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Everything posted by Roxy♥Mika♥

  1. AMAZING video!!! Love it! A lot! She's sooooooo brilliant.. Her and beyonce... great combo... and I love the part when a guy says: "I told you she didn't have a dick!"
  2. Jajajaj there's a shirt that says that? jajaja YKYAMFW some one ask you for a letter and you say M. The ask you again and you say I. The ask you again and you say K... when they ask yoou again guess what letter I said...
  3. Hola niñas!! como estan? Acabo de ller que mika va a ir a Argentina! saben mas o menos para cuando?
  4. Sure you can... I'll add right now!!! :biggrin2:

  5. You're right I think Iv'e seen like one pretty pic of robet pattinson... OMG!!! I thought I was the only one! jajajajajaaj I sometimes don'tstop, i can't stop, until I've written mika completely... YKYAMFW you spend all day thinking of new things to post on this thread:biggrin2:
  6. I did that tooo!!! It was like a few months ago! YKYAMFW your friends don't belive something you say to them until you swear to Mika...
  7. Hi you guuys! I need gorgeous Mika pics in black and white.. just a couple... can you guys help me with that? thanks...
  8. I'm sure you'll feel better in the morning... OK so here's the story: I was at home and I got a call form really bad people that wanted to steal from me. A strange woman said my dad was in debt for 18 million pesos (which is a lot!!) and that he had supposedly turned in stolen checks to pay it... the I had to get all the things that were expensive and stuff for somthing I never understood... I was really scared... but it was all a lie
  9. Like a headache? or brainfreeze? like when you drink too fast a cold drink and your head hurts a lot... Oh well.. something happened...its a long sotry... quiete weird too.. do you want to hear it?
  10. Aw! You're sick? What do you have? I hope you get better soon:huglove: I'm good... It's been a long day... I stayed home all day...
  11. How are you? That's a brilliant idea!!! I'm goign to write about a city... yay! thanks!
  12. Hello!!!!!! Is anyone here?? I need help.. I have to write an essay about anything.. I would write it about Mika but I've written about him already.. does anyone have a suggestion?
  13. Shmuzzies, I have no idea what they are but I like the name... Kelly Clarkson or Fantasia?
  14. Hola!! como estan hace mucho no paso por aqui... solo venia a saludaar!!
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