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Tanya K

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Everything posted by Tanya K

  1. But he didn't even tell you he was going on holiday in the first place....rude prick! Bianca has e-mailed me your Brighton stuff already btw :naughty:

    Hope you have a blast at the rest of the shows!

  2. Brilliant idea....*steals* I have the same problem with Silvers and I didn't think of splitting in two Excellent...that is so cool! Thanks heaps. I will be sending your package on Thursday coz that's my payday and I didn't have the money to send earlier
  3. Nope! Tanya has already told her she's not touching the car or any electrical appliances Although, OKD has already told me that she needs 4GB of memory on my computer to burn her stuff....so I'll just wrap it in bubble wrap and hope for the best
  4. Stay safe....don't talk to strange men....but most of all have an absolute blast....won't miss you though:wink2: Well the lazy little troggy left it up to me...so all suggestions welcome OMFG bogan central! I'm sure we can work on you between now and January! OMG photographic evidence ...hope you have a wide angle lense! *makes mental note to never introduce Kelzy to my friends* Geez, my friends said and called me a lot worse than crazy /stupid when I joined...and they were really happy when I told them OKD was staying and I was meeting the rest of you 3am...but she told me she was going to be on tonight anyway! Oh, I love that idea
  5. I thought it might have been Kelz until I noticed the 74...unless she's been lying about her age I think I'm going to have to watch her when we go see them Never thought of that So....you're not lying about your age then Pwerty pic! I'm lazy which is why it always looks like a bomb hit it and it takes me weeks to clean! Well that could pose a problem ....but I'm sure the boys could think of something to bring you back Night girls!
  6. *pbs* Mondo would like that too much! Is that because the room isn't clean properly yet Beautiful pic! Isn't it funny how heaps of things remind you of MFC....I saw a licence plate that said Kelzy 74! *has Luke and Paul revive OKD* Did you mean "dodgy" dear
  7. PETRA! :huglove:

    I hope everything has calmed down at work and the stinky boy has returned so you can take it easier!

  8. God I'm stupid! I thought Twatty was talking about the Christmas party! Your photos are not a frightening thought
  9. Waz missed! You are a disaster and are definitely not driving my car or using any electrical appliances. Don't poke Ambrose! Those bathers are brilliant. Couldn't be any worse than your room used to be! I've been cleaning mine for 4 weeks now...it's nearly finished! *has Luke and Paul recusitate OKD* You had me worried for a moment! Congratulations You do not.....I'm a good girl! Good luck guys! SILVER! *makes mental note to check out Oldings thread and Party thread* *whispers* I'm going to miss her too but don't tell her that! his grandfather....and he better not put that horrible collar on him. I love Diva sales! Bugger that....do what I do, wear both! Absolutely...coz I know I can hand him back Nope...that's just His natural expression! *taps toes impatiently* I'd win the grand prize! I've already folded up the treadmill and put it out of harms way Hi Andy looks better period! Colin Firth is gorgeous! Are you sure she's not doing it to make you nuts! Definitely not ew! Rove has finished for the year now. Of course they're gorgeous, you can hand them back! *huggles* for the picture of Colin! What a frightening thought!
  10. Well, I've lost another quote.....Hi Suzy! Not even JBJ? I know.....I crack me up! Another lazy girl Oh, I like your son!!!! Naturally! Are we taking over from ER with the entrances:wink2: ...Dirty little perv....*chants....one of us, one of us* Only meant to make you feel missed! *waits paitiently at the choc factory entrance* Not as good as the ones covering Andy! *is scared* I have a mental picture of you bouncing around in the kitchen! Fire!.....burn the image of Naked Hamish off your retina. CONGRATULATIONS! Too much south park for you! Are you fair skinned too?
  11. I have to be up in 3 hours so I'm off to bed....night all
  12. Wouldn't you rather eat them off Andy I knew you'd like that *doesn't care* Thanks and Nice edit You'll need something stronger to get rid of that image! Nope...mine was a tiddler....much easier to get your mouth around Impossible! Not enough room on the bottle.
  13. *refuses to comment on the harder poke* Shut it! Well I'm sure that you'll fix OKD's inexperience for good when you meet her I don't want to know what you're doing with your powerade bottle thank you I got one of those lollipops last year for my secret santa...it's rainbow coloured! Nice pics! I always cry at childrens movies Yay for colourful bathers and definitely yay for on sale and yay for being organised....Bah, I wear a top over my bathers too You take that back....I went and got that Hamish photo straight away Good night Kelz and Twatty
  14. *does not take responsibility for any distress the following picture may cause*
  15. Just what we need....another aussie with handcuffs All your pointing out to Tanya is that Twatty doesn't have any taste either ....*points OKD to ER's post about Andy* I cry my eyes out every time I watch Bridge to Terabithia! Yay for finding bathers at last!....and double yay that you haven't left your packing until the last minute But then I would have to look at it too!
  16. Has anyone ever told you that you're brilliant! What a pisser! I like all of the ones pictured and agree with the movie ones and the bogans...and possibly the one where he's poking he's tongue out with Gerri! *agrees with all*......*faints from the effort of agreeing with OKD*
  17. Have a great time! Crap! I thought they were tomorrow night.....I really must take more notice of those signs when I seem them. DEMANDS PHOTOS! Wow, now there's a blast from the past....welcome back! Does that mean the chocolate factory is open for business again?
  18. Being good as usual:wink2: No such thing as too much Andy!....and thank your lucky stars I didn't post the one of Hamish naked and covered in chips Luke improved so much over the journey that I think he might be ok. Nope.....NCIS and Supernatural girl! Will do! Funny, I had the same craving myself I love that pic *hi-5's*....a girl with class and taste, just like me! Don't you start! Everyone knows that Andy is the one with the beauty, brains and comic genius Welcome back....did you have a good time?
  19. Careful....they might poke you back Excellent! Treat yourself for all those stinky exams you had to sit:wink2: Brilliant das work! How could you possibly not know who that is in the video....you scare me girl....first Powderfinger and now U2! Dishwashing detergent works on the JB security stickers. You're alive! Woo hoo, welcome back! Oi! Warm your hands first. You beat me to it! Let's face it....you just like to grope anything Don't know why it's dropped off my MQ but I loved the pic.
  20. *pauses to watch the tumbleweed floating down the middle of the aussie thread* Goodnight girlies
  21. Is that a threat or a promise I'll make OKD walk in first
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