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Everything posted by huikings

  1. cant express myself by words now mikasounds: Hong Kong here we come about 1 hour ago from Tweetie I AM DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. OMG YOU REMEBER ME!!!! THZZ DARLING!!!!!!! i can't express my feeling by words now..... i'm actually shaking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! totally insane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANKS A LOT FOR COMING MIKA!!!!!! xxx
  3. oh it seems i've missed sth?? wh's that?? plz tell me!!! @@ juz checked on jp hmv site if we divide the shipping cost into 2, each of us needs to pay $97 for the mag which is mailed from Japan == but if u, space and i share the shipping cost, it will be cheaper i guess! (later sin calculate:aah:) will go to hmv/page one to see if the mag's there or not report to u all later:thumb_yello: as for those colourful creatures who chase aft him..... i think they are simply FREAKS:teehee: the vid is not "pointlessly delicious" this time, it's "pointlessly ridiculous" IMO:naughty: but dun be mistaken mika, i luv it damn much:mf_rosetinted:
  4. wow! yes u are so lucky!!! do u speak or read chinese? i mean, do u understand what we talk abt here?? jap thread有條link可以日本hmv網買,,,但我未check幾錢@@ a must-buy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 話時話雖然我都不喜歡lady gaga,,不過都試過唱k唱她的歌 XDDD paparazzi佢同個男人搞左成分鐘都有先開始唱 == 但已決定要買rain了 太愛 我有點confused了... 那麼現在2nd single不是biotg了嗎??? (太耐沒有update) good idea!! interview from 903?? is it a recent one????? i've only listened to that one 2 years ago.....
  5. thzz a lot!! then i will go to the hvm hk stores to search a bit first!! so glad that the mag itself is not expansive!!!! but do u know how much is the shipping cost?? i dun hv a hmv a/c yet and it's a DECEMBER issue??? wow:shocked: MY OH MY! the ultra pop monster who knew too much???? :roftl: but wt's the dvd for???????????????
  6. sori for sneaking in but i juz !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMGGG can someone kindly buy this for me?? i so wanna hv it!!!! edit: nonono, i should check whether i can buy it here first! thzz for posting anyways!!!!!!!! : ) xxx
  7. this is really funny!!! esp. the bold parts and yeah, the dress-up is cool!!! did u put make-up on his face also??
  8. wow, welcome to the MFC!!!!!! u are from China/Hong Kong? or u juz drop by to visit us?? and i guess no one in this thread is fortunate enough to do that! u know we are very far away..... 我已經懶得看review/news好耐了 不過front page news就1定看啦~~~ 前陣子在youtube bump into了不少meek的interveiws的... 我全fav了不過遲些再看吧 XDDDD RAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 我要講多次我真的覺得好twilight呀!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 我有看電影有看書.. 覺得rob pattinson其實不錯的 但總是覺得他不夠 "edward" 現在看這個vid覺得其實咱mika寶寶也有edward的感覺嘛 btw i agree wif u space! 但我覺得dark dark地幾襯這首歌呀都 luv this more than BIOTG! yeah~ 不過single的b-side是acoustic poker face..... 對吸引程度其實沒有多大提升 == laydee??? wt's that?? 我應該miss了些什麼... EDIT: 大家快d飛去日本個thread!!!! 有勁靚既m仔mag呀!!!!! 香港有得買嗎???
  9. absolutely!!!!! wanna type this out as well!!! our boy can be a hot vampire i guess?? and ys, this vid is a bit pointless n ridiculous... but i quite like it:teehee:
  10. will it?? i hope this's not the reason why he/his team chose to put it on the b-side.... but of coz,, his acoustic version is simply WICKED:wub2:
  11. mikasounds On my way to NYC. We're shutting down Dylan's Candy Bar for just a few competition winners. Then filming Boomerang for Mexico. Then SHOW! winners? boomerang? anyone plz fill me in??? hvn't been on for a while:blink: sori i'm such a bad fan!!!
  12. OMFG wt else can i say????? i luv luv luv luv RAIN!!!!!!!!! but actually a bit disappointed that HMDYLM isn't there... i've been dreaming these two fav of mine are on the same CD so many times:mf_rosetinted:
  13. thzzz a lot!!! can u also tell me where this is from? i've forgotten.....
  14. wow The Sun is reli taking him seriously! not much doubt to me that it's juz a small piece of joke slipping from him:mf_rosetinted: but that pic on the web!!!!!! anyone has the original version???? plz???
  15. thzzzz sweetie!!! rejoice and cry... literally quite contradictory:aah: but i know what u mean, i'll do the same as well! btw niamh, u said u now know all the moves in Thriller?? that's awesome!! congratz thzz for ur link!! the scene's actually heart-broken.... when such words slipped from little Paris but again, it's so hard to know the truth. i mean, someone may hv exaggerated a bit:naughty:
  16. this is from the PDP dvd, when he tried his Louboutins
  17. oh i thought there are already no places! so can u plz put me (huikings / kas) on the waiting list as well??? thzzz millions!!!!
  18. OMG i wish i saw this thread earlier!!! no more places right?? but.... it's so gorgeous!!!!! mika will luv it:blush-anim-cl:
  19. would my fans dump me if THAT pimple remains?? no, i juz wanna say..... these two are incredible :roftl:
  20. hi, how are y'all??? life's been so busy these days i even hv no time to lurk here.... hope everyone's doing well!! i only try to know more a bit the TINI thingy now and it scared me. those testimonies juz made me upset and of coz, confused and confused. not sure which side i'm going to but it has definitely changed my expectations of the movie xoxo
  21. yoyoyoyoy!!! i am here!!!!!! miss u all 前陣子都過著每天只睡2小時的日子 快死了 == 看來大家都很忙吧 要加油啊!!!!!!!!!!!! 講起demo 其實咱meeks之前都okay多leak了出來.... 不過mfc rules不容許我們在此discuss (雖然我們在這裡講他們也不明白 XD) loverboy, overated, u made me,, 還有那些singles' bonus tracks我都有mp3檔! 如果想要的可以add我msn呀 今天是N American tour開始的日子! (對嗎?) 待我1陣去看看gig reports先.... 還有什麼新聞什麼mag什麼new pics嗎??? may somebody plz fill me in???? xxx
  22. here u go: http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=19110 這是mfc的傳統呢~ 每年整1本full of msg/articles/pics from mfcers的本子給他!!! space: papercut不要交呀!!!! main point是它已經2 yrs old了 見證了你的mika歲月呀 你total要交幾份?? 今年有fav song和album review兩個不同的sections.... 不過如果要我很認真的寫個album review 1定會爆字+用勁多時間!!! == i admire mika coz... 又好像好行,,寫來寫去都是那些@@ 唉又想起上年那篇missing work!! 好不好把頭頭尾尾改改再去交呢? 不過現在再看1年多前寫的文,, 我覺得有點難為情呢
  23. 對了 vera,, 你跟simon cow同1天生日呢 祝心想事成!!!! mika快駕臨asia,,, 屆時我們可能真的可以見面了 xxx
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