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Status Updates posted by identicaltwin3

  1. I already asked you to be my MFC friend, then asked again, so I fell in friendship with you (as in 'fell in love') twice...





  2. You know what ? You are right : we were already MFC friends :naughty: . So that I fell in friendship twice with you... you must be irresistible :wub2: !





  3. You write beautifully and poetically into the bargain ! Will you marry me... I mean :blush-anim-cl: , will you become my MFC friend ?





  4. Unable to send you this message tonight, my wi-fi connection is mental. Hopefully tomorrow at dawn, very early start for me.


    Even the adm and mods understood the genealogy and enjoyed the special situation (if sharing the same laptop within a family is anything special) as it allowed them to put an infraction both on my grandmother/mother and on me, thus feeling extraordinarily powerful.


    We should probably feel flattered to be the object of such peeping, speculations and obsession but having a life and a career, obviously just a life as far as my grandmother is concerned but quite full given her age, we find it weird to see people so interested in other’s lives.


    This may be a very naïve and irrealistic view of what a musician’s fanclub should be, perhaps people come here to fill up a void, not to exchange ideas with other fans about the artist ?


    Please, don’t feel rejected, if you enjoy imagining a MFCer so schizophrenic that he/she/they (?) take (s) on three different identities, be our guest. We would hate you to be unhappy over such trivial matter.


    Still I am going to shatter some of your fantasies ; in advance I ask you to forgive me.


    SK flower shop ? Because it was literally across the street from my mother’s hotel.


    SK hotel ? Because the Gower Street brilliant place where we always go when in London had no vacancies, that SK is a decent area, that the hotel is less than two minutes’ walk from an underground station where the direct train from Heathrow stops and that she’ll never learn to travel light, poor soul !

    Incidentally she found the hotel dusty, boring and overpriced and since has managed to get a room at the GS place. Serves her right for not booking in advance.


    The post she sent the young MFCer whose parents met Mica in a SK flower shop ? Because she thought it would be a funny coincidence if it were the same. A typical provincial’s reaction as in : ‘Your cousin lives in London ? He may know mine.’


    So there still are a few fans of Mica’s who don’t see in SK a new Bethleem, the place where all pilgrimages start and end.

    If you want to have fun about icon worship, watch again ‘The Life of Brian’, it’s hilarious and as always with the Monty Pythons, deals in nonsense, should help you put things into perspective. I must have it somewhere, send me a friend’s address in a PM and I’ll be happy to lend it to you as soon as I have traced it ; might take a while, though, my place is in a mess –you are right in a way, I am a bit schizophrenic, messy at home and beautifully organized at work… DO NOT give me your own address or I might be tempted to come over and stalk you. You don’t want me on your doorstep, bad enough that Mica finds perfect strangers knocking at his door.






    P.S. To put your mind a rest -but do you really want to... why don't you ask Joannie Penniman, Mica being a bit busy at the moment, if there actually are more than one de Rougemont/Dubus ? I'm not going to give you their address but I am confident that many people here would oblige...

  5. Hi !


    Haven't written for some time but doesn't mean I haven't been thinking of you.


    How are you my friend ?


    I had stomach flu then the real one... must be true what they say : when you turn 25 you go down the slope!


    Let's look on the bright side though : do you remember when we were kids the explosion of enthusiasm every time a teacher was off sick ? I'm going to be very popular with my pupils.


    Love :wub2: from Id3

  6. I know, but I can't be cured :sad: as all my shrinks have a sad tendency to commit suicide after a few sessions :shocked: . So I must try and handle my paranoia alone ... or with a little help from my friends :wink2: .

  7. A gossip AND a shallow person... how can you not hate or at the very least despise me !

    No, sweet of you to try and comfort me but I know that I can never be your friend now... I'm not being paranoid, I am just sadly lucid.


    Your deeply dejected,



  8. Had a look at my ephemeris and found out that you were born at the borderline between Libra and Scorpio which means that you have both of the two signs in you. And it can't be easy as Libra and Scorpio are as different as... light and dark :wink2: ?


    For example, if I tell you that you are very lovely, which you already know (I couldn't make out any white stick or guide dog on your pics, so you're probably not blind), the Libra will enjoy the compliment because she is in love with beauty :wub2: (not only hers) while the Scorpio will despise me deeply for being so shallow :thumbdown: .


    And even more for being a gossip : you posted about Sire being in a relationship :huglove: for over a year.


    Oh dear, we've only exchanged a couple of posts and messages and now you hate me :sad: !


    Your very sad Id3

  9. Looked up your profile after reading your latest post.


    Cynical ? Yeah, you would be : Scorpio. Also typical of a Scorpio : writing 'cynical' instead of 'lucid', they tend always to look a the dark(light :wink2: ) side of things.





  10. Sire's latest blogs have bored my bollocks off :bored: . I believe he could do better or make his minions do better for him.

    He so annoys me when he is aloof :annoyed_h4h:. Probably unfair : musicians are notorious monomaniacs :insane: and his fans are unlikely to be his mania when completing a record.

    Still, can't wait to have my breath taken away :wub2:!





  11. Ok, I see what you intend to make and it's going to be brilliant, but hard, I wish you luck.


    I hadn't noticed it the first time I read your post but yes, his gigs take your breath away. You realize that you were in apnoea only when he leaves the stage and you feel oxygen slowly flowing back through your lungs... scary but most enjoyable.


    Which concerts do you intend to go to ? Any one less than 3 000 miles from your place or London exclusively ?

    We're all daydreaming about the promised acoustic gigs and small venues... the man's a tease !



  12. Yep, still alive !

    Weather much milder and kids depressed with the thaw...





  13. Hi, dear !


    Hard to believe but true : 30 cm of snow on my terrace and people skiing to their offices as Marseilles is completely blocked. Less funny : people stranded all night long in their cars because the authorities got only one vehicle to free the motorways.

    Have gone to my school (40 miles from my place) and feels like a fool : many other teachers who live nearby stayed at home. But the kids seem happy to be tortured so it's worth the trouble, even if there are only a dozen pupils altogether.


    Hope to be able to go back home this afternoon ; not sure yet. Am leading such an adventurous life a the moment !





  14. Hi, dear !


    Hard to believe but true : 30 cm of snow on my terrace and people skiing to their offices as Marseilles is completely blocked. Less funny : people stranded all night long in their cars because the authorities got only one vehicle to free the motorways.

    Have gone to my school (40 miles from my place) and feels like a fool : many other teachers who live nearby stayed at home. But the kids seem happy to be tortured so it's worth the trouble, even if there are only a dozen pupils altogether.


    Hope to be able to go back home this afternoon ; not sure yet. Am leading such an adventurous life a the moment !





  15. A rather bleak new year for Lebanon... keep hoping.





  16. Can't believe you didn't :shocked: ! What happened ? Was Santa too drunk to find your chimney :naughty: or, being on the plump side, he couldn't reach you in M's pocket :wink2: ?


    Tell you what : in a PM give me an address where I can send you nice New Year chocs. Not your own address, obviously, or I might be tempted to stalk you :wub2: and then would find me on your doorstep at the same time as Sire and that would be sooooo embarrassing for us three :blush-anim-cl: ! But a friend's or your work one.





  17. Hi, Lena ! Hope you had a Merry Xmas :yay: and wish you a happy and peaceful New Year :newyear: .



  18. Hi, Lena ! Hope you ha

  19. From a chocolate love to another : hope you had a Merry Xmas and wish you a Happy New Year :newyear: !



  20. I hope Mika's MASSIVE fan had a merry Xmas and wish her a Happy New Year :newyear: !



  21. Hope the cows didn't get too drunk :drunk_sing: and you had a merry Xmas !


    Id3 :newyear:

  22. Merry Christmas, Sire :king: but don't get too drunk :yay: to keep up the good work :wink2: ...



  23. How sweet :no: of you to tease me : I was at school at 7.20 and first class at 8 o'clock.

    Wish France were as civilized as most European countries :wink2: : first class at 9 :thumb_yello: .


    When I deleted VMs I put a message on my wall to tell all my previous visitors that I had copied their posts before deleting them (which I had actually done).


    Back to the coalmine (ie : marking papers :bored: and writing reports :devil: on pupils).





  24. So you are actually considering blackmail :devil: ? I am :shocked: ! Thought you were a decent fellow :emot-sad: ...


    Good luck with the delete button, man :wink2: .


    And good night : early start tomorrow, alarm clock set to ring at 5.

    Bet they don't have lessons at such ungodly hours :mad: in your country ? They don't in Britain, that's for sure.





  25. You tick the square that appears to the right of your message, then you go down to the bottom of the page, there is a 'delete' window, you tick 'go' ; it might ask you why you want to delete it, just ignore and tick 'delete' again.


    On the other hand you might prefer to keep the message on your wall :naughty: and blackmail me :devil:. Not very moral I am afraid :no: , but what with Xmas coming up, we do need ext money, don't we :wink2: ?





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