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Everything posted by shoni

  1. *sneaks in quietly* Wow I've just found this place, may i join you all in a small refreshment. This sounds like THE place to be, with my kinda people.
  2. Oh thanks FD for keeping original plan, as i cant take much more of this. God only knows how you must feel about all this. Stay cool!
  3. Aw thats too bad. Ok flashing hearts optional. lol I'm off now to stock up on more lollipops and curly wigs. OOOOOOOOOOOOhhhhhh this is so exciting. Bye for now all.
  4. Jaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!! Ok lets get started. When we become official we have to do all of the above (btw this is mandatory) and every year we all have to meet here and gush about how great Mika and us are. PS flashing hearts are a must too.
  5. I think as well as front page news on here we should at least get a mention on National news. Top story on News at Ten with Sir Trevor Mcdonald.lol Also i think a national holiday should be declared. April fools day could soon be known as' National Mika Day'. Woo Hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Oh poor you, if it is announced we are official tomorrow you will be innundated with pm's asking if it is true. If i were you i would just go into hiding until 2nd April. lol btw thanks to you and everyone else for maikng this happen you're a LEGEND.
  7. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what a long weekend. Normally that is a good thing, but when you're waiting on news its not. My hubby and kids have been living on take away and easter eggs all weekend as i've been glued to here. lol Hurry up and put us all out of our misery PEEAAAASSEEEE!!!
  8. Boo Hoo, i have to go now, i am officially leaving in a huff ,as i have to go to work now. Oh woe is me!!!!!!!!!
  9. This is so frustrating:sneaky2: I cant beleive i have to go work soon and dont have access to computer. Please Mister M can we have some news in like 10 mins!!!! Pleeeeeeeeaaaaassssse. :mf_lustslow:
  10. OMG the suspense is killing me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have to go to work soon, unless i contract some highly contagious (non life threatening) disease, and the only cure is to sit at computer and wait for news on MFC Officialdom! Thanks for this FD your a star.
  11. Hi guys , dont know if you will be able to help with this but my sister has been 'awaiting activation' for weeks now can u look into this for me on her behalf. I have been having problems with my computer and i am using her email address could this be the problem. Hope u can help thanx.
  12. C'mon you guys can we stop saying things like 'assasination and john lennon ' and such. We don't know even if this story is true or not!! If it is we all should not be devoting our time and energy to this 'idiot' and concentrate on other things Mika related. Just thought i'd add my tuppence worth.
  13. Ok heres what we should do. All MFC members should get together , smuggle Mika and all his freinds and family into a plane. We should then all move to an 'island just off the coast of Mexico(wah), and here we clould all live happily ever after! Does that not sound like a 'Happy Ending' Seriously though i do hope all this is just some storm in a teacup and these idiots can all just leave him alone and try to live some sort of normal life.
  14. OOh your bad! As you say your location is' inside my head', if you do not write more now i will put on my headphones and play Cliff Richard songs until you give in. If that fails i will play Agadoo on a loop. So dont just sit there reading this START WRITING NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Noooooooooooooooo!!!! I was working til late last night and i was so looking forward to getting up this morning and settling in for another gripping chapter. Please we want more. I am starting to get the shakes and cant concentrate til i have more. lol You are better than J K rowling i think we should rename you J G Bowling. (just gone bowling.) MORE PLEEEEEEEASE!
  16. Yeah! I,m sooooo excited about this, just let me know when u want my address. thankyou.
  17. Just came across this story today , so read all 3 chapters together, Fanbloomingtastic:groupwave: Not into Harry Potter at all but luvvin this. Put the world on hold and give us more. NOOOOWWWW er please x
  18. shoni


    Here is where the fun begins !!!
  19. I would love to be in on this, i think its an amazing idea. I am not always on here as i have 2 young kids and also work but if you just let me know i will pm you my address. hope i,m not too late. x:thumb_yello:
  20. welcome miranda, this place is mad, but fun. I,m sure you'll enjoy it here.
  21. i actually have to get another dvd just in case anything happens to mine. but i recorded Mika on smash hits the other night at the koko club in london it was amazing, so at least i have that one just in case.
  22. I would just like to say that since i found MIka i am a much happier person. Almost every day i play live in cartoon motion, and when i see him jumping about on stage and hitting those amazing high notes it gives me such a natural high. i cant thank him enough for his lyrics, some make you think and others are so tongue in cheek, no other artist i know can do that. Mika you are the best. Thankyou just for being you. x:wub2:
  23. omg that soooooooo is me my 3 year old knows all songs off by heart Billy brown is his favourite and boy can he hold a note. we play live in cartoon motion every day, he prefers it too cbeebies lol. this has been my first night of real chatting and it has been fab, gotta go now. remember just 'relax and take it easy'
  24. :eek: oops sorry no not yet, but i cant wait for the day he comes tae scotland. :punk:
  25. aw youve gave the game away, as i thought naebody else would know where blytheswood is. naw i'm really an undercover super hero. pmsl:starwars:
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