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Status Updates posted by willywonka

  1. Done now, i was sick and tired of tomato juice...lol


    And i like trendy subjects like bunny being the new chicken...:naughty:

  2. Nope, you're right, i've ran out of tomatoes by now, i'm changing that on my profile...:naughty:

  3. Opa despacha la isso, um bocadinho todos os dias logo de manha que e quando o trabalho rende mais e depois do almoço fazes o que te apetecer...ou seja ronha lol

  4. Nao tou bem, sinto me mal, tudo me chateia e tou ca telha!

    Vou fazer captions ate me passar...ou assim...coise...


    Tu estas bem, espero? :huglove:

  5. Hey there! :bye:


    You can use whatever caption you need, that's what i make them for...:)

    Glad you like them and they're useful...

    And hey, I love Morocco, maybe we'll meet someday...:)

  6. I'm going now, have to take my kids to school at 7am...

    See you tomorrow Kath...:huglove:

  7. I do...very late...because i'm taking my cortisone medication for 2 weeks for my Chron's disease now and it gives me insomnia...

    Do YOU ever sleep? lol

  8. Gracias, guapa, i was not understanding!

  9. That's wot i'm asking?

    A message? wot message?

    There's nothing on twitter...:dunno:

  10. Ta, entao se ta tudinho, entao ta....:naughty:


    Doida eu sempre fui e nao ha tratamento...


    Quer dizer ha, mas doi...lol

  11. Oi, Luuuu!

    Fiquei a pensar no que tu disseste...

    Nao acho que esteja diferente...

    E se estiver espero que nao seja pra pior...

    Ou melhor, pior eu sempre fui...lol

  12. Yo!


    Yeah i sent you a friendship request...


    I'm fine, you should know me from Wonkaland..:naughty:

  13. Yo, girl...:bye:



    There's a new wonkaland thread, check it out...:naughty:

  14. Tnx, nonox!



  15. Wonkaland Part II - Da Blatant Sequel


    Tnx Nono...:huglove:

  16. Yo, Nono...:bye:


    Wonkaland got over 4000 posts so i opened a new one, but i got the title wrong...


    How can i correct it?



  17. Busy sleeping...It was 3am when you msged me...lol

    Busy days as summer's here to stay and children don't want to be at home, so it's basically park, garden, cinema, park, beach, cinema, garden, park, whatevah...:)

  18. Had to get your attention to something else so i could do all my thingies without you noticing it...:naughty:

  19. Ja la vai, milher...

  20. I'm nt sure we're following eachoher, twit me so i try to see if i see you....


    wot's your name there btw'??

  21. I know you did, and i know you already know i already know...:lmao:


    She wanted to call me but last time she did she got a huge mobile bill so i told her not to...


    I'm glad she had a blast...

  22. Wot did i do??? wot did i do????

    I'm peacefully reading gig threads....:naughty:

  23. Oh I am so sorry Nightingale, you'd have a ball together...:(

    There'll come the time...

  24. Yo, Rositaaaa guapaaa


    I'm afraid i don't have that pic but i'll ask in Wonkaland and i'll also ask DA...

    As for the letter i'll send it to you tonight, busy busy busy here with chidren's last tests at school...

    Luv ya


    C U later

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