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Everything posted by huikings

  1. thank you all!!!! i luv MFC:wub2: hey u are driving me crazy!!!!!! (though i already am) but i reli think i need some screams from inside and u know, not many ppl on earth hv that power to make me scream:mf_lustslow:
  2. luckily there's only one airport in HK:naughty: but i'm wondering if he's left Oz yet????!
  3. oh my goodness! thank you all for the lovely reports n pics!!!! i got chills when i was reading some of them!!!!! so so so hapi for u guys!!!!!!!
  4. 其實我真心唔介意佢遲少少先黎 可以準備得好d:mf_rosetinted: 最重要係唔駛exam時黎.....
  5. 我覺得應該係聽日! 佢完左sydney gig (岩岩!!!!) 後應該會訓1訓 之後起身就飛黎啦~~~~~~~ 大佬,,已經留左勁多日o係Oz喇!!!!!! (好啦 我相信澳洲mfcers應該唔會睇得明呢句說話) 好啦我想講我而家癡左線 我1諗起佢會心跳加速 好想鬧自己變態
  6. i mean this one! but thzz for ur info anyways! i didn't know jimmy yet! wow now i rmb her from This Is It!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it's amazing for mika to get her as a support act:thumb_yello: thanks!! btw if i ain't wrong, it's 12:45a.m. sth in Sydney now right??? the M&G lasts for so long??? is it common to be that late???
  7. wow these 2 are amazing!!! btw may i ask who the girl playing guitar in the pics is???? i'm outdated with gig reports sori:roftl:
  8. yes, absolutely!!!!! my soul's flown to Oz already!!!!!!!!!!! i can definitely udstand how excited they are right now!!!!!!!!! thank you so much Kodes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! let's keep an eye on his twitter!!
  9. dun worry!! 我地自己走去meet and greet咪得囉 btw 我總算買齊晒送俾佢既禮物!!!!!
  10. hey Hongkongers!!!!!!!!! i think for that so-called "mika night", it's better to ask mika himself/his management to confirm his attendance (if we are lucky enough) but IMO, i think it's quite unlikely... to be frank...... the show is on Thur!!!! i can't wait!!! u hv no idea how excited i am! but at the same time, i'm also panick...... coz i hv an exam that day and also on Fri:sneaky2: WTF are all these???? i'm struggling with revision right now *sigh*
  11. hey Aussies!! juz drop by to say hello and wish everyone good luck:biggrin2: i've already set one of my clocks to Sydney time, so that i won't get confused so easily when tweets/news/gig reports come out!!! coz u know, aft your amazing time spent with him, it's OUR turn:wub2: finally!! is there a meet-up of MFCers before the gig???
  12. wow congratz BS!!!!!!! in fact i always thought u were already a mod:naughty: once again, thank you all the mods n admins for this forum!! i luv mika and youuuuuuuuuu:wub2: XXX
  13. juz a quick ask! does "tummy sleeper" means someone sleep with his tummy, but not the back, stuck to the bed? i tried to wiki but i failed:aah: thanks a lot, i know this's a silly question.
  14. oh may i ask wt that crazy fan quesiton is in the end??? i can't get it:blink:
  15. sori hvn't checked out all the posts yet! but thank you so much for the link!!!!!!!! i juz found................. i miss him damn much:blush-anim-cl: Martin was hidding behind the keyboard? i was so anxious he's gone again when i couldn't find him on the guitar:shocked: and is it juz me or anyone else also feels he's a little bit nervous?? great perfornamce though:thumb_yello:
  16. to be frank i always want to make mika a TT on twitter. but the thing is, somehow MFCers are juz not mobilised or organised when doing so..... juz like the #ilovemika tag, the frenzy only lasts for several days and then only a few of us are left to keep tweeting it. it is very normal for ppl (including me) to stop these online random thingy when it seems there are not many others doing that!! i dunno if it'd sound silly if MFC starts a twitter TT campaign. but i myself absolutely welcome and even look forward to it!!!!!
  17. OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks for telling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and yes, MIKA LIVE IN HONG KONG 2009 is a sold-out gig!!!!!!!!!
  18. 我已經被Fortuné迷倒!!!!! 好厲害啊sui!!!! 不知903方面有沒有其他新消息??? 例如meeks的訪問??? 抱歉我沒有聽radio的習慣
  19. juz copied the link in chin thread!!! thzzz suisuimeko:biggrin2: pics from KGV: http://forum.my903.com/redirect.php?tid=129464&goto=lastpost vid made by KGV student in which MIKA DID SPEAK! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NsOD5s_XStY lucky students!!!! i hv to admit i feel jealous right now..... but the artworks are reli beauitful:wub2:
  20. oh!! quickly get one as long as u're sure U WILL GO!!!!!:mf_rosetinted:



    awww i hope u can tell me more details later on, if it doesn't bring any troubles to u! FEEL SO EXCITED FOR U!!! (and for his coming gig of coz):mf_lustslow:



    but i guess u can't write cantonese right? :naughty:

  21. seems his are darker in colour?? i juz tweeted @mikasounds asking him to take Fortuné to Hong Kong for the coming gig:roftl:
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