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Everything posted by Crystal

  1. yah I suppose that is true. I'm just barely an oldling!! I'll be 35 years old 14 days before Mika is 25! I'm 10 years and 14 days older than our sweet angel!
  2. Or no news is just no news! LOL i have actually I got a bunch of homework done last night that was overdue so I feel good about that. Today I spent almost 2 hours listening to bird calls for a test I have on Monday coming up, so I'm feeling productive I'm fast on the draw, baby!!
  3. Yes it's been busy this morning, but not much new news yet http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12642&page=162
  4. Hey Weealx and Silver! how are you both today?
  5. Not me. If he doesn't want to make us his official fan club, then thats what he wants, and i'll go with that I'd rather he said yes, of course
  6. http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2246342118 this link is to another facebook hate group, there's a thread there on how to kill MIKA.... now this is just freaking ridiculous! Shouldn't groups like that be reported? Like...coming up with ways to kill someone? That's got to be against terms of service somehow..... This is really disturbing, and not just because I love MIKA, but if this was about anyone this would be disturbing, highly disturbing....
  7. Heh heh I have it queued up on youtube all the time it's wonderful!!
  8. ah yes it certainly is I saw the video one night, and found the spot that I couldn't stop watching over and over again at 1:59 into the video. Then I logged into MFC and Martine was chatting, and I'll be darned if she didn't have the EXACT clip I was mesmerized by right in her siggy! I had to ask her if I could steal it ps: Official 800th post!!!!
  9. I officially stole mine from Martine I asked first though!!
  10. yah it's 100pixels by 100 pixels, but only 17.5kb of size, so one is over limit, and one is under limit, but it still won't let me use it
  11. They won't let me upload my old avvie, it's too big or something, and I can't figure out how to make it smaller without making it microscopic It makes me sad
  12. I've been wearing Satsuma for years I love the citrus smell!! Glad to know MIKA likes it too!!
  13. I do not think there is a secret, I think Freddie is sitting on the same bed of pins and needles waiting that we are!! He's playing the waiting game just as much, he's just a little closer to the source than we are
  14. OOOoh My sparkly hearts came in the mail the other day I bought 6 of them so I have one on my corkboard and turn it on at night before I go to bed, so should I wake up in the middle of the night, I have a nice reminder of MIKA which send me back to "Sweet Dreams" !!!
  15. got my hopes up there for a moment! I just came back from 2 hours of listening to bird calls for a test a I have on monday, came to clear my ears of whistles, peeps, squawks and cries with beautiful MIKA music and here this thread is opened again! I read through 30 some pages and more news of "hurry up and wait!" Well I'm listening to Elanorelle singing Over my Shoulder, and stretching my harmonic vocals singing with her on my mp3 player, and waiting patiently for what might be days to still hear more Thanks for all your updates Freddie, and thanks for all the hard work You guys scared me the other day when I couldn't get onto MFC LOL
  16. yes LOL I suppose I could have said 'guys', but then what? LOL Or maybe 'peoples', but that still sounds funny!
  17. well folks, this connection is getting unstable, so I suppose I should get to some of this homework I've been ignorning I'll talk to you gals later
  18. I like how he talked to you Like you were just an old friend. he seems to still be humble after all the stuff he's gone through! Way to go Perez My Mom always says that if you have a job doing something you love, that you will never 'work' a day in your life Perez obviously loves his job
  19. I know!!! I went to bed with Love Today running through my head Woke up this morning with a pain in my soul that could only be filled by more MIKA! I'm going to read that right now!
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