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Everything posted by huikings

  1. OMFG! Fortuné!!! sori mika, atm my mind is going a little bit far away from u:naughty:
  2. babe不要太潛水啦 快速上來1下! 嘩有弟弟的相片?? vera可以post上來嗎??? 好想看看fortune的樣子呢 想說學了2個多月法文後嘗試開咱bb的french interview看... 但很frustrating呀.... 除了 "我" "多謝" 之類的幾乎1個字也聽不明 == 但又要說多次 他說法文時真的真的很像白馬王子 我有那輯相呀!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (其實現在cell phone's wallpaper還是其中1張,, 他笑得太靚喇!) 但files在laptop處... 我要遲些才能upload!!!!! sori呢vera,, 請你等等啊!!!! ;p xxx
  3. I SO WISH I CAN JOIN U!!! this's not a public funz right? :'(


    anyway the whole thing sounds so amazing!!!! i mean, A WALL FOR MIKA!!!! ohmygod i'm sure he'll like it:biggrin2: when's the meet-up? on the show day? (26th Nov)???



  4. YO! thzz Yana for the following link!!! http://www.mix.fm/special/mika/ seriously this's freaked me out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wonder if any Malaysian MFCers would join this?????? this's super awesome! i wish there are more promotion of this sort! hahaha
  5. we needa wear a wig and make the dresses wor!! erm i think if we reli turn ourselves into a literal lollipop girl, he'd approach us himself:roftl: but it's difficult...............
  6. (only saw this now) ohmygoodness!!!!! u mean u r gonna fly from Malaysia to HK????? can't wait for the update!!!!!!! but u hvn't got the tix right? oh so what u heard before was juz a promo?? still, i so wanna hear it!!! thzzz a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. welcome 11月簡直是month of deadlines!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 好想單純地沉醉在期待的心情中但..... 好啦 大家都要加油!!!!
  8. u mean.... MIKA SPOKE?!??!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! O M F G do you mind telling me which programme it was and when you heard that??? i wanna look for the archive.... thzz a lot!!! juz hv to admit i'm not a fan of local radios.
  9. 你要不要把禮物傳過來? 我們替你交到他手上呀baby!!??? 我們在gig後等他出來吧!!! 希望okay啦... 可能要先視察1下~ 外國的veune通常都是artist完show後便直接走出去路旁上車 (好像紅館) 但star hall似乎是停車場??!?!! 唉我也很擔心不能和他見見面 10秒也好啊 還有2個星期 傷應該會好了吧!? XD 時間真的過得太太太快 我什麼也未準備 對meeks的行程也是什麼也不知 @@ 那個KGV到底是怎麼呢?????????????????????????
  10. EUROPE music awards????? i didn't watch it but the winners list is so Amercian, sori i've got to say!
  11. OMFG!!!!!!! perhaps i'm a bit outdated but juz found this.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1GgBVeT1k8 freak me out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. wow ur brother is so sweet yana!!!!!!!!!!!!!! actually i hvn't watched any blu-rays before... are they reli VERY different from normal dvds? dun force yourself! to me, watching any MJ stuffs for more than an hour already needs so so so much energy.... it's sad but u can't deny dying young actually makes all those brilliant ppl even more legendary... life's ironical, isn't it?? *sigh*
  13. oh it's 4am here!! but anyway, good luck MIKA!!!! is he still One Foot Boy though? sori i've been away for a few days.....
  14. are those 2 frds of yours MFCers as well??? (though i know 1 of them is Beryl, right?) nonono i didn't find myself! juz scroll up and "Serenac" is one of the 9 YESers! willing to know more as well:thumb_yello:
  15. yo~ 今天搭車時終於聽到那個叮噹tbkwtm ad!!!! 幾好wor.... 感覺上成個ad都幾搶 同埋中環站都見到poster了~~~~ 不過韓國那個rain好似差不多時間來!!!!!!!!!! 雖說是不同markets,但感覺上同mika好撞 我們去hk gig thread談gig preparation事宜吧!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. hey ppl i think it's time for us to START all our craze!!!!!!! only 24 days to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (damnit my heart's throbbing for this now) i want to know how many of you here are gonna queue up together?? maybe we can organise ourselves a little bit so that mika knows there are actually MFCers from HONG KONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yeahyeahyeah:aah: and i saw Serenac is from KGV! (above) OMG can u share more details with us????? u are so lucky babe:wub2: do u hv any artwork to show to him? btw i'm going with Space, Sunbrella and Tungchoi!!! and i will make some cardboards as banners and bring them to the gig!!!!
  17. :bye: welcome to the MFC!!!!! are u a chinese?

    join our discussion in the hk gig thread!!! ;P



  18. YES he looks extremely thin!!!!!!!! esp in one black jacket with the shoulders area bulged a bit.. (sori my english damn sucks.. i hope u understand which one i mean ==) but another big YES for his voice!!!!!! absolutely beautiful, no wonder why he tried so hard to protect it:teehee: FD!! quickly go watch it!!!!!! u'll luv it for sure:biggrin2: OMG the more time i spend here reading all ur posts, the more i wanna watch it again!! (but i'm broke recently... i mean it) and i must say that i so wanna shout out/clap during some parts but ppl around me juz keep still... i went alone so i dared not do anything
  19. hey ppl, though still stirred by the TII emotions, i'm so happy today coz i juz got my copy of Dancing The Dream!!!! i flipped thru the pages on my way home and god..... how can a book be that beautiful???!! i mean both the words n pics gonna start reading now!!!! i like staying till the very end of a movie since to me this shows a kind of respect to all ppl who've devoted themselves working for the film. however, many audience juz tend to leave once the story's finished.... this makes me feel a weirdo:shocked: (though i always am haha) so, i'm glad that TII really makes use of every second to show the msg and spirit of Michael! i luv that Heal The World part so much:blush-anim-cl:
  20. u've spoken my mind out this time.... i almost collapsed (silently of coz) aft Earth Song, it's so incredible thinking abt going for it again but this time i wanna find a companion.... watching n sobbing alone is making me emotional
  21. i prefer Tom Felton:mf_rosetinted: but Rob is good enough:wub2: there's no need to mention mika here right???? his position's way too high:naughty:
  22. dun get shy, juz relax take it easy! (though it took me more than a year to start speaking here aft joining) i've bought my tix for his gig in HONG KONG next month but my parents still dunno. my mum only knows i'm obsessed with a foreign singer coz i used her credit card to buy the Songs for Sorrow EP before. besides this, nth more. as for my frds.... well, i only consider those who know and understand it as my REAL frds. sadly, my obsession is still hidden among most of my new frds in college
  23. i doubt... juz doubt, if he is (they are?) making even more money now.......
  24. YO! i finally manage to read all pages in mikagasmic before i replied to the thread!!!! (for part 29 only of coz) Angel, ur large large pic links on the previous page hv saved my day!!!!!!!!!!!!! thzzzz so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  25. :bye: nice to meet u and welcome to the MFC!!!

    will u go with suisuimeko that day??

    how many of you are going together and hv u decided the time to start queuing yet?


    i'll go with 3 more MFCers that day but we hvn't talked abt the time yet XD

    btw juz go to the "gig n performance" section to register, let see how many MFCers will make it there!:thumb_yello:



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