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Status Updates posted by iadoremika

  1. Of course you can have some! I love to share. :D

  2. Mmm that cake looks delicious! Thanks for the birthday wish, I'll eat that cake now. :naughty:

  3. Hey silver, thanks so much for the birthday wishes! It's hard to believe, but I'm 22 now. That much closer to being an adult, right? :wink2:

  4. That's alright. I think sightseeing and eating food would be two of the primary reasons why I want to go to Vietnam (and other places in Asia.) Especially the food. :licks_lips::teehee:

  5. What do you mean about the overwhelming walks?

    What sorts of things are there to do in Vietnam (tourist-y things or otherwise)?

  6. So I guess you'd take a car/taxi everywhere?

    Traffic doesn't sound too bad, but what I am most anxious about (besides safety) is the food and taking photos. I've only had pho here in Canada, but I imagine the real kind must be amazing. As well as other foods.

  7. I know this is totally random, but I see you're from Vietnam. (So, hello from Canada!) Within the next five years, or so, I am planning to do some traveling across Asia with my boyfriend. Would you say Vietnam is safe for tourists?

  8. Oh wow, such a variety! Do you get to choose what you design? And about your teachers situation, like you said, it's out of your hands and you WILL graduate in the end. I hope you're doing well with your studies!


    Well, I must go to bed now. I have to be up in five hours. Goodnight/morning. :teehee:

  9. No problem (about the friend request!)


    Oooh, your school sounds interesting. What kind of projects do you do?

  10. Oh wow! I was talking to someone about architects the other day. We were saying how important of a job they have! How are you liking your studies?

  11. Thanks! I finish my studies at the end of April (three days before my birthday!)


    Oh, I totally know what you mean. Hang in there. :naughty: What are you studying?

  12. Pretty good. I start my internship today and after that I graduate, so that means I never have any classes ever again. Yay! :naughty:

  13. You did! The reason why I asked was because you referred to me by my first name in a thread and I forgot what name to call you. So, I left it out. :lol3:

  14. OK...Bia, thanks for reminding me. :teehee:

  15. I feel like a bad person, but I've seemed to have forgotten your first name. What is it? :bleh:

  16. Thanks for the birthday wish! :D

  17. Not anytime soon, but I was just wondering for the future. I was trying to brainstorm ideas of places that speak English, since that's the only language I speak. :huh: I will be moving to Vancouver in about four years. I've heard it's nice there. Have you been?

  18. How expensive was it to live in South Africa?

  19. Drawing is a good esecape! Hope it helps you. As down as you are right now, and maybe things will get worse for a little bit, but everything will get better/you will feel better eventually!

  20. I've had days like that. If I have any advice for you, it would be do something (read, watch movies, take photos, paint, watch TV...whatever) to take your mind off everything. I also think about good days I've had and the amazing people I know.


    Don't know if that helps, but I just hope you feel better soon because being sad is never, ever, ever a nice feeling to have.

  21. I know your day isn't very good, but hopefully it will get better. And remember: tomorrow is a new day!

  22. Oh wow, I forgot I even sent you that message! :lol3: I'm well. School is starting next week, but in the meantime I'm working. Did you do anything special for New Years Eve?

  23. That's SO nice of you to say! I can't wait to visit where YOU live. It will happen one day...

  24. Oh my, you've visited only nice places! Besides Ontario, I haven't visited the other places you mentioned, but I really want to. I'm going to New York and Washinton in February. I'm so jealous of your travels!

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