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Everything posted by Satya82

  1. Oh thank you! Yeah, I was SO lucky I got to meet him in Toronto. My sister was a Lollipop Girl onstage with him, and if she hadn't asked him if he'd meet me after the show, it never would have happened. He was on his way out of the venue so yeah...I'm a lucky girl.
  2. Awww, welcome to the board! One of my best friends moved from Michigan (where we're both from) to Galway just last year, and she loves it! I miss her a ton, so I'm trying to figure out when and how I can visit her this year. Too bad Mika's not touring in the UK/Ireland this summer when I'm planning to travel. (At least not yet!)
  3. Ha, awesome. I'm Alissa with an "i" (as you can see). Welcome to the board!!!
  4. Yes, MORE than welcome! Post as much as you like, really. Don't hold back. And welcome to the forum! I'm fairly new myself.
  5. Manda, I loved your report! A knight in shining armor for sure! What gifts did you and the other LGs give him that he loved so much?
  6. It's like what someone else said...he almost seems to be two people in one. He's so dynamic and energetic onstage--unstoppable! And then offstage he's quieter and very sweet. I love it. It just shows us how great of a performer he is. He knows when he's "on," and he knows how to put on d*mn good show!!!
  7. Vero, thank you once again for the fantastic (or as Mika says "brilliant") reports! And I love that Nadja said that to you--she really is sweet. You know, I realize that Mika has a lot of people demanding his time, and a lot of responsibilities, but it really sunk in when I read your report. Everybody does want a piece of him, and I'm sure he doesn't get to say everything he wants to every fan. In Toronto, I kept trying to go backstage to see you and Laura before and after the show, and Nadja kept telling me "No, I'm sorry you can't come back here anymore." And I remember thinking, "Well, that's not fair. Then why did you give me a backstage pass?" I was annoyed then, but I feel bad about that now. Every fan wants to stick out, to mean something to Mika, for him to remember them. But that's just another person wanting another piece of him, and I suppose it's not fair for me to have these high expectations. He does what he can, and he does a lot, and I really, really appreciate that. A part of me still wants to stand out, but I know I'm not the only one. Even if he never knows who I am or remembers me, I still feel lucky to be a fan. Think how many people in this world don't get that chance?
  8. LOVE, LOVE the reports and pics--thank you to everyone who posted!! You know, it's kind of funny that Mika's fly keeps slipping down. I think it's because his pants are so gosh darn (and wonderfully) tight.
  9. Oh that sounds AWESOME! Glad Mika had such a great show! Ah, I will have to catch up on the Chicago reports tomorrow. Night everyone!!
  10. VERO!!! Once again, thank you for the BRILLIANT report! I can't wait to read the rest! Oh, to be a Lollipop Girl three times! (Heck, or once!) *coughwouldlovetoseeapicturecough*
  11. AAAH Vero, cliffhangers for sure! I really have to go to bed (darnit!) but I'll finish reading tomorrow. SO glad you made it to NYC!!! (And back home safely!)
  12. AAAH, why am I still awake? I have SUCH a long day tomorrow! But you know, I had to update myself on the New York show and what a fantastic read it was! Let me add myself to that bunch. Toronto was my first Mika concert, and I didn't think I'd be this depressed about it being over...but I am. I think it's because I have no idea when I'll be able to see him live again...and what a high that is! Like I told Mika: BEST SHOW EVER! I <3 MIKA, your video was SO cute of Mika talking before the show. Thank you so much for posting it! (Is there a way for me to save it? I have this insane urge to watch it over and over, lol.) Titty, thank you for posting your gorgeous pictures! That first one is just stunning. And to everyone else that posted pictures, thank you, thank you, thank you! It helps with the Mika depression to see what the other shows have been like.
  13. AAAH, I just have to add my thanks for all the updates and pics! It's like we're there...but not. Definitely next best thing, though! And I am all for the live streaming video idea...someone needs to mention this to Andy. I'm off (gotta teach yoga in the morning, haha) but I can't wait to read the reviews tomorrow! I can't wait to read Vero's third LG review. Lucky girl!
  14. Thanks guys! It's been awesome so far!! What a great bunch of people we have here.
  15. Thank you SO much for these videos! The quality is AMAZING, and I still can't believe I was there! Just wondering, but what kind of camera did you use? Would it be a hassle to split "Love Today" into 2 parts? Then we could probaby download it.
  16. Oh Vero, I hope you make it safe and sound! (I'm sure you will!) Keep us updated.
  17. OMG he pulled the audience onstage?! :eek: That is so freakin' amazing! I seriously think I need to start saving money so I can go to more shows on the next tour and not miss things like this. Who cares about RL when you have Mika? LOL And haha, did anyone get those first few songs on video before he realized his fly was down?
  18. Thanks for the review, PhotoJenic! Whoa...like people from the audience?
  19. Yeah, as far as I know right after the show Mika did interviews, then had a little celebration for Mikey, then met the Lollipop Girls/Big Girls and took pics, and then left. It would be cool to see a smaller set, though. *dreaming*
  20. Oh why couldn't I have seen a show back then? 45 minutes with Mika... And excellent review, thank you mgpm! I love hearing about everyone's experiences.
  21. Yeah, exactly. After the show I could not speak because I had been screaming the lyrics to every song. It's a good thing I had to wait awhile to talk to him, otherwise I would have had to mime everything! And I was SO tired, but the adrenaline kept me going for hours afterward.
  22. Thank you to InfiniteGreen, DS, Jack, Serendipity, and anyone I may have missed for the brilliant reviews! I'm SO glad Mika was in top form and interacting with the crowd so much! I wish I could have been there...heck, I wish I could forget about RL for a month and see every single show! I'm coming down from my Toronto high, and now I'm just sad that I'm not going to any other shows on this tour. These US reviews will keep me going, though! I can't wait to see some pictures. Oh, and thank to those of you who found the videos on YouTube!
  23. Your review was awesome, and I'm so glad you posted it here! Thank you again for...well, you know. I met Mika because of you. Yay.
  24. Thank you all! I'm so happy to be here!
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