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Everything posted by sarah90

  1. that's sooo cool!! I didn't even notice that mika was in the neons!
  2. only one sentence for mika???? ....i guess it is better than nothing......
  3. no no no no no... jasper must have flat hair.. not puffy hair!! I hate his mushroom haircut!!
  4. haha.. he's cute with his pink hat and yellow shirt!!
  5. okiee.. I'm off to calculus class.. have fun with jasper:wub2:
  6. ouuuulalalalaa... brown hair=soooo much better:mf_lustslow:
  7. hi!! and welcome the the MFC!!!
  8. in case you didn't read it... that's stephenie's comment that goes with the pictures.. Hey guys, I thought you might enjoy a couple of pictures from my weekend on the set of Twilight the movie. It was an amazing time; I had the chance to visit some of the film sites (Oregon is gorgeous!), go through the story boards (if just scanning through the sketches is so exciting, I can only imagine how much more thrilling the live action will be), watch some brief videos of stunt work (ouch! but so cool), and even catch a little bit of a vampire baseball game (look out—James is a ringer). My favorite part was dinner with some of the cast and crew. You don't know surreal until you sit down at a table with people out of your imagination. It was more than a little bit disturbing how pretty everyone was, and who knew movie stars were so nice? Anyway, if you ever get a chance to visit the set of a movie based on a book you wrote, I definitely recommend that you go for it. --Stephenie
  9. soooo coooooll!! thanks for posting these pictures!!! and japer looks sooo much better in this picture than in the official.. with his hair down and everything!! argg.. cant wait till decemberr!!!!
  10. whats the worst that can happen?? they close the forum:tears: *dies*
  11. MIKA is so late that he is going to miss the bus so he ran to the next bus stop to try and catch it there, but he saw something really gross at the bus stop, something that looked like a booger the size of a human, so he tried to spray it with some desinfectant he had in his bag, but then the booger started jumping up and down because he was allergic to desinfectant, and so mika tried to catch it, but
  12. en france, je pense que ça s'appelle bien le lycée. moi je viens de montréal et c'est pas le même système pour les écoles. Les noms sont différents.
  13. MIKA is so late that he is going to miss the bus so he ran to the next bus stop to try and catch it there, but he saw something really gross at the bus stop, something that looked like a booger the size of a human, so he tried to spray it with some desinfectant he had in his bag, but then the booger started jumping up and down because
  14. welcome to the MFC!! and you sooo lucky you got to dance on stage with mika!!!
  15. ton français est super.. aucune fautes.. bonne chance pour apprendre! tu viens d'angleterre?
  16. exactly... it would be kind of boring to like only one artist or only one kind of music..
  17. so... I understand Vitas is not really appreciated in russia?
  18. okay lol. now I understand.. and yes.. that was a funny coincidence..
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