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Everything posted by daydreambeliever

  1. More to come! (I love his mole...) *Runs off to upload mor pictures*
  2. The most beautiful expression I've ever seen in my life! Well, thank you for being nice and helping me out!
  3. Can anyone help me out here? I really want to post some pics from my iphoto account, but I don't know how to make them into a url so they can be compatible. I bet the solution is very simple and I'm making a big deal out of nothing, but I still need help anyway.
  4. Heck yesss! Thank you so much for posting! I can say I've learned a lot.
  5. Nice to meet you too!! As I said before, my name's Brittany! I only took mine off because I had the Winter Formal. It would sooo still be on. My mom said she was going to cut it off while I was sleeping, but it never happened. I'm going to go off to bed now. I've been tired ever since I got home, but all the MFC excitement prevented me from a nap. See you around the forums!!
  6. Thanks! I swear I've been re-living it in my head ever since. I just barely took the wristband off two days ago... . I could really use some new material. Gracias!
  7. Dang...that's really depressing if it's true. But it caaan't be! I mean, it's freaking Mika! He wouldn't do that would he? I mean, he sure is one busy guy these days, and he's got plenty of places to go and people to see. He really doesnt HAVE to meet with us at All, right? Maybe it's just the guards doing their job because there's more people?! I donnooo.... Agh.
  8. I hope some kind soul took my tamagotchi in and treated it well 'till the end of its days. Buuut...that probably didn't happen. People suck, so they probably flushed it down the toilet and laughed. You never know. Wow! 7 months is amazing!
  9. Holy moly. I miss my tamagotchi very much. I freaking left in a bathroom stall at Lake Tahoe when I was 8 or so . I suck.
  10. Cooool! Thank you so much for telling me where that picture was from guys.
  11. !! Thanks for posting! Sorry, I was in a rush to get back to the Oscars. Commercial was over.
  12. Awww. That's so sad! Poor Mika. I probably would have started freaking out...resulting in me accidentally scaring HIM away!
  13. Too bad they don't let us listen to ipods in school!! It's not like I have one anyway. I still use a portable cd player... I need a job.
  14. Well, I only had a teacher do that once. But, yeah. I am so different at home. Super crazy. We should refer anyone who thinks we're depressed or something to check this site out.
  15. maybe we should just boycott school. It makes people look mad. Therefore they scare people away. Therefore we have less friends. Therefore we have less quality in life...
  16. I should try that too! Take my own gosh-darn advice. I suspect my cheeks will hurt a lot though.
  17. Hahah! Same exact story! People I really don't even talk to much say..."are you all right...?" Maybe we should just run through the halls with HUGE smiles on our faces. Like maniacs. They'll still think something's wrong with us, but I doubt they'll ask.
  18. HAHAHA! Me too. All day at school actually. People always say I look really bored or mad.
  19. That's awesome! I've never had a surprise party. But you got both a surprise party and it was a Mika theme?! You lucky girl you. Happy b-day!
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