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Everything posted by Monie

  1. But that season has yet to come Fred . What is mince pie? And enlighten us about your new avi, I miss your big smile!
  2. Shady had send me a PM when I wrote the message, we hadn't made any decisions yet. Are you all travelling on Friday? Or is anyone travelling Saturday morning? I am probably going Saturday morning but I would also like not to travel alone. And yes, I already have a room, in the Travelodge Covent Garden, with Vicky and Rose .
  3. Yes, traveling with Monie en shady wouldn't be safe . Lin, you could PM me if you want to travel with us. Freddie, your avi! Now I think you look like a giant bic mac! How wil I recognize you now at the Xmas party!
  4. Wow, a lot of people are coming, wonderful ! Are there any Dutchies who are taking the early flight on Saturday? I don't like to travel alone but am considering the early flight from Amsterdam since I like to see some things in London also (don't know which things yet. Shops, probably ). I will also take the late flight back on Sunday. Are there any partypeople who also are planning to see some London Saturday afternoon? Maybe we can see it together .
  5. Merci Emilie! J'ai encore beaucoup d'apprendre! Je suis heureuse que ton soirée DVD était joli! Et encore de la vodka ! Moi, je bois seulement du vin, pas des alcool fort.
  6. Salut tout le monde, je suis un peu mieux auhourd'hui, je suis heureuse. Je n'ai pas un grippe, j'ai des rhume fort. Fmbm, beaucoup de succès en encole! Emerald, comment etais ton DVD soir?
  7. Clare, it's a shame you can't come but of course we understand! Are we able to dance in PH? Cause I know that I can't sit still if they play....let's say....Love Today (and I'm sure it will be played at least once with so many Mika fans, I'm counting on it )! Maybe afterwards we can go to a Karaoke bar, see if we can prove Mika wrong .
  8. Je sais encore des autres animeaux: la cigogne, la grenouille, le cygne . Je suis mal aujourd'hui, je suis un peu malade .
  9. Which will even be 10 pm for my system (considering the time difference) . I might bring a sandwiche.
  10. Maybe you can start by taking it every other day . I got a tip from a nutricionist: never take iron pills with milk or yogurth/cheese/soyamilk products. Wait an hour before or after taking your iron pill with those products. They make it more difficult for your body to (how do I say this in English) absorb the iron into your body.
  11. You should be . Did you like the fake meat? You have to try some stuff and figure out what you like. Don't think it'll taste like meat 'cause it won't. I don't know what you can buy for veggie stuff in your country but you sure have Tofu. I don't like to cook for hours so I always take the pre-prepared, herbed ones. They are quite tasty. And here in Holland we have lots of veggie burgers. One more tastfull then the other . So I eat a lot of tofu and veggie burgers. And I take iron supplements every day, just to be sure.
  12. Not so difficult. Just see a video about how they treat animals in the meat industry and hear about the stuff they put into regular meat and your appetite disapears on it's own. Another veggie here . I have been a veggie for 18 years now and very happy with it! And you can get used to living without meat. It takes some time but you can. There are so many subsitutes these days. But if you really want to eat meat you could consider eating biological meat. It is much healthier and the animals have had better lifes!
  13. It most certainly is ! I cannot bring my LICM cd though, since it's on my computer, I downloaded it (legally!) from Itunes store. Well, I could bring my computer . Or my Ipod. Or my b/f Iphone (its on them too).
  14. Why do you wanna know? Some interesting story to share ? Bonjour England! Professeur nr.1 et 2: vous m'avez donné un défi, lire votre phrases! Mais c'est bon pour apprendre.
  15. I would be Ok with PH and also with the Belgium restaurant. Asun, come! Then we can discuss driving techniques !
  16. Hi Josh, welcome! I was drawn to your post by the "Kia Ora" you wrote. No, I'm not Maori but I work for a New Zealand company who "Kia Ora's" me all the time . So that felt quite familiar. I'm sure you will have lots of fun here, despite the fact that there are a lot of girls here (or maybe even because there are a lot of girls here ). Men are treated well here, aren't they Weealx, FD ? May I ask why you travel so much?
  17. Their website says they have a Chrismasmenu? But if it's a bar maybe we can go eat somewhere else and have a drink there, since quite a lot of people seem to like it there (I have never been there before, I can't say something about it).
  18. My current boyfriend (who has been my boyfriend now since 13 years, almost all your live ) is very tall, almost 2 meters. I remember feeling awkward the first time he was about to kiss me so I didn't know what to say. So I said: eh.....how tall are you exactely:roftl:? It worked though, since I had to look up to him to ask te question, he gave the answer and then kissed me. So you can ask Sam a question and if he looks at you to say the answer kiss him. Ah, you probably won't have to, he will kiss you first. But at least your first kiss was with with the fastest runner in town! And it was under a tree, something Mika can't say .
  19. And he hopefully will kiss you again tonight. And if not, you will kiss him! We're modern women, aren't we!
  20. Kelzy! Long time no see. Are you at the moment in denial about you being an oldling ?
  21. I think it was a good suggestion, at least worth investigating. It's wonderful you come up with suggestions! If I speak for myself, it is not that I don't want to go there. I just think it is good to compare some restaurants, like we did with the hotels and then decide which one will suit best for us. A private room would be great but Kath is probably right, it will cost a lot in London, if it is available at all. I haven't checked out the links babspanky came up with, I will do that in an instant. And once we have figured the restaurant out, another important question will be: where are we going to dance .
  22. I finally understand how to read the menu, it turns out that there are some choiches. I think it's time for me to go to bed . I think it's a good idea though to look at some other restaurants as well, if this one turns out to be the best one we can return to this one.
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