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Tanya K

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Everything posted by Tanya K

  1. Well hello mini Kelzy....fancy meeting you here Geez, I missed my das smiley
  2. Snap! I just got yours too....thank you it was a beautiful card. I hope you had a great Christmas with Ana and your family!:huglove::wub2::huglove:

  3. OMFG you are a mini Kelzy! You drew a pic of Mike flashing :roftl:

    I hope you had a great Christmas and I'm glad you got the letter!!!!!

  4. You're welcome.....I hope you had a great Christmas!


  5. I hope you had a great Christmas and got lots of pressies! I forgot to ask, did you get got your card?


  6. You are correct....I do attract the weirdos which is why you've left me a visitor message....you are the biggest weirdo of them all :naughty:

  7. Hello my lovelies! Boy have I missed you guys:wub2: I won't read back until I'm good and tanked...probably be easier to understand
  8. I iz:wink2: If you're anything like me...it should last a couple of hours at least....the baileys that is I would but they scare me Ok close enough to 12....I'm off! Just in case I don't see you on here later....MERRY CHRISTMAS...hope you get lots of pressies and are nicely toasted within a couple of hours!
  9. *is scared* ....and you wouldn't have me any other way:naughty: lots of somethings alcomaholic!....start off easy though with the Bailey's and Frangelico of course:wink2: I just went to check on them because it got quiet all of a sudden! The movie has finished (some christmas movie I've never heard of) and the little ferals are currently ripping the conference room apart and writing on everything they can get their hands on....with permanent markers of course:naughty:.....I love these kids, they're like little mini-me's:roftl:
  10. Absolutely!.....but I can't do anymore until after the new year....I'm so broke it's not funny
  11. Defintely be plenty more opportunities for that:naughty: You're kind, I would have said 3/4 of myself was missing!....and the little ferals....I mean darlings....keep escaping the conference room where we've set up a giant projector with movies for them! I wish you could hear them.....*rocks back and forth in chair....40 minutes to go, 40 minutes to go* Too much red cordial and sugar I tells ya!
  12. Thanks for not just walking over my unconcious body:wub2: Definitely too early....I've never needed a drink so badly in my life! There are hundreds of kids running around in PJ's and they're driving me nuts:naughty:....and I love kids! Can't swear....no rude jokes...it's killing me:shocked:
  13. It was a very silly question....absolutely effing insane....and extremely proud of it just so as you know Just checking! OMFG...too many lines trying to escape all at once.....*thud*
  14. I'm so glad you liked it Silver ....and every one of us on MFC deserve the world How excitement! It's a very festive looking Mika Mail you have there....can't wait to see what's inside! Just in case I don't drop in again....I hope you have a lovely Christmas and enjoy all the goodies in your package
  15. I love Vegemite & Milo...I can eat it by the spoonful I've a feeling if you were really shunning me....I would know it Am I missing something about the Violet Crumble? Don't forget...."it's the way it shatters that matters":wink2:
  16. Oh yay! I shall go have a look now....I'm bored out of my tiny little brain and am counting down the time to midday so I can get the hell out of here and not worry about coming back for nearly a month
  17. Silver, you made it back Yeah, Kelz might be on-line but she'll ignore us anyway....coz she doesn't love us (well me ) anymore Edit: It could be dangerous to do anything Kelzy would do....blindfolded or not
  18. Thank you for the hella again Cartman:naughty: Well in that case....Merry Christmas and lots of luff! I know....goes to show just how much crap OKD posts:naughty: It's good not having to read a novel everytime you miss a day though:wink2: Silver! Have a lovely Christmas and don't be gone too long:wub2:
  19. Hello lovely ladies.....including Kelzy:wub2: :punk:Congrats DC, Teegs & Stuckz on winning the PDP DVD's:punk: I'm off but shall return later....and Kelz, that is both a threat and a promise I'm going to have a look at the Christmas Lights along The Boulevard! Toodle Pip!!!!
  20. BIAAAANNNNNCCCCCCAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!! I thought that's why you had to wear those socks....so you wouldn't get bitten by things Just thought I would point out that there is only 18 days until The Kooks:punk:
  21. Tanya K


    Hello ...welcome to the MFC
  22. Part 2! The softest and cutest little Christmas dog! A Mika keyring and an "I could be purple" badge....and the cutest little bat....I love bats! Oh, and my mask that makes me look like batgirl! Some Mika pics and a beautiful card! How cool is the chocolate...it's called Bochox ....and the gorgeous little sequined bag with choc coins!....and as you can tell (because the bag is open), I'm addicted to those little twiglet thingies! Oh, and the Jaffa cakes...I love chocolate & orange! I've saved the best till last! These are my favouritest items out of a brilliant package....a serviette / napkin from the MFC Christmas party and the cutest little baby devil that has since been turned into a necklace I wub you Silver....thank you!
  23. Hi everyone...are we all feeling festive? I just got my package from Silver and it is of course brilliant, just like Silver! My very beautifully colour wrapped box! Lots of my favourite colour purple and one of my favourite things...butterflies inlcuding little note pad and sticky notes ...sorry, the pic is a bit blurry for some reason. Yummy edibles! More yummy edibles! Some beautiful postcards including the village where Silver lives (top left)
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