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Everything posted by mikalovernj

  1. MIKA is so late that he is going to miss the bus so he ran to the next bus stop to try and catch it there, but he saw something really gross at the bus stop, something that looked like a booger the size of a human, so he tried to spray it with some desinfectant he had in his bag, but then the booger started jumping up and down because he was allergic to desinfectant, and so mika tried to catch it, but it fell on the booger anyway, so Mika left and went to the restaurant, and he ordered chicken drumsticks and ultra cheesy biscuits, which made his breath stink, so he had to ask the lady next to him for a breath mint but that lady turned out to be his biggest fan, and Followed him aroundwithout Mika noticing, and that lead to MIKA hiding in the girls toilets thinking it was the boys toilets the girl followed and MIKA screamed then ran away quickish to Sweeney Todd's barber shop, where Sweeney straightened Mika's hair and cut all his split ends, MIKA realised where he was and ran home to his mum and she hugged him, and gave him a tub of strawberry ice cream, and some coffee, while Mika sat in front of the TV and watched the Simpsons and laughed so hard that he fell off his chair,soiled himself, and Mika was so embarassed that he took off his trousers, and therefore wet the sofa, and then his mom came in and she gave him a big hug, and some chocolate
  2. no one wants to go on a date with him???????????????????? mika, ill go!! haha i love how they have the glossary:biggrin2:
  3. haha, hes 11 years older than me 2. you can just hope but you have to remember that hes just an entertainer (a very good-looking one too!)
  4. thanks, i dont know where it went in my mika folder :-D
  5. hey i want to make a tshirt, with that rocket that mika has a shirt of. does anyone have a good pic of him with that shirt? i dont know where mine went
  6. Hershey park!!! yay i love that place:naughty:
  7. you could be head disciple, and ill be co-head disciple
  8. im here, but id rather u PM me but i love to talk to people :-D
  9. :mf_lustslow: :mf_lustslow: :mf_lustslow:
  10. ughh he is not going to get with patrick or perez:blink:
  11. meh, this is a good waste of time mikamikamikamikamikamikamikamikamikamikamikamika
  12. where can i listen for free?
  13. why do you want him to date her so much?
  14. well maybe she found a better paying job? i dont think that being a lollipop girl pays well:bleh: but you get to be near mika
  15. aha:naughty: :naughty: well, maybe she was just a bad lollipop girl so he fired her?
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