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Everything posted by _hotchocolate

  1. I'm also a Veggie:wink2: I didn't eat meat since three years now, and I don't miss it at all! I don't want to eat animals, that's why I stopped eating meat. I'm very happy with that, I never feel like I want meat. There is so many good replacement stuff, it makes you forget that meat even exists:thumb_yello:
  2. I LOVE this CD!! It's just wonderful:mf_lustslow: My last CD I bought was "Sexy as hell" from Sarah Connor:original: She's I German singer, so I guess most of you don't know her.. But she's good!
  3. Nein nein, ich meine Welschland in der Schweiz... Welschland = Canton Vaudt:wink2: I don't mean Wales, I mean Vaudt.. She grew up near Lausanne. Mir geht es gut, aber ich bin müde... Und dir? I'm fine, but I'm tired.. And you?
  4. Haai:original: Cool! Ich komme aus dem Thurgau:wink2: Und du? Meine Mutter kommt auch aus dem Welschland.. Ich bin zweisprachig aufgewachsen:thumb_yello: Ich hoffe, du verstehst es:wink2:
  5. Hallo ihr liebe Schwiizer-Lüüt:original: Het sich jo richtig öbis tue do^^ wooow, violetsky, da isch jo voll gail:shocked: Was machsch denn döte? London isch sooooooooooooooooo hammer <33333333:wub2:
  6. I wasn't born:wink2: I was born 9 years later^^
  7. I don't listen to them often anymore... After the concert, I listened to them all the time, the only thing I listened was Mika. I still like them, but I guess I listened to them too often... But I love the new tracks like "holly johnny" or "how much do you love me?". I listen them often.
  8. My first concert was Sarah Connor at the age of 12, but she's a German singer, so I guess you don't know her (except the German/Austrian/Swiss people here:wink2:). My second concert was Marc Terenzi (an American singer who's famous in Germany/Austria/Switzerland) at the age of 13 and my third concert was Mika at the age of 14:mf_lustslow:
  9. School starts tomorrow again for me:thumbdown: Hate the beginnings!!
  10. I'm fine thanks, but tomorrow I have to go to school again... makes me sad:thumbdown: And you?
  11. There is a band called hot chocolate?? I didn't know that... I mean the drink:wink2:
  12. I love hot chocolate... So, that's why I choose my nickname:wink2:
  13. Yes, I try, but it's quite hard.. London Eye, Madame Tussauds, British Museum (so boring xD), Tower Bridge, Buckingham Palace... all the typical things:wink2: The first day was terrible, it was raining and I just thought "oh great, this is London?!":naughty: The second day was much better! The pics are really cute, but I like him better now! He didn't have curleys when he was young...
  14. Yes, that really sucks!! I'll start on monday... only 2 days left:sad: Wow, very cool:mf_lustslow: I was there a month ago.. loved it! @Sarah_lollipop: I'm fine, thanks. And you?
  15. Nice to meet you, too:wink2: I'm fine thanks. But my holidays are over, so... I'm a little bit sad:thumbdown: Do you really live in London town?
  16. Huhuu:original: cooler Thread hier:naughty: Endlich mal wieder Deutsch, ist schon etwas anstrengend immer auf Englisch zu schreiben... Wie geht es euch so?
  17. Oh, okay:wink2: Yes, it was my first time! I loved it, England is such a great place. But the weather could be better:naughty: I gotta go! Wish you all a nice evening and sleep well
  18. Oh really??? With which organisation did you go? Lol, that's awesome:lol3: Torquay is great!!
  19. I went to Torquay. Do you know Torquay? It's by the cost in the south. I did a language travel. We we're also in London! Love it <3
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