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Everything posted by mikalovernj

  1. theres this really good jewish deli, but i cant remember it off the top of my head but i cant promise anything. im not even 100% sure that i can go, so is someone willing to take on this responsibility?
  2. well, i really want to go, but i need to tell my parents a time and place!
  3. hehe i am so going in jeans and everyone will stare at me and ill cuss them out in dutch
  4. well, i cant really make a decision on whether or not ill go to prom since im only in 8th grade but i think prom is overrated. god, its just a stupid dance. and everyone worries about it, like "omigod, what am i gonna wear?" or "omigod, should i ask him to prom? what if he says no?" CMON PEOPLE ITS JUST A GODDAMN DANCE WHY DONT YOU WORRY ABOUT IMPORTANT THINGS SUCH AS WHAT COLLEGE YOURE GOING TO?? sorry im just really tired and i dont mean to offend anyone, its just that there are better things to do with your time then worrying about a few hours of your life that will never matter
  5. Personally, I don't understand why people are against gay marriage. No offense to anyone, but i don't give a cr@p what the bible says about gay marriage. if the world went by the bible, it would most definitely be a diffent world. if two people love each other, they should be able to be together. i personally want to see some right wing conservative discover that theyre gay, someone who was campaigning against gay rights. i will laugh my @ss off at them.
  6. :thumb_yello:its good to be the mature one ( hehe im not )
  7. well, Im going to have to go with, uh, BonjourMika1990 (sorry forgetting your name ) I don't think that youre coming off superior. I repsect that you're concerned about your friends and classmates. I know that prom night can be a scary thing. Drinking can lead people to do things they wouldnt normally do. I can understand your concern
  8. lol, im willing to bet that are beloved mika isnt getting married right now
  9. alors, je ne sais pas porquoi je suis malade! j'etait bien hier, et quand j'etait a l'ecole! il est tres bizzare:blink:
  10. NO!! DANI!!! DON'T LEAVE!!! NO!!!! COME BACK!!!!!!!!!::crybaby::crybaby:
  11. ah:bleh:hehe merci beaucoup! oui, ca vas bien. j'ai des devoirs, mais je ne veux pas les faire. aussi, je pense que tout de coup, je suis malade! j'ai mal au nez. hmm... mais il est un jour beau! le soleil est ici, est il fait chaud. mais pas trop chaud! Est je suis tres tres fatigue! (euh desolee je suis trop parraseusse mettre les accents)
  12. oh, j'ai honte! je ne peux pas comprendre que tu disait. attend, as-tu parlé à moi? je ne sais pas! euhh, je suis tellement mauvais! regard, je ne eux pas parler francais!
  13. ah, bonjour mes copains qui parlent le francais! comment allez vous?
  14. woohoo go california! lets get a move on rest of US! i do find it irritating that its only 2 states though. it will make my day when some republican against gay rights "pulls a billy brown" and realizes hes gay.
  15. 1. What is your favorite song from LICM? I like Grace Kelly the best. I can never get enough of it. 3. What is your favorite line from the album (vocally)? I don't know why, but I love in Happy Ending, when he says "I can get to my sleep I can think that we just carried on." 2. What is you favorite line from the album (lyrics wise) "Say what you want to satisfy yourself..." I think its just so true, that people in this society go with the flow and don't dare to be different. 3. What do you personally find so appealing about the album? This is the first album that I like every part of (even though at first i didnt like over my shoulder:blink:) I think it's incredibly creative. 4. What do you find more entertaining: The lyrics of the songs, their music and melody, or both? I think that they are all pretty good, but when combined they are amazing.
  16. well, i may only be able to meet for lunch. but i reeeealy wanna meet you guys!
  17. yes, so if you figure out a time and place, my parents will consider it. but they cant say now exactly i have a service at my synagogue until 12:30, and i live maybe an hour away. but i might not be able to stay long cuz my parents need to be home around 4
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