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Status Updates posted by faballa

  1. hallo renate - lang hat's gebraucht, bis ich dich auch hier im engl. mfc gefunden habe ;) - wie geht so?? bist du schon wieder gut vom urlaub zurückgekommen??


    wenn du wieder hier bist, schreib mir bitte gleich - alles liebe, Uli

  2. hello laura - thank you, fine!! I'm clicking through the huge amount of vids on YT. thank god, the mfc has so many members - so all can be on every gig due to these vids. I love all of them!


    And the Relax-version, the new one with the mix of the calm and the fast version - you know what I mean? - is very, very impressive... cannot see enough of these clips !


    hope to see you once again, but definitely not at the bestival.. do you plan to go there??


    have a fine day and take care, Uli

  3. Hallo Simone!


    Ja, bin wieder gut daheim angekommen, war nicht so schwer ;) - so sehr ich VOR dem konzert auch aufgeregt war, so war ich dann nach dem konzert vor der kirche relativ ruhig. Hatte mich selbst darüber gewundert, dass ich fast normal ihm gegenüber gestanden bin.. lag wahrscheinlich an meiner übermüdung :) . Er hat sich, glaube ich schon über mein Büchlein gefreut, und ich habe sogar seine englische antwort verstanden; und am meisten freute ich mich über seine widmung auf der plattenhülle: to ulrike, love & many thanks [herzerl gezeichnet] Mika xx - Das hänge ich jetzt an die Wand, auch wenn mein mann dann komisch dreinschaut *gg* !! na klar ;)!!


    was war das mit dem Zurückkommen im September???? meinte er das im Ernst????????? hey, wenn das wahr wird, dann flippe ich aus !!! das heißt auch, dass wir beide uns schon seeehr bald wieder sehen!


    baba dann, wir lesen voneinander, machs gut und es ist schön, dass ich dich jetzt persönlich auch schon kenne :), Uli

  4. With pleasure :original: - only one day!!! :boing::wub2:

  5. it's good to hear this, that you and the other italian mfc are fine!


    And me also - I'm waiting so hard to the dates of the acoustic-gig!!! COULD it be possible to catch a ticket for one ;)!!

  6. good morning, mari - :original:


    I have just seen the post from bienie here on your page, and I think you are ok and not be harmed by the great earthquake, but I would like to here it from you..... is really all ok with you and your family??


    baba, Uli

  7. If there would be place for 1000 people, I am very relaxed - so all of us active members here in the mfc can get a ticket. But I am afraid that it could be smaller, like 500 people maximum, or less..... and then I have the fear that only the former people, who follows mika since the "secret society", will be there......... and I stand alone outside the door... :(

  8. I would like to go to Italy and Germany for sure - do you have a feeling how many people could come to his small gig?? how many people were in SLC, maybe this is an approximate value... and you?

  9. hello marina, have you seen it?????? he will come to Italy for his acoustic tour - we could meet him the first time ever !!!! :) :)

  10. hallo marina!!


    bist du vl. auch auf twitter?? would you like to join in? I am there... since the same time like mika ;) - what else *gg*


    and I hope you are fine! ciao, Uli

  11. Ich hatte mir diese stelle sogar rausgeschnippelt und in mp3 umgewandelt - willst du diese stelle über msn oder mail geschickt bekommen ;) - und woher kommst du eigentlich, ist nämlich ganz wunderbar zur abwechslung mal in deutsch zu quatschen *gg* - alles liebe, ulrike

  12. hello violet!


    I've read in the comments of mikas last blog, that you are also totally "hot" for the song "put your heart back in your pocket" - also me!!!! This would be one of his best songs ;) - you will surely know this, but if not I will give you the link of the italian interview where in the back mika is singing this song, have a good night- ulrike


    (beginning approx. 4:43)

  13. hello Marina!

    I haven't know that you were in Austria for your studying - what field, what subjects do you studied? Ten years ago I attended myself the university for psychology.

    You don't have much hope he will come to your home-country for his minitour? hm... but would it be able for you to go to a gig in France or UK, I mean within this acoustic-tour because I suppose that those one will be announced in quite a short time before performance to avoid too many people coming! I would try it to come, because such a small event with Mika would be a really rare event nowadays !

    And my knowledge of italian is limited to vocabs used in few songs in italian I've heard ;) - so, I wish you a relaxed evening and hope to hear from you once again :), bye - ulrike

  14. bonna notte, mari! I am still an "oldi" ;) - and since I have written in the meantime many comments and post of you I want at least say hello to you! btw. I really hope Mika will go on tour near Austria this year, hoping very strong he will come for his secret, mystically acoustic tour to middle-europe! Whats your opinion - will he come to Italy again?? have a fine evening, ciao- ulrike :)

  15. of course, perhaps it's a boxer from mika ;).... ups... lol

  16. I still hope for a present ;) - because my husband will have tomorrow more time for celebrating! I will see..... :)

  17. Thank you keti for the lovely birthday wish! I was very surprised about it!! :)


    And I wish you also a beautiful day, have fun!

  18. Hey, thank you for your birthday wish! I am very happy about it you remembered it :)

    And I wish you also a beautiful day!

  19. dachte ich auch - aber es ist uns heute zu spät zum heimfahren geworden, wir fahren morgen gleich in der früh dann von hier weg. Schau mal- bei google.alert kam heute dieser link bei mir an http://popdirt.com/mika-sledding-in-austria/70945/ - bei den Related News und weiter oben sind Bildverweise zu finden, zwar schon ältere (von somerset house), aber ich kannte sie tw. noch nicht. Schau einfach rein, wenn du lust dazu hast

  20. hallo - bin gerade da!!

  21. Hi Alice - you have a short glimpse of a vid, you've written "And poof it was gone" over it! What show or interview was this? Maybe can you give me the link of it, cause I've never seen this ...

    Would be very happy about it, please! **ulrike

  22. hello daisy, I'm sorry that I have seen your request still now at a late time.... hope you are fine and we can meet once at a gig ;)

  23. hello Daisy! Thank you for the screenshots, both are so beautiful. I have meant by the twinkle more the second one picture of them. In this phase he shut his left eye just for a quick moment (one second after your shot) - therefore I would like to cut a filming-piece (not only one shot) of the dvd during this act, but I have no program for doing this. So I had asked the forum ;).


    And for my feeling he IS visualizing a special person ;) , so you can make a closer contact to an audience, it's an old trick of artists performing on stage to look to some people directly in their eyes :) .


    And thank you for the MW Snap tip, I will try it !

  24. schlafen gehen ......zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ..................

  25. But you have it well done your German-speaking!

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