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Status Updates posted by JoseOle

  1. heeej :wub2: ja, ik ben hier zo weinig, soms lees ik even snel het een en ander en dan ben ik alweer weg :teehee: De Dutch thread is ook niet meer helemaal wat het was, voel me er niet echt zo thuis meer :blink: misschien snap je wel een beetje waarom.. :teehee:

    Hoe is het verder met je? Ik hoop dat het goed met je gaat! Hier wel hoor, lekker voorpret hebben voor Lowlands enzo! :biggrin2:

    xx :huglove:

  2. Hi!! thanks! It's from this interview:

    this is part 2:

  3. No problem! Sharing all this is part of the fun! =D

  4. How could I ever reject somebody who like Mika AND Sigur Rós!?:naughty:

    Have a great day too!

  5. Ik zit nog steeds op een roze wolk :blush-anim-cl:

    Hoewel ik nu wel telkens denk van: Ojeee kan ik het wel? Hebben ze geen fout gemaakt bij de intake? Ben ik wel goed genoeg? :blush-anim-cl: Ik word er dus onzeker van :blink:


    Te gek he, die nieuwe nummers? Ik ben verliefd op Toy Boy! :wub2: (was te verwachten maybe) :naughty:

  6. Heeey Karin! :biggrin2:

    Jou heb ik echt lang niet gesproken zeg! Zag wel dat je af en toe online was geweest hier, maar dan was ik er telkens niet! :thumbdown:

    Uiteraard heb ik ondertussen weer internet, en kom maar snel een keer online op msn ja! :bleh:

    Hier gaat het verder heel goed, op mezelf wonen bevalt echt goed! Ik heb aanmelding gedaan voor de filmacademie en ben door naar de volgende ronde! En die volgende ronde is morgen: ik moet dan op gesprek komen! Dus ik ben nu bloednerveus! :naughty:

    Ik ben hier niet zo vaak meer als eerst, in de tijd dat ik geen internet had ben ik van mn verslaving afgeraakt. Maar ik kom nog regelmatig een kijkje nemen hier, en ik vind Mika nog steeds leukleukleuk! :biggrin2:


    Hoe is het met jou? en hoe is het thuis?


    X José

  7. Ooooh I found someone who can get the parcel from the post office!! Probably tomorrow!! :biggrin2::punk: I'm sooooo glad because I couldn't make it myself for at least two weeks or so!! Whoohooo!! :wub2:

  8. haha awww so you are "using" him!? :naughty:


    Or do you secretly have a crush on him too? :das:

  9. :shocked: 6 kgs... oh dear.. :naughty: But I think I can manage it.. I'm a strong woman, I will take it on my bicycle :cool: I'm cool like that!


    but but but... do you have a boyfriend, who got the parcel to the post office?

  10. Heeey Dilek! I actually have some news!!!! The postman did come by today, but I wasn't home... he left a note that he has a parcel for me!! :punk: Oooh but he will try to deliver it one more time at my house tomorrow, BUT I'm not home at that moment... so I still won't have it... :tears: I think he will leave antoher note to me tomorrow so I can get it at the post office myself!! And I have to do that quick because I waaaaaaaant it now!! :roftl: (but at this moment I am moving from my appartment to another (because of the split-up with my boyfriend), so I'm very busy with getting my new house ready to move in! I think you'll understand I want to leave this house of "us" as soon as I can :naughty:). So I have to find some spare time... but I will! :wub2:


    And oh! I got some more stuff for your MM as well.. but still not finished... but slowly but steady I'm getting there! :naughty::blush-anim-cl:




  11. Happy newyear to you too!!! :punk:


    oooh I was sick at new years eve.. :sad: So I didn't had a party at all! How was your evening?


    Your avvie kinda looks like a photo from (photographer) Miles Aldridge, but it isn't, right?

  12. Jeetje, ik zie jou ook nooit meer hier?! :sad:

  13. Haha ik word altijd zo bang van jou! :bleh:

  14. Fijne feestdagen!! :huglove:

  15. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay awesome!! :groovy: I'm very far with yours too :das: But I have to get some things for which I have to travel... and didn't had the time to do that.. but it's almost vacationtime here.. so :naughty:

  16. Sorry darling!! Gosh... :blush-anim-cl:

    I think I was shocked by your previous message.. (no, really I was..! :shocked:) :naughty:


    *goes to write pm to Dilek* :blush-anim-cl:

  17. Oh my... :shocked:







  18. aaaaaaaah I bought a lot of stuff :biggrin2:, but I'm not finished! :mf_rosetinted:

  19. *you stalker!* :mf_rosetinted::naughty:



    Okay, first:

    AAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaah gig was fecking amazing! :punk: They were great!! I already knew that, but they didn't disappoint me, AT ALL! :wub2:


    I'm busy now with pics and movies.. but Youtube doens't work for me, dunno why.. :thumbdown: might try it later... I'm uploading pics too.. but they aren't of great quality because the lights were bad and there was a lot of smoke! :naughty:


    anyway! I had a great time and I'll write more SOON!! :mf_lustslow:

  20. Support act is A Place To Bury Strangers http://www.myspace.com/aplacetoburystrangers

    If you listen to number 4, Runaround, you might understand why I call it "noisy" :roftl:


    Oooh you will get a report! That's for sure!! :punk:


    I'm off now to shower (no, I don't want to smell bad :mf_rosetinted:) and do some preparations! Talk to you soon! :biggrin2:



  21. It probably ends about half past 11, or something.. I dunno.. first we get some noisy support-act! :naughty: But we have to drive more than an hour to get home.. so :blink:


    Nah, I'm leaving in about an hour :bleh: Early enough for me.. :naughty: I hate to wait! :naughty:

  22. aaaaaah god, oh really? :shocked: Lucky girl! :sneaky2::naughty:


    It seems my friend doesn't want to wait at the end of the show, because it will be too late... :thumbdown:


    I'm not there yet because it starts at 20.30 and it's just 15.40.. :naughty: (it's not like Mika, I will not sit and wait in front of the venue 5 hours before it actually starts :naughty:)

  23. keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetiiii!!

    How are you? :das:

  24. Heeey!

    Ah, you saw the DVD? What did you think of it?

    I'm gonna watch it with some Dutchies next weekend, for the first time! :biggrin2:


    Man-land.. gosh..:naughty: nothing special :no: But we're having a party friday.. so.. :das:

    How about you??




    *MGMT tonight :shocked::punk:*

  25. Ooow I'm so sorry, but I have to extend the deadline with 2 weeks or something... :tears: You can send it earlier, if you like to. :biggrin2:

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