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Status Updates posted by DarkLight

  1. ahh don't worry feel free to whine to me :D I'm always here for you to chat to if you're feeling awful :huglove: I know it's not nice when you don't feel well! I spent a lot of time as a child unwell so I know it's not good!


    Hope you feel better soon



  2. ohh so sorry to hear you're not well (((hugs))) I'm not too bad, I am in a lot of pain at the moment but I'm not too bad besides that I guess


    hope you feel better soon :huglove:

  3. almost sorted out the internet problems yes, we're still having some minor trouble but nothing too severe now hopefully.


    How are you doing? I hope you're well :huglove:


    have a wonderful weekend


    chantelle :D

  4. ahh thought it was lollipop I kinda remembered but wasn't certain lol :D


    have a lovely weekend :huglove:

  5. yeah he is amazing :wub2: i know you wanted the relax cd but what was the other one?? I've forgotten now *slaps self* hahaha :roftl:


    have a lovely day


    chantelle :huglove:

  6. aww sorry to hear that, that sucks :(


    have a lovely weekend


    chantelle :huglove:

  7. Hello there :D I've not been online for weeks due to the laptop crashing but I'm back now :D


    I've just been away to see my favourite illusionist Derren Brown it was totally amazing I enjoyed it very much & got to take part in a roundabout way on both nights, there was a trick where he used photos of several members of the audience & mine was used in the trick & on the 2nd night I lent him my watch to use in a trick so that was cool!


    I also was in the same hotel as him, I was in room 108 & him in room 109 which was totally cool :D


    I also got to chat with him again on both nights which was lovely, on both nights he gave me a kiss on the cheek & on the 2nd night he blew me a kiss which was lovely!"



    How are you? what's happening with you?


    Hope you're well


    chat soon :)

  8. Hi there I missed you too & the internet it sucked big !!!


    I haven't been able to find the singles as i didn't have the internet but I'm back to looking for them now o.k :D


    the stuff should be sent on wednesday (next week o.k)


    Yeah I saw Derren it was wonderful he gave me a kiss on the cheek on both nights which was lovely (he's never done that before) he also blew me a kiss on the 2nd night which was sweet


    I also kinda took part in both shows in a round about way too, there was a trick where he used several photos of the audience & Mine was one of them & on the 2nd night I lent him my watch to use in a trick so it was brilliant :D:boing: :boing:



    Also I was in hotel room number 108 & he was in room 109 which was fantastic :D totally cool to be in the room next to his :boing: o.k I didn't get to chat to him in the hotel sadly but I was in the room next to his which was a total surprise & a very lovely one too

    nice to chat with you again :huglove:

  9. hello nice to hear from you, I'm suprised anyone noticed I was gone lol :D I'm back now (until this stupid thing plays up hahaha) I hope you're well :huglove:


    chantelle :D

  10. hello there I'm fine thanks how are you? I hope you're well


    I haven't been able to get online for quite a few weeks due to the laptop crashing but i'm back online now tama will be on it's way to you soon btw :D o.k

  11. hello you :huglove: sheesh not been on here for ages My computer crashed don't know if your mum told you & then when we did get the internet on again it started playing up, everything is finally sorted now thank goodness so hopefully no more problems with it


    How are you? I hope you're doing well & btw I haven't forgotten the other half of your mm I just haven't had the money to send it yet (seeing Derren has cost a LOT!!!) I shall send it asap though so don't worry o.k


    chat soon :huglove:

  12. sure we could do that or we could (if you want to) another mm after summer or towards the end of the year say a christmas one?) it's up to you I don't mind :D

  13. hello there you :huglove: I'm online if ya wanna chat for a while?

  14. yeah i know it is lol must empty it (my internet connection went earlier the nuisance)

  15. nothing much at the moment just chilling at home surfing the net & i'm gonna watch tv later nothing overly exciting to be honest

  16. hello there how are you? I hope you're well :D

  17. oh it's easter over there now hmm didn't know it was later than over here I hope you had a good one


    i have heard a couple of Mika's new songs yes & they sound amazing


    have a lovely week


    chat soon


    chantelle :huglove:

  18. yes i do have a hello kitty guitar :D it's great isn't it :D I see you really like hello kitty, that's really cool


    thanks for accepting the friends request


    have a lovely day :huglove:

  19. i'm not too bad thanks :D yeah it's great isn't it they were only ordered the other day so i'm waiting for them to arrive I can't wait for them to get here :boing: I'm still frequently checking ebay & other sites for the singles & will as i have mentioned let you know when i get them o.k :D


    ohh that's cool you've got a bit of time off :D


    chat soon pal


    have a lovely weekend



  20. yes i mean another mm


    me & my friend have done 2 we did a large one then a few months later we did a mini Mika mail.


    it's up to you :D there's many things I could send you that I have in mind that you probably wouldn't be able to get in japan some Mika related stuff i've seen recently I just thought i didn't send you much Mika related stuff & you may want some more Mika stuff if it's difficult to get Mika stuff over there :D


    let me know what you think

  21. hello there you :D I've just ordered you a mika calendar as i said i would a while back if i could get a hold of one well i finally did :boing: i'm still on the lookout for the cd's though will let you know when i find them o.k


    chat soon pal :huglove: hope you're well



  22. I was wondering by the way if you would maybe one day like to do another mm or a mini mm?


    Chantelle :)

  23. yes i was very lucky to have you as a mm partner too :D yes I hope we can keep in touch too



  24. oh well chat some other time then :D


    ttyl :huglove:

  25. I'm not too bad thanks :D


    yeah we've not chatted much of late have we


    mind you i haven't been on here that much


    I'll be off in a minute but will hopefully be back online in an hour or two (if you're here then?)


    chat soon buddy :huglove:

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