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Everything posted by daydreambeliever

  1. I KNOOOOW!!! I saw the video and was going to tell you...but I was like...Wait.....She's not from Argentina. So I wasn't sure and didn't want to mention it in case it wasn't you. So happy for you! Something you did stood out to him!
  2. I know!! I'll try asking him again when he gets home from work.
  3. Aww! Thanks Mika_Addiction!! Sooo glad you were able to stay and meet him!! It's so hard to think of somoething to say when he's standing so close huh? Well done!
  4. You did. See, the thing is...my dad is pretty controlling about the computer. I can't put in the MSN unless he types in his password and whatnot. Blah. Because it's a "new application"
  5. Boys ruined everything. ...In my case. I sure hope I'm not doing that to my other friends! It's a crappy feeling to put someone through. I know what a roadtrip is! I just loved how you guys were planning it without me. Sounds like funnn!
  6. HAHA! That would be the most awesome of awesome! Where to?? :biggrin2:

  7. Thanks Monie!!! I don't see how people can sit during a Mika gig either. Maybe if I'd been there, I'd understand...But I doubt it...
  8. Daaaw...Thanks! I love you guys so much too!!! For real!
  9. You think so? I always thought I sucked at it. I guess I was better this time because I can relate. :rolls_eyes:
  10. Kevin was my favorite character! Hahah.


    I am good. I'm loving summer! Still looking for a job though. :aah:


    Y tu? :naughty:

  11. I can soooo so so so relate to this... Don't you hate that? How they're always like..."Oh I'm sorry I didn't call... I was busy." But they have time to call (in my friend's case) their boyfriend every single night and call me once every three months??? Some "best friend" Friends are really weird sometimes. I know what you mean. I hate the feeling of not really having a "true best friend". However, if you do need someone to talk to, you know you can always talk to me. No matter what. It can even be at two in the morning. I wish you wouldn't feel sad, but I can understand why you do. :huglove:
  12. Finally! I can't wait to read the long version of your report! Thanks!
  13. Hahaha. HI! :groovy::freak:


    Up was amazinnggggggg. Russel is so cute. :teehee:

  14. Hahaha. HI! :groovy::freak:


    Up was amazinnggggggg. Russel is so cute. :teehee:

  15. GAH! Thank you all so much for your reports, pictures, and the lovely LT video! So amazing. I guess Andy really does hate L.A. MFCers. He avoided us at all costs at the last gig. The place looked awesome! Wow. I would have loved to have heard Lady Jane live...even if he did mess up numerous times and started doing strange gestures to make up for it. (Can't wait for that video ) Thanks again, all.
  16. My absolute favorite part. I watched that part over and over. And his talk about his dreams. So that was his mom then? I wasn't sure. Thanks for clearing that up.
  17. Wow, another guy joined? What an eventful week. Welcome, Brad! Glad you decided to join. You're going to have a blast here.
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