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Everything posted by Crystal

  1. it's very stunning I love it here I am so lucky I can't even put it into words I have a feeling I might not move back home to Vancouver when I'm done. Every year here makes it feel that much better
  2. Well if you went to Kamloops, and then to Alberta, you probably skipped the south eastern part and went right up through Banff national park. If you took the Crows Nest highway, then you came by here and up through Lethebridge Alberta LOL I'm about 9 hours east of Vancouver, although that's where I'm from originally. I'm just up here in the Kootenays going to college. Although the place certainly is growing on me, it's gorgeous here my place is on the isthmus on the left hand side of the photo near the middle, that's the college and dorms just above the river
  3. It probably won't be tonight. I'm sure you can have sweet MIKA dreams safely tucked in under your warm covers
  4. We got quite a few violet-green swallows at the rehab center, they're extremely sensitive birds. The females are the hardest to save because they just won't eat. The male swallows will usually survive, they eat like horses LOL
  5. Well last summer I would have been here in Castlegar where I go to college. I stayed here over summer and worked at the bird rehab center. Lived in dorms all summer long it's about 45 mins away from Nelson, and about 5 hours east of Kelowna.
  6. No kidding, his browser would crash LOL Poor dear! Ok..well are you gonna say it in the oldling thread or what? LOL *waits patiently*
  7. What better to be full of, I ask you!! Love, joy, and life!!
  8. I love the swallows We have this place nearby the school that I go to watch when I'm here in april and may, cliff swallows It's hard to get pics of the swallows themselves though, cause they fly so fast. And we were up there in winter when they are not there, so this pic has no birds...but it's still amazing ok the pic was way too big, just go to the link in your browser LOL http://turrelle.r30.net/Olympus/Castlegar/InTheField/PB080006.JPG
  9. little bits of this, little bits of that, knick knacks, stuff!
  10. No fighting! it's all loving!! I have tons of pics I could post if you'd like LOL scenery, animals, insects, LOL
  11. Reminds me of when I used to walk to work in the winter time, I started really early before the sun came up, and all these crows would be flying over. They made a stop at this little park near my work that I would walk by, and it was so creepy because every single place a bird could sit, there was one! There were hundreds of them, I would even go so far as to say thousands. I used to call it the "Crossing of the Crows", and it happened in the evening too as they headed back to the rookery. If it was an overcast day, they would be flying low, and you could hear the beat of thousands of wings overhead, very surreal!
  12. Actually color me wrong... The first picture is of a Lorquin's Admiral, the second is a Painted Lady though
  13. Why yes I believe they both are One was taken in Squamish out in the middle of no where, and one in Vancouver in my front yard
  14. *hugs* It's nice to have a place to vent this stuff out where it's safe and no one is going to think badly of you. People are so shallow, and most are not worth your time. Observe and keep the good people around you, and don't mind the rest of them. They're just sheep, cattle, follow the crowd. We all walk our own paths to our own drummers, and you're just fine I'm sure all of us wish we could somehow be significant in MIKA's life, and maybe one day we will be Never stop hoping, never stop dreaming!
  15. Wolfs_cry does not like candy so I ate it myself LOL I got a bunch of doodads for her though! I'm sure she'll like them!
  16. Yes that sounds fabulous!!! When i get my house in the country I will have all kinds of stuff like that out too I want a butterfly farm!! sounds wonderful! it draws in the beauties then!! I love insects and butterflies are so pretty, I could take pictures of them all day! Indeed!!!! Starlings are really wonderful mimics. If you've got one, it can sounds like an entire chorus of birds! They're a bit of a pest here though, they are originally from Europe and have no natural predators here in Canada, so there are millions of them all over the country.
  17. I have a box all ready for Wolfs_cry! I just need to get to the post office now!!! It's pretty
  18. yah that's what I read earlier in the thread, around 145 i think LOL
  19. Just be able to identify them. We have a list of 20 that we're supposed to know, and be able to distinguish them amongst other bird calls that we don't know, to pick them out and identify them. Sweet MIKA dreams, Martine! I'm taking a Recreation/Fish/Wildlife Technology diploma, so it's part of the wildlife portion, to be able to identify 20 local birds by their calls alone. We have this program at the school where we can punch in the birds we want to use, then it quizzes you, you can either do a multiple choice thing, or one where you have to identify the picture by the call, or the one I like, where you just listen and then type in the name of the bird you think it is. That's pretty much like the test anyway, so I practice that. We have to be able to pick out the ones we know from a mix of about 10 birds all singing at the same time. Apparently almost everyone failed last year. This year I am bound and determined to not fail just so i'm not in that statistic. Everyone says it's the hardest test of all, but I have an advantage. I worked at a wild bird rehabilitation center last summer, so all summer long, all I heard were bird calls through the center, and you have to be able to tell if it's just a chatty call or a 'help' or 'hungry' call, so I kind of learned how to listen and identify amongst a chatter of different kinds. I'm actually pretty excited about this test
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