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Everything posted by Miss_lollipop54

  1. Totally agree! Felt exactly the same!! Here some of my pics: And here the link if you want to check them all: http://s290.photobucket.com/albums/ll267/Miss_lollipop54/Mika%20-%20Showcase%20-%202%20sept%2009/
  2. owww me too...!!! edit: btw gonna post some pics later this night (maybe some vids,I don't know, I didn't check them out yet )
  3. yes I loved how he said "ok everyone, look at this camera" that's why in part why everyone is smilling, it was funny loved this moment and by chance it was my father's camera
  4. Hi everyone! Yesterday was an amazing day! First of all I wanted to thank Katrien and Celien for having giving to me the possibility to participate to this wonderful night! I'll never thank you enough! Was so happy to meet you all! And thanks again for the champagne before the gig! Mika was great! great show, the venue was beautiful I loved WAG, Rain and every song of course We were first row, and the scene was so small! we were so closed!! What a great night! After the gig Mika was so sweet! He took his time to everyone, spoke a lot to everyone! A woman from the crew put an umbrella above Mika because it started to rain, Mika didn't notice it first, and then he said "oh no, thank you", looking to the sky to see if it's raining a lot or not...aw so sweet! I love how he stayed a simple guy And at the end, Mika made a pic with the MFCers, again soooo kind of him and again thanks to Katrien here it is: Will post pics later
  5. Hi! :bye:

    I just wanted to know if you can send me your address by PM in aim to send you the charm for the project :wink2: btw is there a deadline to send it to you?


    Have a good day! :)




  6. HI!! :boing: how are u??

    J-3! :boing:Still can't believe!! Soo happyyyy! :boing:

    Thank u again and again :huglove:


    come back from holidays this night, there were traffic,we were 2hours in a jam :aah: at the end my cats started to become crazy :aah::roftl:

    I just slept 4hours cause I couldn't sleep, don't know why, maybe because of the excitation of the gig :teehee:


    Just re read the message you sent to me, I saw your pics from London :wub2: it must have been amazing, great pics! :mf_lustslow: and how were your 10 days in Austria??where were you? I used to pass a day there, it was in Innsbruck, we passed by this city cause we had spent a week in Italy some years ago and at the end of the trip we were in Venise and to come back home we passed by Austria. And I loved this city! it was weird cause the airport was just next to the city and the planes passed just near the buildings, I was affraid! lol very impressive:shocked:


    have a good day!


  7. Salut Alexia! Bienvenue ici! Contente de retrouver une nouvelle Frenchie sur le forum J'espère que tu t'y plairas! N'hésite pas à faire un tour sur le French thread A bientôt xxx
  8. je dois y aller, je pars chez des amis jusqu'en fin de soirée, jte redirai si j'en sais plus et tiens moi aussi au courant si tu en sais plus ;)


    gros bisouxxx

  9. non c'est de savoir si je reste sur Paris ou pas et prendre le train pour Londres. Mais comment réserver le train si je suis pas sûre d'etre prise pour Paris! Jpeux rien réserver, tu vois ce que je veux dire?


    Et puis ca va faire pas mal de frais, déjà si je viens à Londres pour le concert surprise... là à la Scala ce n'est que 45minutes de concert... si je le vois le 2 à Bruxelles et si je suis prise pour le 10 et le 18 et si en plus je vais à Londres cava faire beaucoup... jpeux pas tout faire je pense ;( arf je ne sais pas... Londres c'est jamais simple facon grrr

  10. le truc c'est si on va être retenues ou pas pour le 10 :S

  11. je sais pas jvais en parler avec mes parents et toi??

  12. coucou!!

    Alors apparemment il y a un concert de 45min de Mika à La Scala à Londres, organisé par Postarz, pour l'instant ils n'ont pas nommé l'artiste mais nous le MFC on a l'exclu, bref, il y a les tickets en ventent, 10£ et je ne sais pas si après il y a des frais de traitement, ca se passe dans un club le Scala ouverture des portes à 21h et Mika sur scène à minuit.

    Voilà ;)

  13. Bonjour Christine! Ravie d'avoir une nouvelle Frenchie parmi nous! J'espère que tu te plairas ici!! N'hésite pas à venir nous voir sur le French Thread! xxx
  14. Salut! Welcome here! Have fun here! xx
  15. I just pre ordered a copy and I don't live in the UK but in France so I think it will work with you too
  16. Hi Casey! Welcome here!! I'm sure you'll have fun here! 100% MIKA! xxxx
  17. Bonjour! Bienvenue Fadulatulipe! Fricadelle et Guylaine t'ont déjà donné le lien du thread Français N'hésite pas à nous rendre visite En espérant que tu te plaises ici! xxxx
  18. Hi! Welcome here! You're right! you found the right place! Hope you'll have fun! xx
  19. Hi Emma! welcome! Hope you'll have fun here! xxx
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