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Everything posted by Crystal

  1. petra, my box for Wolfs_cry is only about 3 inches by 3 inches by 6 or 7 inches, don't worry about size, it's whats IN the box that counts!!
  2. Don't forget, folks, that should the MFC go down, you can still chat with other MFC'ers on http://gabbly.com/www.mikafanclub.com usually a few in there to chit chat with! Save this link for when the MFC is down!
  3. aye, I wouldn't be surprised if I came home drunk after last night and posted something random, perhaps I should go look it up LOL I had a really fantastic night last night hanging out with cute boys, eating good food, drinking bad wine, and making beautiful music. So much talent here this year at the dorms, I think it's been my best year ever We played instruments and sang until 4 or 5am, it was amazing
  4. FYI everyone, when MFC is down, if you go here http://gabbly.com/www.mikafanclub.com there's usually a bunch of people who want to chat cause MFC is down It's a little browser chat thingy called gabbly
  5. If you could, you'd have alot of exploaining to do!LOL
  6. Oh so what you're saying is that it's your fault!
  7. my gosh we're finally back, and I didn't even notice because I was making so much music with beautiful people, singing, dancing, playing, such a marvelous night!!
  8. omg everyone i had the most fantastic night, with so many good friends, so much music, so much singing, so much wine, so much food, so much love..I'm just bursting with love I want to cry, it's been so fantastic
  9. Bots are programs made by things like google and yahoo that surf the internet and catalog information so that when people use google, they can have all the answers LOL I don't know what mine would be like, I don't save ALOT of pictures here, cause i just have a laptop and don't want to slow it down too much, it's kind of slow already. But I have a bunch of music and videos on here I don't think it's either good OR pathetic Hi Wendi! Bye Wendi!
  10. I totally understand where you are coming from. I was always the abnormal family because mine was still together. Pretty much everyone I knew had divorced parents. You could always suggest to your parents about the counselling, you never know what might happen. Let them know how you feel about it, because otherwise they won't know. Ask them if there is anything that you can do to help, even if it's just chatting. I know what you mean about being a sensitive soul. I'm one too, and have a tendency to take other peoples feelings on as my own and forget that it's not mine in the first place. I've learned over the years to kind of think like a springboard, and that I can understand the emotion without actually absorbing it. Let it bounce off. See it, recognize it, analyze it, but don't make it your own. If you want to get into counseling, it will be something you will have to learn because there will be ALOT of emotion coming into your office that will overwhelm you in a short period of time if you don't learn how to let it bounce off. if you want to talk about this in more detail or longer or anything, I'm more than happy to give you my MSN or yahoo or ICQ or AIM id if you have instant messaging, or we could PM or bounce back and forth here. Whatever you want, I'm here for a couple hours if you need to vent.
  11. There is speculation that it might be things like google or yahoo bots surfing the site so they can provide good search results. Kind of creepy if you ask me!
  12. LOL Yeah they don't want to read what a bunch of oldies have to say! LOL I noticed alot in pics, and a couple registering
  13. yah it was fantastic actually I can't wait for a repeat tonight! The only thing is that the beautiful boy from Chile will not be there. That makes me sad He is out on a weekend camping trip. heh heh heh yeah it's crazy true I've been checking out some of the old threads, it's neat
  14. Is there any way they would go to couples councelling together? My parents split up when I was 20, after I'd moved out of the house and finished school and stuff. They're still friends though, which I think is really important to me. If they hated each other, I couldn't stand it. I realized, growing up, that my parents, although they loved each other, didn't really like being together. They were staying together for me. When I left home, they didn't feel like they needed to stay together any longer. I looked at it from an adult point of view so that it didn't make me sad. They're 2 people, if they want to separate after 23 years together, then that's up to them. They're adults, and capable of making good decisions. They didn't seek councelling because there were no problems with communication. It sounds like there are communication difficulties with your parents if your Mom won't open up. Sometimes having a non-involved 3rd party can help to open up and talk about what's bothering. Maybe it's something simple, maybe it's not, but no one will know unless it's spoken about. Heres me wishing your parents luck, but lovely, if they do split up, it's not because of you, and it doesn't mean they love you any less. Sure things will change, but you're at an age now where things change all the time. Take it in stride, don't be too sad about it. I gained 2 new parents when my parents remarried, and I am very happy with them all They're all so much happier now, no frowning, no stress, no strain..it's really quite nice Good luck, and we'll be here for you always!
  15. by going to the home page, seeing the 'who's online' box, clicking on 'online users' and then going to the scroll box at the bottom of the page that comes up and limit it to just guests, then you can see what threads guests are looking at
  16. I just woke up, was up late last night with dorm-mates playing music and singing and drinking tea It's so nice
  17. Hi hi hi Leonita! How are you today? Howdy Mamacatt how are ya?
  18. geez, gone to thread number 15 while I was sleeping! Morning/evening/afternoon oldlings Boy I learned alot about how to use this forum this morning, from how to click the checkmark to go back to the last post read (I'd been scrolling by hand) to how to check online guests and stalk them! Amazing! LOL Anyway, morning!
  19. aye, I agree! I'm glad to hear good stuff coming up for you! I just spent the evening singing with boys down the row! It was really nice and one of the boys is going to make a CD for me of songs that he wants me to learn so we can sing more songs together, do some harmonies
  20. I love Hedwig, that song is so wonderful It gives me goosebumps listening to it
  21. I don't think it is. There would be better april fools jokes than this. This would be a pretty sad one LOL LOL
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