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Everything posted by MIKAmadRosie1996

  1. CHAPTER 3!!!!! Mika went right up to the tower and opened the large, old door and walked inside.... *wonders whether to write the next bit.... hhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm........ ok* it was pitch black but strangely, too warm to be still in the tower.... :bleh:
  2. has anyone seen any freaky adverts on tv??? i hate them, post any if you can!! SEATBELT ADVERT (A man is driving.) a woman says it wasnt the crash that killed richard- (he crashes) the woman says it wast the airbag that killed richard (screen switches to his enternal organs) the woman goes, but when richard stopped, his enternal organs kept going, and crashed into his ribcage, puncturing his lungs and tearing the main artery in his heart and that was what killed richard. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xaSqVlgKB6s
  3. corretion: tpbm has got home from an EXTREMLY boring day at school yup:bleh: school:thumbdown: tpbm plays chess
  4. did you notice that were not the only lonely ones? we have two new members!

  5. good! if we were in prison it would mean no mfc and no mika!! :lmfao:

  6. yep but wouldnt we be arrested for stealing? :naughty:

  7. hiya! i lafed when i first saw the new dvd, especially when he comes floating in but it was very good!
  8. yup it is ut where are we gonna get one? :naughty::lol3::kaf:

  9. bring a breathaliiser and only let them in if they havent had alcahol :naughty:

  10. happy ending hall was so beautiful, the pennimans couldnt beleive it and immeadiately wanted to explore. simon led them inside and lined them up on the 2nd step of the grand marble staircase in age order, then raffa came out of a little room, talking excitedly to another mysterious woman with a scarf around her neck, face and head. "hello my dears, you must be the pennimans!, this is madame cherisse and she will be reading your palms later, but first you must go and unpack in your rooms. just follow the staircase up to the top, but mind you dont go in the tower! its dangerous. So fortune, yasmin and mika went all the way up the stair case and found the door to their bedroom, but as mika was smaller, he couldnt get up as fast and went through the tower door... to be continued
  11. but of course that will never happen! :lmfao:

  12. just pretend mikas the youngest... yep they did, (pretend she was grown up and lived on her own or with a boyfriend or something)...
  13. i tryed that stuff, it made my hair greasy and i couldnt get it out for ages. i use a nit repellent spray that detangles your hair that you can get in asda. my mum has this metal not comb with ridges in it to get out eggs and lice, dunno what its called tho....
  14. great, just had dinner and later im gonna watch it again, i like the documentary bit and the start of big girl! hoew are you?
  15. nope but you could for the adults! ::drunk_sing::drink_nl::drinks_wine:

  16. omg unlucky! i got the last one in hmv yesterday, its in a book with the dvd at the back and its full of pics of mika and some are extra chickeny! sorry im making you jealous!
  17. Same, the weathers terrible here. has anyone got mikas dvd yet?
  18. Yum! bring extra coke and ill bring chocolate! :licks_lips::licks_lips::licks_lips::lol3::roll1:

  19. Hi! i am the newest member of the pink pony riders club! i ride horses relativley well and i love animals! i have two cats, tigger and keith and i love reading lolcats. i have blonde hair, greeny blue eyes and i wear braces on my teeth. i drink yorkshire tea and i broke my nose when i was 5 or 6.all my threads seem to fail and never have any posts and would appreciate it if people read and COMMENTED. i love literacy and writing long and neverending stories so this thread will be a great thing for me. i like dr who and the simpsons and my favourite show at the moment is brainiac: science abuse. i also like brittania high and toorchwood. I go to chalfonts community college and i live in london, iver heath. 5 years go i went to egypt for a fortnight when my dad accidentally won a holiday for us. my dad works for maltesers at mars and i have seen all the mars foods being made. my mum works for hallmark crds and she is soon going to work at my school. my seven year old sister alice is a pain and thats all you need to know. i like listening to girls aloud, gym class heroes, mika, omarion and many other unfortunate artists who are yet to hear me warbling away to them and thats about everything i need to know apart from that i am the granddaughter of janet&bob&fred lol that was a mouthful!!!!!!
  20. you should order it from a uk store and get it sent over. when does it come out in the usa then?
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