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Status Updates posted by DarkLight

  1. he's very cool, it was a great show wasn't it :)

  2. good idea it'd be fantastic to see you post, If you need any help just message me & I'll try & help out o.k :)

  3. ahh it's rather easy you just go to a thread & click reply then type in whatever it is you want to say then submit simple as that :)

  4. ohh happy birthday for sep 3rd then :)


    oohh school bet you're not looking forward to that


    may i ask a random q? why is it you've only made one post here yet been a member for ages?


    have a lovely day


    chat soon :huglove:

  5. nothing much really? no news to be honest except i'm seeing Derren brown next year on his birthday, what about you any news?

  6. oh i'm so glad you're feeling better :huglove: I'm not doing too bad now i'm just trying not to focus on the inevitable hell that is to ensue soon & just trying to focus on things i have to look forward to


    chat soon



  7. ohh I don't know myself yet i didn't get a chnce to watch the 2nd movie over the weekend as i was gonna far too busy but i must get round to watching it soon


    i do think the 1st movie was good though :)

  8. hi there yeah I know you're not well your mum told me, I hope you feel better soon :huglove:


    nope sadly not great myself my aunt looks certain to die soon your mum may tell you what i posted on my facebook status


    looks like i'll be having an unhappy 24th birthday in october ;(


    hope you feel better soon


    chat whenever you're back online


  9. hi thanks for your message I appreciate it

  10. yeah i'm gald he's coming to my hometown too gives me something nice to think about & distract me from worrying even for just a little while


    I'm also seeing him on his birthday in febraury which is nice :)


    I'm off out now


    will be back later no doubt


    take care


    chat soon :huglove:

  11. oh so sorry to hear that I hope it gets better soon :huglove:


    I'm o.k I guess


    have been up & down for a while I've been worried about my auntie it seems she may not live much longer sadly though we're not 100% sure at the moment so trying not to worry too much


    but i had a bit of good news today my favourite illusionist Derren Brown is coming to my hometown Hull to do a show next year :) so that's made me happy today


    chat soon


    take care



  12. hello there how are you doing???I hope you're well


    have a lovely weekend :huglove:

  13. indeed have you seen the movies yet?? I've seen the 1st one twice & I'm watching the 2nd over the weekend :)

  14. oh you like garfield too he's great isn't he, i've just changed my myspace background to a garfield one that I made myself :)

  15. ohh capoeira ricky martin does that, he did that as well as dancing when i saw him on tour a few years ago it was brilliant i'd love to do capoeira myself :)


    it looks so cool :)


    oh glad the link works so what do you think of the w.a.g vid then I love it it's so brilliant


    chat soon

  16. welcome to the mfc I hope you'll like it here :)

  17. aww that artwork was totally brilliant I love it :D You're really a fantastic artist


    yeah maybe they were jealous but PPPffftt to them eh :P


    chat soon




    chantelle :)

  18. Hi there :) hope you're well I'm fine


    Nothing much to report really the only news I have is I may be going to the live Tv show of Derren brown I applied for tickets & he got his admin guy to invite me to his portrait exhibition I can only afford to go to one though sadly so It'll be the live tv show :)


    hmm wag vid link the only one I have that works for me is this one




    hope it works for you :)

  19. ahh poor thing hope you feel better soon


    I'm suffering a very pAinful knee, have been for weeks it makes walking, standing up & sitting down almost impossible, I'm only coming up for 24 but have severe arthritis & hypermobility, it's just worse these past few weeks :(


    have a lovely day


    chantelle :)

  20. ah you like garfield eh?!? me too


    how are you I hope you're well :D



  21. hey that sucks why on earth would they ignore you that's not very nice is it (((hugs))) I understand


    well it's a total shame they've made you feel like not taking part, it's really sucky :(


    could i see the art you did for the project I'm interested in seeing it :)


    chat soon bud :huglove:


    from one :das: girl to another :das:



  22. oh I don't mind where my name is put, either alongside yours on on my drawing is fine either way :D

  23. ahaha that's what happned to mine it nearly caught fire when i was drying my hair then it went bang eeekkk luckily i didn't get hurt eh


    first the computer hard drive going bang & now the hair dryer not having good luck with electricals am i eh???


    no probs i thought you'd maybe wanna help with the project :)


    I've thus far written a little something for him, i'll pm it to you later so you can see what you think & get an idea of what you can write from mine maybe?


    i don't know what else i'm gonna do for the project though i shall have to see when inspiration strikes me eh



    gotta go now


    chat soon :huglove:


    Mika's :das: girl 1 :lmao:

  24. hi there bud missed you :huglove: well the project has no deadline yet so don't worry :) we're not gonna be able to give it to him until he tours again which is gonna be a few months yet isn't it?!?


    and they've only just started talking about it no one's sure of what they're gonna do for the project yet, it's in the early days of discussion thus far



    and as for the cd will let you know when i've sent it o.k


    it'll have to be one day next week now as i don't have any money now i had to get a new hairdryer mine blew eeekkkk


    hope you're well


    take care


    chat soon buddy



  25. http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=19056


    hey there's a project some of us are taking part in, in the members only section & I was wondering if you'd take part?


    It's basically a project where we're trying to make Mika see just how beautiful he is inside & out & how special he is 'cause as I'm sure you're aware he doesn't think he's beautfiful & is always putting himself down.


    so will you take part too??


    hope you're well


    take care bud


    chat soon :huglove:


    chantelle :)

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