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Everything posted by daydreambeliever

  1. The problem with deleting his tweet or the problem with his tweet that made him want to delete it?
  2. When a band is playing music for a Mother's Day brunch...and your 88-year-old grandma asks your mom why they don't play Mika.
  3. I miss you a lot too!!! :huglove: I don't have MSN...I've been looking into getting it though. I need to ask my dad.


    I do have yahoo though. My address is ilikeskittles83@yahoo.com. I've only been on that once, but I'll try going on more. :naughty:

  4. I woke up with this song playing in my head. I love the part where he's singing "Lady Jane, she walked on water. Followed by her brand new lover...." and the piano and his voice get really intense like they're having so much fun and they're so in love. But when "...Who tumbled along...drownin down below..." comes along, it gets so quiet and slow when Lady Jane realized her lover's no longer following her. Love that part. It's like...a sinking feeling. The very first time I heard this song, I thought Mika lost it. Talking about "Here's why you shouldn't eat fish! :insane:" and the quirkiness of some of the notes. But in truth, it's so good! You just need to allow yourself to really listen and imagine the whole thing in your head. Maybe it doesn't have a special meaning or whatever (I'm sure it does though...) and even if you can't figure it out, it's still a beautiful song. Regardless. This is all in my oppinion of course.
  5. The movie had a happy ending, but the book did not...
  6. Giving birth to a little Nemo. That would surely be a wacky song... I really love hearing other people's interpretations of this!
  7. Word for word, I completely agree with you! I love songs/books/anything with hidden meanings. I can't stand songs with predictable lyrics... The art should be amazing! I have a sort of Fantasia-esque image in my mind. It will probably turn out completely different seeing as how Mika doesn't like Fantasia... But either way, it's going to be brilliant.
  8. I know, right? Even if you don't like the song being sung, you can still be respectful to the guy...
  9. Listening to Lady Jane. ...And getting ready for a dress rehearsal for some play. I'll be so happy when this thing is OVER.
  10. The lyrics aren't that bad are they? In French would be wonderful though...
  11. Yep, the tune is very simple but still captivating. The lyrics are quite nice too...I've said it before: I like it a lot. Very nicely done. My family's absolutely going to love the last part when he goes "If we're all together screaaaamin..." They won't be able to get enough.
  12. I don't think it's an absolute MASTERPIECE. It's not the best song in the history of best songs. But it is pretty darn good. You have to give it that.
  13. You should watch it again. I've seen it well ober four times, and each time I see it I catch something new. Lots of hidden meanings in it... This song is growing on me like crazy. I love the lingering, soft piano...GAH! I'm going to listen to it again...
  14. YES! Definitely. It sounds like it would make a beautiful, stunning illustration.
  15. I was finally able to hear it!! Listening to it now infact... I love the parts where the piano gets more intense...Good stuff.
  16. It reminds me of "The girl in the river" from the movie Big Fish.
  17. Thanks though. I'll just keep refresing the page like a madwoman.
  18. I wish I knew the tuuune! Mikasounds please fix yourself!!!
  19. I laughed at that part too. Hahah. These lyrics sound awesome!! I love storylike songs!
  20. The site's not working for me right now, but the lyrics sound amazing. As well as depressing... Gave me chills. I can't wait to hear it!!!
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