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Status Updates posted by Emerald

  1. Hi!!

    I'm fine thanks!

    Two weeks left and then, it's holiday!! :D:D

  2. Oh oki lol.

    I bet you get interesting answers :naughty:

  3. Lool good idea. :thumb_yello:

    Maybe you could create a thread "Randomness" for questions and everything random, that'd be.... random :naughty:

  4. Hey there!!

    How are you? :original:

  5. Well, I started being crazy about him just at the start of this summer. But I discovered him two years ago. I have never been to one of his gigs unfortunately...

    Why him? Well, I don't really know ^^. It's like, why do you like chocolate? lol He's different and crazy and I love his music and he seems to be a clever and funny guy.

    What about you?

  6. [Here is my answer lol, I wrote it on MY page, very useful eh? lol :naughty:]


    I'm fine too, though I have a little cold lol.

    The weather? Well it's been quite sunny, but really cold and windy. I guess it'll be snowing tonight. What about in Russia? I have no idea where Togliatti is lol. It sounds more of an Italian name

  7. I'm fine too, though I have a little cold lol.

    The weather? Well it's been quite sunny, but really cold and windy. I guess it'll be snowing tonight. What about in Russia? I have no idea where Togliatti is lol. It sounds more of an Italian name :naughty:

  8. Hi!!! Or привет!!!

    No, I unfortunately don't speak Russian... I just know the Cyrillic alphabet and some words and phrases, but that's all. I have some Russian friends, that's why ^^.


    Как дела? ^^

    Nice to meet you!! :original:

  9. Oh cool! I'm happy for you!! :D:D

  10. Yeah I'm fine, don't worry.


    Why are you so happy uh? :naughty:

  11. Hi!! :D

    How are you?

    I had some problems with my cat and also with my bloody skin but overall, I'm fine ^^.

  12. I had 6, but I'll take some more, I'm not quite ready yet ^^. Here if you have 20 lessons, you're considered a bad driver :naughty: the average is, I think, 10-15. Now, it depends whether you drive a lot with your parents or not. I drive quite a lot with my dad, so it's cool ^^.

  13. Yes, I think I had 6. Yes it's true I'm lucky, but as I have to pay everything myself, it's still a lot of money :P

  14. Wow that's really inconvenient! Well, I'll pass the exam after Christmas, and I really hope I'll get it cause I don't want to pay for two exams lol. It's too expensive ^^

  15. 40 lessons!!! Wow man. Here you don't have to take lessons, you can drive with your parents etc. I could never afford 40 lessons! It's about 60 euros one lesson!!

  16. Salut!! Oui je vais bien merci!

    I'm at uni right now. I've taken some work to do, but I've done it all and I have some free time haha.

    You don't have your driving license yet? I don't either. I've never driven when it's dark yet and I bet it's more difficult. I went driving with my father yesterday and a stupid guy almost walked under the car. It was not my fault. I was a bit shocked. Then, when we arrived in the town, we saw a burning car! Yeah, it was in the middle of the road, empty (fortunately), and burning. Then, the firemen came and stopped the fire with a kind of white lather. It was really weird and unreal!

  17. Oh cool gif :naughty: Thanks! Happy Halloween to you too!! :D

  18. Hi!! I'm fine thanks! Really motivated!!! :D:D:D:D

  19. I used to have ear aches a lot when I was smaller, but now it's ok ^^. It's really unpleasant, I understand you.

    Sunny and nice in Switzerland? hahaha no really not, it's raining cats and dogs, it's cold and it's crap pfff depressing even ^^. But I DON'T CARE!!!! Cause my dad suggested I could go to England next summer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D So cooooooool!!!!


    And my username says "I am Emilie". You guessed well! ;)

  20. Oh crap, sorry! I hate it when I have a "ear ache", but I haven't had one for ages. Hope you'll be better soon :thumb_yello:

  21. Hi! Thanks for the request!! how are you? :original:

  22. Hi!! )))) Yeah, I'm fine thank you! :original:

    How are you?

  23. Now I'm fine, though it's hard to realise... But when my friend told me, I couldn't believe it and couldn't help wanting to cry... It's just so sad! :(

  24. She died of a heart attack. I think she was about 40... I didn't really like her, but we had great moments and it's a big shock... Yep, our life here is nothing really...

  25. Hey! :original: I'm fine thanks ^^ A bit shocked because I've learnt the death of a teacher I had in high school, who was too young to pass away...

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