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Everything posted by Roxy♥Mika♥

  1. I would have done that but they don't sell them here... I miss them...
  2. Hellloooo!welcooome! I'm soo jelous!
  3. I wanted to watch the slow version but when I started my mom was sitting behind me and I got kind of embarrassed... I actually think he's been doing exercise... he looks toned up:biggrin2:
  4. It's been ages since I've ate a reese's cups!!!!
  5. Why wouldn't we be? I mean I've never seen them iin detail... But I wonder... are they muscular...he jumps a lot...?
  6. Thinking about my crush... and soon to be, boyfriend Dear god I'm helpless...
  7. I'm off to bed!!! Really tiredd!! Night night... I'm soooooooooooooooo happy I talked to him like two hors on the phone.. he's completely adorable:wub2:
  8. Yes!! That's completely right!!!!! I'm just grateful its never been horrid... It's for this guy(obviously). I asked him to be my boyfirned yesterday...
  9. That happend to me!! I wanted you to cut a little of the tips and the guy cut a lot more!!! I almost dieed!! It looked good though... just needed to get used to it... Thanks!!! I'll see if that'll work!
  10. Its that long? Wow!!! I've never had it very long.. it always gets all tangled up!
  11. What can you do to show someone you love them? I mean something that'll leave the like... WOW!!!!
  12. I'm listening to weird sound my computer is making...:s
  13. I almost cut my hair short once but my best friend convinced me otherwise... I'm still thinking about it though! I've got a question for you guys...
  14. How are they right now? What extraordinary thing can I do to proove to someone I love them?
  15. I know what you mean... but its just a silly celebration! There are like billions of people just like you (and me) that are with out a plan... so if you think about you're not a loser!
  16. Neither do I! But its ok to be a loser.. I mean I embrace my "loserness"...! You can come to my house anytime you want:naughty: if you;re in colombia anytime soon...
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