in Polish *cheeky monkey*
  2. hahaha hello Niamh ( ) haha we love to teach polish so it's no problem ok so Lesson 1 HAHAHAH (I'll type without polish letters): 1. tscheicht - you write it like this CZESC and you pronounce the first two letters CZ like in Chubby and the rest is harder...hmmm it will be sth like Chest but not quite... You can always say Hej= eng Hey or just short from Czesc to Cze= Che 2. "jak si mas? jako sletch" - you write it like this JAK SIE MASZ? answer is JAKOS LECI. You pronounce it like JAK = Yack SIE = like Sh*t without T MASZ = MASH and the answer JAKOS = yack'os (have no idea how to type it for you hmmmm) LECI = LE like in LEpricon and CI like in chicken..it's not the same but close
  3. OMG... girls...since I met you... I just can't live without you... you crack me up
  4. YES YES YES!! YAAAAAAAAAAY that is the word I was looking for! oh thx! hahaha come on...don't be shy maby I can help with the pronunciation just PM me or go to Polish thread... 'coz I think I not suppose to be here
  5. I just love him ... Ladies and Gentelmens let me present You Mr Gerard Butler! Could someone give me HIM for Christmas??please....
  6. hello hello my lovely friends! I just came to say hi 'coz I'm not Irish...I'm not even British... ;( but as I'm here...can I ask you guys what is the word in Irish when you wanted to say that you have a good time..fun... I'm asking 'coz my ex bf is half Irish half Scottish and he told me once but I forgot.... :/ cheers!xxx
  7. probably they're secret lovers...you don't know that?
  8. OMG...now I'll count the days and wait for Mr Postman thank you MIINA
  9. no nie wiem nie wiem... może i jest...ale kogo to obchodzi xD LOoOL dziękuję za lola xD
  10. me the same... *waiting for spring to come *
  11. za mojej kadencji jeszcze tutaj nic nie było wręcz kółko wzajemnej adoracji hi hi hi a co do ekspertów...to największymi ekspertkami są Kam i Iva *ale to tylko dlatego, że ich jest dwie xD ale ciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii tak żeby nie słyszały xD* LOoOL.... (masz I. używam swojego xD zmienionego na potrzeby własne )
  12. tak tak tak...KamIva mnie uświadomiły że nagrywał w Wawie dla Radia naszego coś z chórem ;D do poczytania tu http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=846 ale nie mogłam znaleźć tego nagrania nigdzie...ale ppowiem szczerze, że nie miałam też zbytnio na to czasu poszukam w domu...w ferie
  13. I would die *not literally lol* to try out these tea... bet it's delicious...
  14. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY for Official MFC YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY for vid and tea bags YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY just because I have nice day LOL XOXO
  15. hahaha the second one is in Poland LOL it's my friends home town
  16. oh no problemo senorita lol so when U gonna give it to him? I would love to see his face when he see it xD I guess it will be like then and "that is insane" *giggles* ===> and that's why I love him xxx
  17. tak tak...ja będę xD kurcze dawno mnie nie było....aż chyba 2 dni xD shame on me xD niesety nie stać mnie na razie na większą wyprawę,ale jak już się wciągnęłam, to zacznę kombinować i następnym razem może mi lepiej pójdzie
  18. HA...no raczej...inna opcja nie wchodzi w grę xD
  19. aaaaaaaaaa I have to go to sleep..it's 3am...and I'm exhausted because I was at 6h maraton of shopping xD and bought lovely violet scarf and watch with nice bracelet but still I'm tired... :/ oh...I think just go to sleep and read about it in the morning... so buye guys...take care XXX
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