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Everything posted by Crystal

  1. Oh I definately do The Nutcracker Suite is my favorite Do you like Opera?
  2. Yes they do take up some time LOL Hullooooooo!!! Yes I have been busy busy with school, end of year wrap up, only 3 weeks of classes left!
  3. wait wait wait....pinkunicorn123 is permanently banned now? Is that what you said?
  4. Sometimes, so...yes. Do you like Rock music?
  5. It's the ONLY tv show I watch so I proudly say YES!!!! Do you like scary movies?
  6. Thank you I have been busy Still am. It's near end at school so all projects and papers are due, and catch up on the stuff that got forgotten. This is a working weekend, so I won't be here for long today
  7. I've read a bunch of Terry Pratchett I love the Discworld series I've even played a few Discworld games
  8. definately yes Do you like to dance?
  9. Yes! It's scary! Do you know how to drive?
  10. Maturity? Wait....what does that mean? LOL I already look 10 years younger than I do, according to my fellow students, when they hear my age they usually choke and their eyes go wide LOL "OMG I never would have guessed you were that old!" Like 34 is old? BAH. But if they want to tell me I look 23, I'm certainly not going to argue!
  11. Yes! It's very squished, and been through heck and back, but yes! Have you ever water skiied?
  12. I don't know who that is, so I guess no Do you like Johnny Depp?
  13. Ooh that would be cool Cause me and 22, we have an affinity And you know, I wouldn't put it past Mom to join here under some sort of pseudonym just to see what goes on
  14. I converted my Mom!!! I don't think she'll join the MFC though, although I told her about it and she said she might just to keep tabs on me LOL
  15. Sure....BLUE! Oh..and black! Those are colors! Do you like lollipops?
  16. I'd like to be a disciple too please! But can I be number 22? Is there someone to be a 21 before me?
  17. Great project! Amazing results! Good job!
  18. ok i'm confused....this thread says to go to the other thread, that Pink is back, but the other thread is closed to replies? I think i'm in the newest round of MM....?
  19. Way to go MIKA!!!!!! And way to go MFC for helping!!
  20. Yep, although I'm just popping in, I have some homework I have to do, so I'll chat at you later
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